Contest, Cat Books and My Trip to IKEA

Friday already- hello to my loyal readers and welcome to new ones. My trip to IKEA went well,but I am beginning to doubt my sanity. Almost everything I bought was for the cats. I would never buy furniture in there, I look for that on Craigslist because it will be cheaper and assembled. 007This is Joanie and Lucy checking out the loot. I got a fleece throw for $1.99, toy mice and a rat ( not sure why those are in the children’s toys), a frame  and a hook that looks like a cat’s butt.

Now for books: I have 2 for you and Lucy has one. 005Lucy is a fan of French Cats Don’t Get Fat, that may be true, but my cats are all rather plump 🙂 I am recommending another older one : . The Cat Who Traveled the World by Chris Wren is about a cat who went overseas with her foreign correspondent owner and their adventures.

Now that I am taking a class on illustrating children’s books, I have been looking for books on drawing cats.  In case you want to find your inner artist or just draw your cats then Draw 50 Cats by Lee J. Ames is a good choice: .

And last, but not least-the contest: I am giving away a set of 2 mice and a snake ( from IKEA) along with a laser pointer ( not pictured): 008Just comment today, tomorrow or Sunday and you will be entered. I will announce a winner on Monday- Good luck and have a nice weekend.



    1. I am happy to hear you spoil your pets too. I checked out your blog too- very nice 🙂

  1. Oh, the IKEA rats are the BEST TOYS EVER! Our people bought a single one a long time ago and we fought over who would make it theirs. So they brought two more home and we’ll admit to ignoring most of the hundreds, maybe thousands, of toys in our toy basket over playing with our rats day and night. A couple of us even carry them around the house while talking because, as everyone knows, rats have good listening ears! Have a fun, toy-filled weekend! Purrs….

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