Cats’ Letters to Santa- Part 3

Hi everyone! Here is part 3 ( of 3) of the cats’ letters to Santa. They re not clear to read in the photos so you can read them under each photo.

Jinx: I want the usual- a glitter ball. Thank you.

Drake: I have all I need. I think you should bring my old family coal though. In 2 and a half years, they haven’t even asked about me.

Brody: I want my own bag of treats. I will share with Trouble though Thank you.

Polar Bear: I am still waiting for the venison I asked you for last year.

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.


  1. Well here’s hoping past wishes are granted this year AND everyone shares with each other and has a super duper Christmas!!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. Hi Ellen, I’m stopping by to wish you and your human and feline families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the new year bring you lots of joy and hapinness 🙂

  3. Grate ketterss Kittiess!! Mee just wantss peece an quiet fore LadyMew an mee!
    **purrsss** BellaDharma
    Pee S: Miss Ellen LadyMew sent you an email ree-ply butt it bounced back twice an will not send it to you. Wee are sorry! THE photoess of THE Grate One an Joanie are priceless!!!

  4. Daisy Mae gave me her list to Santa Paws. She wants her Classic Chicken Fancy Feast(which is impossible because they don’t make it anymore) and she wants the love of her furever family(which she has all year around) .
    We love each cat’s list.

  5. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaw Those are great letter. Drake, don’t you worry ’bout your old family, you have a new one now and you’ll never be unluvved again. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  6. WTF Drake? (Sorry I know its meant to be Christmas but REALLY?) I am so glad you have Miss Ellen and family. Sheesh everyone come ON!!!!

    Venison?? Well, a meal a day sounds good, two meals a day sounds epic.


    Merry Christmas.

  7. I just love seeing what all you kitties want for Christmas. We’re so glad you all have such a happy home, but we’re sure Santa Paws will bring you some extra goodies. After all, you’re such good kitties!

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