Chewy Review

Hi everyone! We are reviewing Nature’s Variety Instinct Raw Boost Minis Chicken Variety Freeze-Dried Cat Treats.

Disclaimer: We received these free from Chewy in exchange for a fair review. All opinions are our own.

We are always excited to get a Chewy box: DSCF0610

DSCF0610Phoebe didn’t like them.


DSCF0777Millie and Miss Piggy Joanie loved them.  Sammy liked themDSCF0779 

DSCF0780 Snowball did and so did

Prancie DSCF0778

Everyone liked them except for Phoebe and KaTwo ( she only eats her dry food). Even Spooky was eating them at first, but right now he changes his mind a lot. We will count him as a like though for 12 out of 14 kitties liking them.

Some may find them too big, but they can be crumbled easily and added to the top of canned food or given as a treat. They are on sale at Chewy for $7.19 for a 2.25 oz. bag.

We are joining Oz the Terrier and Golden Woofs for the Chewy Blog Hop.



  1. Those were a hit at your house! Here, not so much. No matter how much Mommy wants us to like freeze dried foods we don’t. We’re picky. We’re cats! 🙂

  2. We haven’t tried those yet. We also haven’t tried our selection for this month. They are huge chunks, and Mom knows she’s going to have to cut them up to get us to even look at them. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. Phoebe you are like us, we rarely eat treats…so now meowmy doesn’t even offer us any of the anymore, MOL! She’s happy we…well, Pipo eats his noms…and happier yet that at least Minko doesn’t chuck his up too much…

    1. Phoebe just didn’t like these, Party Mix and Temptations , she loves. Does Minko eat too fast? I know Joanie throws up often because she inhales her food.

      1. No Minko only eats what meowmy feeds him…by hand on a spoon…he throws up if he doesn’t get fed in a timely manner because then he gets too much acid…hence he gets pepcid and prilosec alternating…and fed three times a day at least…and his prednisolone, and vitamins and B12 shots…phew!
        (of course he also throws up if he sneaks outside and eats too much grass…sigh…)

        1. Spooky is having the acid problem now and gets pepcid too, it does seem to help. What does the prilosec do?

          1. It is a longer acting anti acid pill. Its a once a day thing, whereas the Pepcid is twice a day.

            Pepcid 10mg tablet cut in quarters, 2.5 mg a dose.

            Prilosec 20 mg tablet, cut in quarters; 5mg a dose. Prilosec also comes in a form with granules in a capsule those are horrible to measure out. Its a lot easier to cut a tablet than measure grains the size of dust:)

          2. I have been doing the pepcid 2.5 mg dose once a day, good to know we can go to twice if needed.

  4. Lucky cats to get a whole box full of treats! Artemis our boat cat doesn’t really like treats. She prefers some fresh fish flakes, or a nice lizard, or a beetle – when she is ashore, that is, I hope we never find those on our boat!

  5. Simon’s not happy that you called his sweetheart ‘Miss Piggy’ but he’s glad you crossed it out and put her real name. I told him to get over himself. Joanie’s probably like BobbieSue – she’s a little Miss Piggy, too! We haven’t had those treats but they sound yummy!! Love to all and pawkisses to our sweethearts!

    1. Joanie is so happy she has a boy to defend her. If he had to share a meal with her though, he would be calling her the same thing 🙂 XO and love to all of you

  6. I’m sure it’s exciting to get a box of “who knows what” from Chewy……these sound like an overall hit….I’ve never eaten anything freeze-dried before but then I’m just about the pickiest cat in the universe!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I got that idea that you are pretty picky Sammy. Maybe you would love these and surprise your Mom. XO

  7. 12 out of 14 paws up sounds like a pretty good rating! My kitties are not huge treat fans, but I intend on trying some of the treats I’ve seen reviewed lately in hopes that maybe one of them will be a winner at my house. Thanks for sharing this great review with us! Purrs!

  8. guys….thatz a grate number tho….12 outta 14 !!! none oh uz will eat freeze dried any thing…knot even bonito flakes….. 🙂 hope two dayz a grate day for all ♣♣♣♣♣

  9. Yummy I just had my din-din but now I’m hungry again.
    Yep we do celebrate our bdays for a month here. MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. We recently started using Chewy for some Pumpkin meals for Rumpy Bump. Great service.
    These look like tasty treats we want to try. Thanks for a good review

  11. Mee sweet buttercup mee not like freeze dried treetss at all…they are icky!
    Wee sure have simmylar tastess….
    Yur Fursibss can eat them an you can have yur Pawty Mix Phoebe 😉
    ***paw kissesss*** yur fuzzy Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Good plan 🙂 Mom won’t let me do that, but Grammie just might. I love her so very much and I love you too my sweet. XO

    1. I wish you had Chewy there too, I imagine shipping would be too costly from the US.

  12. Looks like overall, those were a hit! We think we’ve finally taught the mamma not to raise her paw to test drive treats on us – we’re just not the treat-eatin’ kind!

  13. 12 out of 14 seems like a good average 🙂 We will see if we can find these treats here in Vancouver . Mitalee can be picky about treats (actually, she doesn’t eat them!) but maybe these treats will entice her 🙂 Thanks for the review!

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Good luck finding them. KaTwo won’t eat treats either and she wouldn’t eat these.XO


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