Black Cat Appreciation Day

We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and The Pet Parade. Today is a special day to celebrate black cats everywhere. They are least likely to be adopted from shelters. I am the proud mom to four and I have two angels too. I used Pizap to make a collage of my four.

  Noel is sticking her foot out, Drake is in his bed, Jinx is being held by his Dad and Trouble is on the rug.

Then I went to Fotor and made the collage into art. I also made it into  a puzzle ( see below)

And to celebrate Black Cat Appreciation Day we are having a giveaway.

Noel is posing with the prizes. A catnip mat with black cats printed on it, 2 black cat clips that can be used to hold bags of food shut and a gray mousie from IKEA. All you have to do it comment on this post before Monday at 9PM (EST). Sorry I can only afford to ship in the USA. If you do not live in the USA, you can enter and if you win, pick a friend from the USA . If you live in a country that says you need to do something to enter, put the answer to 5+7 in your comment.

My Angel Spooky

And Angel Tallulah



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  1. Those are all beautiful black kitties. We love black cats here, too. 🙂 We’ve had quite a few over the years. Angels Mittens and Xerxes were our tuxedo kitties. Boba is our black kitty with tabby striping (lighter black on very black), and Drac has faint striping, too. Angels Charcoal and Kris were solid black. We also had three black and white ones that were not tuxedos named Bagels and his daughters Tuna and Bagel Bites. Black kitties are great!

    Those giveaway prizes are very nice.

    That is a great piece of art. I look forward to doing the puzzle shortly. 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Thank you. Black cats are special. Every one we have /had has been a love. Thanks for doing the puzzle. XO

  2. Lovely photos of your black cats and Angels.
    I once had 3 brothers who were born semi feral. We trapped them when they were about 2 months old. One became a real softie from the beginning, the second was untouchable for about 3 years when he got trapped by his neck in a garden gate. I nursed him better and he recovered from the nerve damage and I became his best friend and he followed me everywhere.
    The third was a tuxie and he never let me touch him until the last year of his life, although he would stand beside me when I fed them. He lived to 17.
    The art is lovely, and thanks for the puzzle.

    1. Thank you 🙂 Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day! They all sound sweet in their own ways. XO

  3. That’s a wonderful and very artsy collage with your four STARS of the day! Black kitties are so beautiful – our shelter has a lot of them looking for homes and we always worry about them because we know black kitties are often overlooked for adoption. That’s just SAD. HAPPY BLACK KITTY DAY!

    Love, Teddy

  4. Spooky…I miss you VERY much. You were a special suitor and one of my finest. I never will forget you and I will miss you always. Tallulah, you beautiful girl…I remember you very well. XXXXX

  5. We love all black kitties and yours are so handsome and pretty. That is a super bit of black cat art and puzzle too. Thanks for the wonderful contest!
    Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day
    Toby Tomcat

  6. Happy black cat appreciation. I love all kittens/cats not just black cats. Heck, what am I talking about I’m a animal lover even though I’m not crazy about snakes. Your black cats are beautiful.
    I love the the prize for the giveaway. I really want to win. Please enter me. The gifts are excellent. You always have such wonderful contests. OH I HOPE I Win. Thanks Again.

  7. We’re big fans of housepanthers here. And yours are so beautiful!

    Gracie and Ava are both black kitties, as was Gracie’s littermate, our angel Zoe. Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!

  8. It is wonderful to see your Black Cats.

    Black cats are something extraordinarily special and need to be adopted first not last!

    Happy BCAD!!!

  9. The powerful fourth, they are all so beautiful and that leather yellie beans look so delicious 😀 We’re off to the puzzle soon, great artwork btw. You did a great work on my puzzles lately, miss Ellen, Granny is now last winner all the time…MOL 😀 Extra Pawkisses to all of you🐾😽💞

  10. I think that is so nice of you to do. What fantastic prizes.
    Would love to win that for my cat Daisy Mae. Granted she’s not a pure black cat but is a Tuxedo cat that has black fur with splashes of white that look like paint droplets and streaks.
    Please enter me and here’s hoping I win.
    Thanks a bunch.

  11. Charlee: “Hello, pretty black kitties!”
    Chaplin: “Hey, we’re black cats too. Sort of. We should find Mama and Dada and make them appreciate us.”
    Lulu: “You’re Tuxedo cats. And how could they possibly appreciate you more?”
    Chaplin: “Treats.”
    Charlee: “Belly rubs.”
    Lulu: “Ooh, good plan. I’ll help.”

  12. Don’t enter us since we don’t have any kitties right now. 🙁
    Love seeing all your black cats! Sam was only our second black cat, but I would get another one in a heartbeat, especially since they need homes more (not that I really understand that).

  13. You kitties are proof that black cats are beautiful and purrfect! I am so bad and failed to prepare a post dedicated to Black Cat Appreciation Day. Our housemates Toby and Winky are very upset with me over that. Shame on me! Now, I’m off to go do the fun puzzle you created for us. Purrs!

  14. 😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺

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