Yellow Submarine

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and Rascal and Rocco’s Pet Parade. Today is also Y day for The A-Z Blogging Challenge.

I used lunapic cartoon effect on a photo of KaTwo posing with the crocheted yellow submarine. I like how it makes the submarine stand out. Monday is the last day of the challenge and after that, I will be having a giveaway of all the crocheted items.

I did not get a chance to bring Trouble to get spayed this week, but she will go Tuesday and I will have her FELV/FIV tested. Hopefully, after she heals she can fit right in. She is a sweetie, it is Sammy I worry about causing a problem, but I am hoping he will be more accepting of a female than he has been with Brody. Although, for the most part, he coexists with Brody.


  1. That yellow submarine is just ADORABLES! We will hope that Trouble’s checkup and surgery goes well and that she fits right in with everyone. I bet Sammy will come around…..Trouble is so cute and I bet she will win everyone’s hearts over in no time!

    Love, Teddy

  2. That is lovely art.
    I Didn’t know about Trouble as I haven’t been commenting as much anywhere just lately. I went back and read about her. You are a real angel the way you rescue and give homes to those in need. I hope her spay goes well and all her tests are good.

  3. We are so glad that you took trouble in and we so thank you for doing that. She is just so cute. Hope all goes well for her and you too. Have a great Saturday.

  4. Oh we’re just loving the yellow submarine, in fact I think we should get a submarine – don’t think we have one in the bunker yet! MOL

    We hope that Trouble’s is ok and her VET visit goes well, mew guys are just so pawesome, we had to say that, mew are just EPIC and kind!

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

  5. Now I’ve got that Beatle’s song stuck in my head. It’s all good.

    I hope Trouble will fit in just fine. I’m sure she will.

    Have a purrfect weekend. My best to your peeps. β™₯

  6. How clever with the yellow submarine! And it came out so wonderfully. This reminds me of when one of my high school history teaches had us watch The Yellow Submarine movie in class, for one reason or another.

    Sending you all lots of purrs and prayers! We are sending well wishes in advance for Trouble after her spay, and that all goes well integrating her into the family.

    1. That is odd that they had you watch that movie πŸ™‚ Thank you for the purrs and prayers for Trouble.XO

  7. That is great news about Trouble getting spayed soon. And I hope she does fit right in! She’s so lucky to be in your loving home.

  8. Yellow submarine β€” a fun idea!

    Even though she won’t understand it, Trouble will be much happier and healthier after her sugery.

  9. We hope all goes well for Trouble.
    We could do a whole thing on Yellow Submarine but…well you know.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Noodle and crew

  10. hello 15andmeowing its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow a yello submareen!!! i wuz on wun of those wunse!!! it wuz full of theez strayndj guys with bowl harecuts!!! it sownds like trouble is settling in she is a lukky kitty i am sending her lots of vizsla tail wags for her upcoming surdjikals and the hipster kitties send purrs!!! ok bye

    1. Thank you. Trouble got spayed yesterday and I am trying to swap kitty scents now to get them adjusted.

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