Caturday Saturday

Hi everyone. I brought Noel to the vet yesterday and the vet thinks Noel has cancer. I had her do a needle aspirate to be sure, but I won’t have the results until next week. If she does have cancer, I will need to find out if it has spread and if it could be removed. Thank you for all the purrs and prayers.

This is art of Noel that I made last year.

We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and The Pet Parade

I made a puzzle with it, it took me 14 minutes 28 seconds- I am sure you can all beat that.

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  1. I’m sorry. Hopefully it’s localized in that one spot. Purr prayers continue.

  2. Oh Ellen, what a terrible multiple dilemma! Please take some time out for some thoughtful decisions, and include your vet in the decisions. ❤🐱

  3. We have our fingers crossed that if it is cancer, it might be easily removed or treated. Sending Noel hugs!

    Love, Teddy

  4. That’s what I was waiting for. News of Noel. Noel, thinking of you every minute! XXX

  5. Aww, Noel. I am going to be praying and hoping that it is not cancer and if it is, a treatment of whatever kind the vet thinks best will get rid of it or keep it in check so she can live a quality life. Fingers crossed. So sorry, Ellen.

  6. My heart cries for you and Noel. I pray that no matter the turn out that you and Noel will be comforted through it all.

  7. We are very sorry to hear about Noel. Sending all our best thoughts and prayers that it hasn’t spread and can be removed.

  8. Oh I am so sorry. I was hoping to come by today and hear good news. Will keep sweet Noel in our purrs and prayers.

  9. We are so sorry to hear this about Noel, and are sending many warm thoughts and lots of prayers. We will hope the vet is wrong!

  10. Purrs and prayers for Noel. We were sorry to hear about her condition. We’re hoping for the best.
    Sending lots of love.
    Grady Lewis and Joan

  11. Charlee: “Hiss, we hate cancer!”
    Chaplin: “It’s not one of the good ‘c’ words, like ‘cat’, or ‘catnip’, or ‘can we have dinner now?'”
    Charlee: “We send lots of purrs for good news about Noel.”
    Lulu: “And I send tail wags!”

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