Coloring on Saturday

Hi everyone! How many of you like to color? I have several cat coloring books, but never have time to color. I hope to have a chance soon. If you are looking for some fun and festive pages to color, please visit this Etsy site. For one price you can download a high resolution image as often as you want. These are made by the designer of my blog logo and you all know how cute that is.

Today’s word for the #JHC is Knock, Knock:

dscf2694Knock Knock! dscf2671Who’s there?

Phoebe: Boo!

Snowball: Boo Who?

019Don’t cry Snowball, I love you!

We don’t technically have art today, but we told you about coloring pages so we are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop.

Phoebe is starting a Day of the Dead themed giveaway tomorrow so be sure to stop by.




  1. Oh, Mom got on to this coloring for adults thing last year. She thought her friends were nuts (we still think they are, hehe), but they forced her to try it. So now, when they’re meeting or talking in the phone, they color together. They think it’s great, we think they should focus more on us. πŸ˜€

    1. That sounds like fun to get together to color. I agree, she should focus more on the 2 of you though.

  2. No time to color here but my Mom — USED to have time to do oil painting and drawing back before I got so old and fussy!!! You all look ready for Halloween at your house…….

    Hugs, Sammy

  3. M was thinking about getting one, and now she says she’d better do it. They certainly do have some pretty pictures available to work with. Awww, we love your snuggling picture.

    1. Thank you for checking out the Etsy store. And Phoebe and Snowball are glad you like their snuggly photo.

  4. We love the style of art that the artist used for your blog logo. It’s so cute! We’ll definitely be checking out their Etsy store. And we think that you two are just too cute, Phoebe and Snowball! Purrs!

  5. Snowball, thta was a good knock knock joke! πŸ™‚

    Coloring is fun and relaxing. Like you, we struggle to find the time, but love it when we do. πŸ™‚

  6. Mom loves coloring, she has a lot of books but no time. (mom favorite your friends Etsy shop)
    We had your package and thank you so much, mom will take foto’s of the lovely TARDIS and other gifts. Mom loves the socks.

    Thousand time thanks

    1. I am so glad you actually got this package- YAY! Those socks look like you. I hope the buttons stayed on the TARDIS. THank you for favoriting the etsy shop.XO

  7. Mom does color some. She did it for awhile all the time but put it down. She goes from thing to thing sometimes. Have to check out Etsy!

  8. Knock, knock!
    Who’s there?
    Police who?
    Police stop with the knock knock jokes!

    Not really, i enjoy them and i enjoy your cats!

  9. “BOO Who; do not cry!!”
    Oh Purrincess Phoebe not onlee are you a beeutee an clevurr; you have a grate sense of humer!!!!!
    Mew mew mew……
    All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** yur Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. TW is right with you having no time to color. She’d love to try. She has a color app on the ipawd that she’s used a couple of times but I won’t let her post them for Caturday art.

  11. You are the Art, Phoebe and Snowball πŸ˜‰ Granny doesn’t give herself time to coloring. She has made only one picture in almost a year…without my help πŸ˜€ Pawkisses for a relaxed day πŸ™‚ <3

    1. That is sweet. I want to color, but by the time I finish blogging, I have to crochet a few toys and then it is bed time.

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