Dr. Catsby’s Bowl for Whisker Fatigue

Hi everyone! I will announce the giveaway winner today, but first I have a review.

009Do you suffer from whisker fatigue?

You know what I mean, when it is hard to eat out of your bowl because your whiskers get squished. We were lucky to get a free Dr. Catsby’s Bowl for Whisker Fatigue in exchange for a fair review.

009 Millie loves it and as you can see his whiskers have lots of room.

011Joanie got to try it and she liked it too.

It is easy to clean stainless steel which is better than plastic that can cause acne. And there is a nice rubber bottom so it won’t slide around.


You can get one for $19.99 on Dr. Catsby’s website

My Mom and Dad are going out to lunch today so my Grammie is going to come watch us. Yipee! I love my Grammie so very much.

And the lucky winner of our giveaway is McGuffy’s Reader –Congratulations!


  1. Well, I never heard of whisker fatigue. I wonder if men with beards get this. *wink*
    Cool bowl. I like the non-skid bottom.

    Thank you for the win. You have great giveaways. But, we would love you even without them! ❤

    1. Awww…you are very sweet. I love you too. My husband used to grow a beard in the winter, but hasn’t in years, he never complained of whisker fatigue 🙂

  2. Mom thinks I may get whisker fatigue but she isn’t sure. They use Corelle bowls and plates and alternate between them, depending onwhat I eat from best.

    Concats to the winners.

  3. Oh, they’d love if Granny could come over!

    About the bowls: for some weird reason, my cats can’t / don’t want to eat from bowls. So they have small plates instead. I was first a bit irritated, but I soon realized that the small bowls are also better for me: easier to staple, easier to put in the dishwasher. 🙂

    1. I bet they had whisker fatigue- depending on how wide the bowl was. Plates are a good idea. I wish I had a dishwasher- I am the dishwasher 🙂

  4. I’ve never heard of whisker fatigue either. I’ve eaten of plates ever since I got acne from plastic bowls when I was a kittenager. Concats to McGuffy’s Reader on their win!!!! Purrs for Penny

    1. A lot of cats get acne at any age from the plastic bowls. Penny has a photo for Friday for you.

  5. We like the idea – as anything which avoids fatigue is good but methinks there’s one big problem – it is not a very big bowl! Twice the diameter would be even less fatigue. Hehehehe.

  6. That’s a nice bowl! Rubber bottom is a good idea…….clever! Hope your Mom and Dad have a fun lunch out – I know you’ll enjoy having your Grammie there to kitty-sit you all!

    Hugs, Sammy

  7. Concats to McGuffy’s Reader!
    That is a great bowl and the non slip base is a good idea. I hope your mum and dad enjoy their lunch. I know you will enjoy your Grammie coming to watch you. I hope she brings treats.

  8. I love this idea for a bowl! I know some of my kitties won’t eat out of bowls that bump their whiskers, so I’ll definitely have to look into this.

    Concatulations to McGuffy’s Reader! Purrs!

  9. guys….furst up make sure mom & dad bring home a cat bag for ewe all; next conga ratz two chloe jo & crew on winnin de prize package and last but knot leest, thanx for sharin bout de bowl ….we will hafta chex it out !!! 🙂 ♥♥♥

    pea ezz…phoebe…may bee ewe can talk grammie outta…. 2 dollarz…. two day !! …ya think !! 🙂 ♥♥♥

    1. Mom and Dad were piggies and had no leftovers- phooey! I bet you would like the bowl.

  10. The way Angel and Chuck go at their food, I’m pretty sure they have no distress! But we use low-profile Corning Sidekicks. However, having a rubbery something on the bottom is a good idea.

  11. You have quite a nice bowl there. We love the stainless steel bowls with the rubber grips, too! We hope you have fun with your grandma today and that your humans enjoy their lunch date.

    1. They had fun and we did too- Grammie gave out treats twice and she isn’t stingy like Mom. She gives a bunch at once instead of 2.

  12. It took mom several kitties but she has finally tried to make sure my whiskers are free to wiggle and enjoy themselves while I nom. xox

  13. Dr. Catsby’s bowl is really cool! We just got one too, but we haven’t tried it out yet. It looks like it worked well for you guys. Your whiskers look great (and not touched at all)! 🙂

  14. I eat my canned food out an antique(it belonged to my human sis when she was a wee girl) Winnie the Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore plate it is flat so now whisker fatigue.
    Hugs madi your bfff

    1. I don’t think that counts as an antique-MOL! I am glad you don’t get whisker fatigue.

  15. Dat’s a pawsum plate. Me likes stainless steel and sis Lexi eats outta da china. Hope y’all have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  16. Hurrah fur Lady Ann winnin thee contest!
    An whiskurr fateegue??? Mew mew mew…..
    Purrincess Phoebe yur lookin speshelly purrty tonite.
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~
    Yur funny littul Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  17. Yippee…we are so excited that our friends Stella, Chloe Jo, Griselda, George and Maggie won your giveaway. We’d never heard of Dr. Catsby or seen a bowl like that previously. It isn’t fun to have squished whiskers so it looks great. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Elevated would be a great idea, I didn’t think of that. I thought the price was fair, but I didn’t check the shipping.

    1. I can’t wait to see if you liked it. We will pass on the giveaway even though I need 12 more so someone else can have a chance to get one.

  18. I have never before heard of this thing you call Whisker Fatigue but… But I do know I prefer to drink my niptinis… What’s that, Peepers? FINE. Water. I do know I prefer to drink my water from the bigger bowl that’s really wide. You think that’s due to this Whisker Fatigue of which you speak? purrs

    1. I do think that is why you prefer a wider bowl so your whiskers don’t get squished. This seems to bother some cats more than others.

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