Black Cat Appreciation Day

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day! We love our black cats.




And all our angels

Tallulah and Noel

Jinx and Spooky


We love the official spokescat for Black Cat Appreciation Day, BellaDharma . Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day to all our friends out there including Julie. Manny, Chili Brice Sweetie, Ernie, Pandora, Trixie and Spike. If I forgot you, please let me know.

Comedy Plus


and we join the Cat Blogosphere hop every day


    1. I was so happy to see you on the badge. You are the perfect spokes cat for Black Cat Appreciation Day. XO

  1. I love black cats and tuxedos. They have really goofy personalities and do funny things. We’ve had five over the years, all angels now. Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!

  2. Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day to all! Ellen you have some lovely black cats and black cat angels. Our black cats are Franklin, Boss, and Moonpie, and we have a blk and eye tuxie, Spooky. I love seeing BellaDharma there on the badge. Very nice! XO

  3. I’ve always thought black cats were gorgeous – like little panthers – sleek and shiny. We appreciate all cats of course but black cats are real beauties. Hope Drake and Trouble have an extra special day today !

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Well, we ‘liked’ your post but it wouldn’t record the message, probably our internet goofed. As far as forgetting any other black kitties, you only forgot HALF of me, haha. That was a joke..okay, I’ll try to be better. LOVE YOUR BLACK DARLINGS. You must have very good luck!

  5. I don’t have a black cat or any cat for that matter, so I’ll just have to appreciate yours from afar. Is Trouble posing for the next edition of Hot Catz? Trouble is thinking, “I could be the centerfold with this pose.” lol

  6. Drake and Trouble there look like the total complete and undeniable bosses! I mean it. What poses and what expressions!

  7. Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!!!!
    Trouble and Drake are looking mighty fine 🙂
    So nice to see so many black cats in the Blogosphere.
    We are just like any other cat. We just happen to have black fur 🙂
    Purrs, Julie

      1. I have tried to leave a comment on your website yesterday 8/17 & today 8/18, and it keeps telling me there is an error, Deborah

        1. Sorry about that. WordPress is being difficult as I have trouble on some wp blogs too. XO

          1. Thank you! I saw your art for tomorrow and it is beautiful! Until WP fixes the problem I’ll have to comment this way! 🙂 <3

  8. I love black kitties the very best. So precious.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Scritches all around. xoxo ♥

  9. How precious! I ADORE black cats. When we were looking to adopt our last cat, we were hoping for a black cat. But we didn’t find one. We did end up with our beautiful calico but I’m always open to a black cat. They are the last to be adopted and often passed over because of silly superstitions! xo

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