
Happy Toesday everyone! Today at the Tabby Cat Club, they are celebrating toes. All the talk of toes reminded me of declawing and how awful it is. I cat sit for 2 cats that were rescued, but their former owner had a procedure done to them that is supposed to be less invasive than declawing. It is a tendon cut, which sounds pretty awful to me. These cats need to get their nails trimmed often because they can’t retract them. Has anyone else ever heard of this?


Another Lucy is in need of prayers Purrs Badge for LUCY

Have you heard Ghost’s story? It is quite touching and worthy of a movie deal. For GHOST and Family(1)

There is also a fund set up for him and his family: Ghost fund

And don’t forget to comment today and tomorrow to enter the giveaway:010

PS: Carol said I could share our photo from the cat show:012

PSS: Joanie wants to show her tongue this week instead of her tummy:joanietongue


  1. OUCH…..tendon cutting seems just about as awful as declawing…..I’m glad I’m “au natural” !! We love the story of Ghost and his homeless humans and were so touched to learn that they have received some wonderful help from a most kind human – we hope the funding page is a BIG hit too because the thought that two homeless people would adopt a homeless kitty who trusted them to take care of him….well….it made my Mom leaky-eyed. Have a super day and thanks for the pink tongue shot of Joannie – just as good as a tummy I’d say!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I was leaky eyed too when I read Ghost’s story. I hope they get a book deal. All my cats are au natural too πŸ™‚

  2. I get really passionate (read: MAD) when I hear of some other torturous procedure a veterinarian has created to hobble poor kitties. Why cut the tendon? I feel so sorry for those kitties, because they naturally want to pull and scratch…but cannot.

    1. I feel bad for those cats too. I get very mad too when I hear of stuff like this happening.

  3. guys….tho we due knot noe what iz involved & frank lee we due knot want two noe; a tendon cut soundz az vizshuz az de claw…HIZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    pee ezz….joanie…what kinda tastee snax did ya just haz !!! πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. I agree, a tendon cut sounds awful. This was the only one I ever heard of so I was curious if anyone else knew about it. Joanie had a little butter on her nose πŸ™‚

  4. I don’t know why they do all that things against nature, Phoebe. It’s cruel. To bad some kitties have to go through it πŸ™
    Healing Pawkisses to your furriend Lucy are on the way. Pawkisses πŸ™‚ <3

    1. Thanks for the pawkisses for Lucy, we read on her blog today that she feels better. And I agree, it is against the cat’s nature and so cruel.

  5. Sounds awful to me…any time you muck around with an animal to make life easier for you is a worry πŸ™ we also think it is great that Ghost and his family are on their way to a better life…and as for the cute pictures Phoebe ..well just cute πŸ™‚ Loves Fozziemum xx

    1. I agree, people that do stuff like that don’t deserve to have pets. I am hoping Ghost’s family gets a book deal. XO and love to you.

  6. WHAT??? Dat’s pawful!!!! Now they can’t retract their claws? Dat sounds like an oxymoron and completely defeats da purrpuss. OMC Weez so sowry fur da poor sweet kitties. weez just don’t even know what to say. Mommy judt keeps shakin’ hers head. Luv all yous fotos.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. That is very sad, I just wanted people to know about this happening too. I had never heard of it until my friend adopted these 2 cats that already had it done. XO

  7. That tendon cutting sounds awful!! What some humans do to their pets. Shame. I hope Ghost gets a his apartment soon before it gets cold! Toby says hi to Penny!!!

    1. I hope Ghost gets his apartment soon too. May Penny says hi back to Toby. She will post a photo for him on Thursday.

  8. All 10 of us kitties have all our claws and we also know how to use them too.
    πŸ™‚ Never heard of tendon cutting but it sounds horrible.
    So nice to see the photo of you and your friend Carol and that cute pink tongue of Joanie’s made us smile.
    Scout Charles & Mom

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I hope to meet your Mom some day too. My cats all know how to use their claws too- on me πŸ™‚

  9. Tendon Cutting!?! That sounds horrible! Good thing those kitties have a new human.
    and Joanie, your tongue is just as cute as your tummy!
    Cuddles and Skritchs to all of you
    (Nellie’s Mom)

  10. I almost fainted when I read about ‘tendon cutting’!!!! Cruel & inhumane like declawing….what is wrong with people. Get a Scratching post or 2!!!!!!
    **smoke blows out of ears* Sherri-Ellen…..
    Deer Purrincess Phoebe meeLladyMum iss doin a ‘slo burn’…mee oh mye!
    Now mee wants to say Joanie yur tongue iss so purrty an pink!!! An mee joins you inn a ‘razzberry’ fur all Hu’manss who have those surgeries dun an all Vetss what do them!!!!
    Mee sendss POTP to Lucy 2 an fur Ghost kittyboy!
    ***paw kissesss*** yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. It is sad that vets do this tendon cutting.
      Phoebe sends her love and kisses and tummy rubs too. XO

      1. It is down right disgusting!
        My upstairs neighbor wants to ‘declaw’ Purrsia & I almost ‘ripped her a new one’ so to speak!! I explained the pain they go thru & how it is like us losing our fingers to 1st knuckle. I think she is rethinking THAT idea!
        I would not want to hurt a 4 legged intentionally for my ‘own’ comfort….I told her to buy scratch post…what a novel idea, huh???? πŸ˜‰

        1. It is awful. I am glad you talked to your neighbor about it. I wish more places would ban it.

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