Wordless Wednesday

Hi everyone! Today is P day for The A-Z Blogging Challenge.

  KaTwo is posing with a Peanut I crocheted. What do you think I made for Q day tomorrow?

Today is 2 years since Spooky went to The Rainbow Bridge. We still miss him every day. To read his memorial post click here.

Comedy Plus’ Wordless Wednesday

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday

#WW Curious as a Cathy

Create with Joy Wordless Wednesday




  1. Sending you a hug on this day of remembrance for sweet Spooky. I think the peanut was a PERFECT “P” and I have no idea what you could have done for “Q”……a crown for a QUEEN?

    Love and Hugs, Teddy

    1. Thank you. Last year I made a Queen’s crown for Phoebe so I had to do something different. XO and love to you both.

  2. Love the peanut, it looks really cute. I’m thinking for Q that you will do a quail or a quarter.
    Lord Rocky Horror loves running around with the toys you sent, and we find them in the strangest places.
    Have a great day Ellen.

  3. KaTwo is posing nicely with the cute peanut 🙂 Maybe quail for Q?

    Sending warm hugs to you as you remember sweet Spooky. xo

  4. Maybe a Quesadilla ?? or a Q-Cumber ??? (ha ha ha ha get it… Q-cumber) LOL Oh I crack myself up 🙂

  5. It’s hard to believe Spooky has been gone two years already. We join with you in remembering him this date on the anniversary of his passing.
    Huge hugs Ellen.
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  6. You’re a cutie pie posing with that peanut. I’ve not a clue what you’re going to make with “Q”. It appears you know though.

    I’m sorry about Spooky going to the bridge. It’s such a painful thing.

    Have a purrfect Wordless Wednesday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  7. You and your peanut are purrfect, KaTwo! Q sure is a tough one. Maybe you crocheted a quarter? Whatever it is, we know we’ll like it!

    Purrs and prayers to you all today as you remember your sweet Spooky.

    1. Thank you. Quarter is a good guess, but not correct. Thank you, we miss Spooky. XO

  8. Nice peanut. Q must be a really hard one to come up with.

    Soft woos and gentle hugs to you for Spooky. Our beloved pets are forever in our hearts.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. spooky; big time hugs two yur mom N dad and familee two day ~~~~~~~ itz knot eazee…matterz knot if itz 2…ore 200 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  10. What a cute idea…a peanut! Spooky is such a beautiful cat. No matter how much time passes, we miss the fur babies that have left us xo

  11. A peanut for a cute peanut!

    We can’t believe it has been two years since Spooky passed away. Hugs to you today.xx

    Q is for Queen around here and Quack since we are all quacks …or should that crackers?

    the critters in the cottage xo

  12. That is a very good peanut! For Q, i can only imagine, i’m not good at guessing.

    My hope is Spooky’s memory brings more happiness than sadness today, even though you will always miss him.

  13. Really cute peanut toy for your kitty! Hmmm I think you’ve given me an idea. I love dogs.. & I have two black labs at Rainbow Bridge & I’ll have to tell them about your Spooky in a prayer… they loved kittens both of them & your kitty was adorable. When my daughter was little she had one looked just like your Spooky we called midnight. Cleo (Cleopatra thought she was the Queen around here, she was), & Baby who was a big baby haha I’m sure they’ll make friends right away! My Charlie who’s only about two loves stuffed animals & I bet I could crochet him one! Only thing is he’s still in a chewing stage… hmmm I’ll have to think about that one! Thanks for the idea! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you. You may want to wait a while before making the peanut for Charlie. I saw a pattern for a dog bone, but it was too tough for me, I bet you could do it. We never stop missing our pets that have passed. XO

  14. Mew mew mew KaTwo you an thee peenut are pawsum! An tomorrow you croyshayed a Quiche for Q Aunty…..mew mew mew…
    Brofur-Inn-Law Spooky mee an LadyMum still miss you a lot. Pleeze keep an eye on Purrincess Phoebe fur mee ok??
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

    1. I am sure they are together watching over all of us. Quiche is a good guess, but not correct. XO

  15. The peanut is cute especially the look of your pussy cat. It doesn’t matter how long, it still hurts remembering when ones furbabe passed


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