Thankful Thursday

We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful Mom went to IKEA yesterday and stocked up on mice and rats. We will use some in giveaways. I iz mad she went to Cheesecake Factory and didn’t bring me any cheesecake though.

Here is my poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day to go with this photo. Gremmie and I wrote it together.

A bike for one,
sure that is fun.
A bike for two
has room for me and you.
How about a bike for three?
All pedal fast if we see a bee.
And how about a bike for four?
That would never be a bore.
But, a bike for five?
That would be fun to drive.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and our co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. I have _______________ for  ____________.
2. _________________ make me _____________________.
3. I’m surprised that _________.
4. To make a long story short, _________.


  1. That is a great poem. Wouldn’t it be something to see a bike for 5?! I’m sorry you didn’t get cheesecake. I would be upset, too. I love, love cheesecake.

    Thanks for the fill-ins, Ellen. 🙂

  2. How cool that your human stocked up on the IKEA mice and rats! My human doesn’t go to Cheesecake factory ever since they started putting their calorie counts in the menus!

  3. Say that’s a GREAT poem for the photo today! That bike for five needs some baskets on the handlebars to accommodate all of you – imagine that – a whole TRAIN of kitties from 15andmeowing! As for your Mom’s RATFEST at Ikea – that’s very impressive. A huge load of mice and you’d better grab a few and run before she gives them all away………

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Joanie, and Gremmie, this is one of your best poems. Made me smile this morning… love “All peddle fast if we see a bee”… 🙂 OhMyGosh, the rats and mice! You look overwhelmed in only the best way, Joanie! Ooooo, cheesecake sounds very good this morning!!!!!

  5. It’s good to be thankful. Every single day of the week.

    Cheesecake? I want some.

    Love the poem. I’m trying to imagine a bicycle for five.

    I’m already for Friendly Fill-ins.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  6. Wow, a bike for five. That is really something. And just look at all those great mice. Some fun will be had around the house now. Cheese cake is just the best. Maybe next time.

  7. The rats strike again! We’ve been waiting to see if you’d be bringing the rats back this year, and you sure didn’t disappoint. This here human has some Halloween giveaways to post on our blog, she just needs to get her act together to start them up next week. Oh, and of course, your poem is wonderful! I have never tried a tandem bike, and I’m thinking I wouldn’t be very good at it. Happy Thursday!

    1. I wouldn’t be good at a tandem, I can’t even ride a regular one anymore. I love those IKEA mice and they are so cheap. Happy Thursday!

  8. joanie; ewe rited an awesum poem two day N ya haz sum grate “guestz”
    they due knot seem scared…at all !!!!!! 🙂 😉 ♥♥

  9. You are all going to have a lot of fun with those mice for sure. Bummer on the cheesecake, not even a lick?

    We loved your poem. Mom once had a stroller for three and a wagon for three when the twin grands and their cousin grand were all babies and Mom took care of them – only three months between the three!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. No, not even a lick. A stroller for 3- wow! Your mom is amazing to have watched 3 little ones at the same time.

  10. I like da poem about bicycles. A bike for Budd and me’s would be nice but it would have to be short. A wee bike for two. A bike with Shoko would end up in a fight. Very nice poem. It had me’s picture a bike for five. Now that one would be rough.


  11. Oh! My COD!!! Joanie — Look at those Mice and Rats!
    Totally pawsome! I shall have to send Mom to Ikea…what do you mean that Ninja and me have too many already!!!
    One can never have enough Mice and Rats you agree don’t you!

  12. Oh, Joanie, petcretary is so envious about all those rodents you have there, MOL! The nearest IKEA is a good two hours drive from here, and the one she visits more, is in Ontario near to her sister’s place…so a full day’s drive:(

    That is a cute poem about all the ways to ride a bike.

  13. Look at all those toys! Wow! Our mom went to IKEA recently and saw someone at the check out with these cute kitty rattles. i wonder if those would make good toys?

    1. I bought some of those rattles for my great niece who was with us 🙂 They are so cute, one side is smiling and the other side is sleeping.

  14. Our Mom said she would be upset too if she didn’t get any cheesecake 🙂
    Purrs to you for a great week.

  15. We read the words before we saw the picture and thought you had bought real mice and rats. We weren’t sure humans would appreciate receiving a real rat in the mail. Now we see that they are the human-friendly version. Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty

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