Its Back to School Week-Contest Anyone?

Happy Labor Day to my U.S. readers and Happy Labour Day to my Canadian readers- Happy Monday to everyone else! Its a holiday, but I am starting my ” Back to School ” theme week today. Here are the kitties waiting for the bus: 014016Looks like only one can fit on the bus.

Actually today is fun and games day so here is a pattern for an apple to crochet: . Just add catnip and it will be a great toy for your kitty. I aplogize to those of you that don’t crochet. I did find a cute pencil to knit, I wish I knew how. Here it is: . I would cute the yarn off at the tip though for safety.

And for Back to School week , we have a contest. Last week at the Vera Bradley outlet, I got this great package of pencils in the Barcelona print: 018 I will also make some crocheted catnip apples for the kitties. Just make a comment this week sometime to be entered. I will pick a winner Saturday. Thanks for reading everyone and enjoy the rest of your day.


    1. I got it at AC Moore for $7.49, not sure what to do with it now that I used it as a prop. I may give it to someone with a kid to store papers in.

  1. that’s a furry kyoot school bus. mommer thanks you fur the apple pattern; maybe we will get some!!

    when the yellow busses start rollin’, we allus amember when our furriend skeezy’s disappointment when he din’t get to go onna short bus.

    1. You’re welcome. I am glad your kitties are enjoying everything. I would give you the bus if it didn’t cost so much to mail. If you have an AC Moore near you though, they are cheap.

    1. Tell your mom to get over to AC Moore – do you have those craft stores near you? That is where the bus is from.

  2. Happy Labor Day to you too! We bet two of us kitties could fit in that school bus, cause you know how we like scrunching up in boxes. Our mom doesn’t do yarn crafts but we wish she did!

    1. I bet you could fit 2 kitties in the box as you are probably normal sized as opposed to our super sized kitties.

  3. OMC We hav nevew heard of designer pencils afur. Do they write diffewent? MOL Yous make sum pawwsum nip toys. Fanks and Happy Labor day to yous too.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  4. Wow, a bus that opens up into a box, that’s cool…did you kitties take turns? Hope y’all had a great holiday day today and those catnip crochet apples do sound great!

    1. Lucy is the only one that got inside. I took it away after because I didn’t want the top to fall and bonk them on the head.

  5. Love the kitty cat schoolbus! Very cute………..and that box of colorful pencils to celebrate back to school is way cool too……………I have to admit though I’m glad I’m not having to go back to school…..I’d rather SLEEP!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I agree with you Sammy, I would never want to go back to school. Well, I would like to take a class on using wordpress and computer stuff though.

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