Tea Time

Happy Friday everyone! Today is book recommendation day and I have a great book for you , but it doesn’t contain a cat. It is about a woman who starts out as a poor single mom with a very sick child and works hard to build a tea business.

Life By The Cup by Zhena Muzyka was fantastic. I am recommending it because she gives us a lesson in each chapter about how to follow your dreams. I am sure we all have similar dreams to save cats and improve the lives of all of them. Her lessons are explained through how she slowly grew her tea business, but we can apply these lessons to our own lives.

I am a coffee drinker and usually only drink tea when I am sick, but this book left me craving for tea.It was like a gypsy spell was cast on me and I had to have some tea.  I finally got to a store that sells her Gypsy Tea and it is so good. I bought a sampler package for $5.99 at  Wegmans ( Whole Foods carries it too),  a little pricier than some, but affordable. It is pricier because it is truly organic-she literally traveled the world to find fair trade tea.

Each chapter explains a particular flavor so I recommend you get a sampler so you can be sipping as you are reading, I wish I had done that. 006Lucy is recommending The Best Cat Book Ever because we won some postcards:004I would like to thank who we won them from, but several cat blogs were raffling them off so we don’t know who we won them from. If it was your blog, please let us know so we can give you a shout out ( or meow out).

Please visit us tomorrow or over the weekend for the last chance to win those turkey legs. Phoebe can’t wait to visit you all on Sunday.

Pet Parade with Rascal and Rocco


  1. I know someone won those turkey legs, and concatulations to them. ❤️ They will quickly become a big favorite.

  2. I love to read will see if I can get it for my kindle. I love coffee at least 4 cups per day but on cold nights will steep a nice pot of tea also sip tea from a china tea cup for best flavor.

    1. Nice to see you visiting, it has been a while. I will have to send some samples of this tea for you the next time I see Leeann. I got the book from the library, but I think it is in Kindle too.

  3. Pawsum posty. Glad yous found sum tea yous like. Mommy sez hers luvs hot tea, but like yous hers duz luv dat coffee too. MOL Altho hers rarely gets to sit and enjoy a nice hot cup as it seems da minute it’s weady weez suddenly want hers fur sumfin’. hehehe

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. You should let your mom enjoy it while it is hot- that would be very sweet and I know you are both sweet kitties.

  4. TW loves tea during the night. She makes tea before going to bed and keeps it on the night table. It’ something she started doing last time she was sick. She never heard of Gypsy tea. Is it good? Personally I prefer turkey legs.

    1. I have tried the Gypsy Rose flavor and the Raspberry of the Gyppsy tea. They were good, but not really any better than Celestial or Twinnings.

  5. My human really does not like tea! In fact, she only tolerates coffee when it is loaded down with extra flavoring and sugar. She hopes she can follow her dreams using energy drinks.

    Can you see what a handful I have with her?

    1. Yes, Summer, but you are doing a great job. Send her to me, I have converted many to coffee.

  6. Sounds like a good book but my mum can’t drink tea at all. It makes her nauseous, always has done since childhood. She loves a good strong cup of coffee though and drinks several a day.

    1. That is too bad your mum can’t have tea, good thing she can have coffee- that is the best 🙂 It is like catnip to me.

    1. I got the book from the library- I am a cheapie. I highly recommend drinking the tea while reading 🙂

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