‘Til We Meet Again Sweet Jinx

Sadly, Jinxy’s letter to Santa did not get fulfilled. He left us last night at 9:45 PM. I was holding him as I had been for most of the day and his Dad was petting him. We were blessed to have him for 18 years. My hubby and I were talking about old times last night and can’t even remember a time when he wasn’t here. We are relieved that he is no longer suffering and that we did not have to make that most difficult decision that faces all pet parents when their baby is suffering. We will miss him forever. Morning was not the same without making sure he had his butter.  I never wrote about this before, but he did a great impersonation of Ross Mathews saying Hello.

Thank you Ann of Zoolatry

Thank you Pam ( Teddy’s Mom) for this beautiful angel image:

And thank you to Benji and Dalton’s mom for these 2 cards:


  1. Oh, Ellen, I am so sorry. I so wished that Jinx would have been able to stay with you for Christmas, but is probably best he is no longer suffering. I remember our last days with Sam and how tough it was. Sometimes I wonder how much heartache we can be expected to bear in such a short amount of time, especially this year. My heart is with you and your hubby; RIP sweet Jinx. xoxo

  2. I’m so very sorry about Jinx. I so was hoping he would make through the holidays.
    Daisy Mae are so sad about this news.
    We’re sending purrs, comfort, blessings to you
    You ever need a drawing in memory of Jinx or another Cat, Carolina Russo is a good one to do requests. She did one for me and it turned beautifully.
    Once again, you have our condolences.
    Will be sending you an email-look for it.
    Daisy Mae And Crystal

  3. So sorry to read this sad and painful news about Jinx. It is always so hard to lose a furry friend, especially after such a long time. I hope you can find some comfort in the heartwarming memories of Jinx, a beautiful and sweet cat.
    My thoughts are with you. Sending you hugs.

  4. Such heartbreaking news. Sending you all our deepest condolences and gentle purrs to help ease your loss. May the good times be your staff, and then the giver of light when darkness tries to fall on your hearts.
    ERin & Mrs H.

  5. Jinx, we know St Francis stayed by your side every step of the way as you
    made your journey to heaven. We are truly sorry. You are one handsome
    dood. Mom is correct; you no longer have any suffering and your health has
    been restored to that of your youth. We send hugs and loves to you, mom,
    and dad ♥♥♥♥♥

  6. Ellen, I wish I could give you a hug. I am so deeply, deeply sorry. Sending you and your husband love and prayers and my deepest sympathy for sweet jinx (((((hugs)))))

  7. I am so grateful that Jinx has crossed the bridge to no more suffering and pain, at the same time my heart weeps tears for your loss. Prayers, blessings, and hugs have been sent your way! Much Love, Deborah

  8. I am so very sorry for your loss. Sweet Jinx, run over that Rainbow Bridge and roll in fields of nip sweet beautiful boy. Hugs to all.

  9. We are so very sorry Ellen, you’ve had so many losses and you love them all with every bit of your heart. We all send purrs, love and hugs to you.

  10. I am so sorry that Jinx has crossed his Bridge. Just remember that he had a wonderful life because of you.
    We send lots of love and purrs as we know that you will miss that beautiful boy.
    Purrs, Julie and (mum) Nancy

  11. Oh no, we are so sorry that Jinx has departed to the Rainbow Realm, RIP Dude, and may mew be young, free and rolling in catnip meadows with all the other RB kitties <3 Sending huge hugs and gentle purrs to your Mom and Dad, and we'll light one of our special RB candles in your honour this evening. XX

  12. Fly free you beautiful house panther and Angel……………you could not have been more loved by ANYONE than your wonderful Mom and Dad. Say hi to Sammy for us please………… <3

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  13. Ellen, I am so sorry to hear dear Jinx has left for the Rainbow Bridge. Our hearts go out to you and you family. I can put in more daffodils here for him.

  14. Goodbye beautiful fur baby, Jinx. You will be missed. Our prayers for your family.
    Joan Ryan and Grady Lewis

  15. Jinx…..heaven had a handsome house panther…give our love to all our furries

    Joy to his family
    Incredible eyes of gold
    Never to be forgotten
    Xceptional black house panther

    Hugs Cecilia

  16. I am so sorry, Ellen. He was such a handsome boy. He had such a good life with you and your husband. I wish he would have gotten his hoped for miracle. But as you say, it is a blessing he is no longer suffering. He will be greatly missed. Rest in peace, sweet Jinx♥

  17. Ellen, we are so so sorry for you loss. I know a little bit of how you feel. I had to put my Tees boy down yesterday. He was old and in kidney failure big time. So big hugs to you. He sure was a good looking boy.
    Take care.

  18. We send our deepest sympathy. We are sad along with you but do take heart that you were together and he is now pain free and young at the bridge watching over us all. Fly free dear Jinx

  19. I am deeply deeply sorry to hear about your beloved Jinx. I have a Jinx too, he is 18 as well and not doing too well but at that age who is? Me included. I’m sorry to babble but I know the feeling of the loss of the normal usual things of routine and it’s hard. How the years fly by and although in time the memories will warm your heart I know that for now it is quiet and empty. Keeping you in my purrs and prayers.

  20. I am so sorry that Jinx had to leave you. It is very hard for you and your hubby, but he was able to leave peacefully from his own home. My thoughts are with you both.

  21. Mee-you Miss Ellen wee furry sorry that Jinx went to Purr Land beefore Catmess. Butt hee went there knowin how loved hee was an hee will watch over you…..
    18 yeerss is a lifetime…LadyMew told mee Grate Aunty Mingflower was allso 18 yeerss old when shee went to Purr Land an it was a BIG adjustmint fore her.
    Pleese accept our sincere sympaffiess….
    ***purrss** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} LadyMew

  22. We are so sorry sweet Jinx had to leave. But as you were all saying good-bye we know his many friends OTRB were saying “Here he comes !” and getting ready yo welcome him. Purrs.

  23. Oh awnty Ellen, we’re so sorry fur your loss. We can totally relate. Ifin you need anything, purrlease let us know. We’re sending big hugs and lots of purrayers fur all.

    Luvs ya’

    Raena, Dezi and mommy A

  24. I’m sorry Ellen. It’s so hard but I’m glad you didn’t have to make the tough call and he was able to exit on his own. I’m sorry you didn’t get one last Christmas. I have a soft spot for long haired blacks and Jinx was a lovely lovely boy. Sending purrs of comfort to your family.

  25. We are so very sorry, Ellen. Jinx did things on his own terms. He wanted to be with you until the last moment and he did just that. He will forever live in your hearts. Soft and gentle hugs.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  26. I am so sorry. The pain is so bad when our babies go on without us. I know, and Jinxy knew too, how much you loved him. And he got to leave on his heavenly journey with his mom and dad loving him. That brought tears to my eyes. XXXXXXX
    Katie Isabella and Mommy

  27. I am so sorry about Jinx. Lots of purrs to you. Binga was 18 and Boodie was 19, so we understand Jinx being such a big part of your life and routine. Our house is so quiet without either Binga or Boodie here.

  28. We are so sorry for your loss. Jinx was a beautiful kitty. The longer they live with us the harder it is when they are no longer there. You are a great cat mom and I’m sure this has been a very difficult time for you and the rest of your family. Sending lots of hugs.
    The Mallory family

  29. We are heartbroken that sweet Jinx has left us and yet, we take comfort in knowing that he had a long life full of love with you, Ellen, and with his fursibs and that you were with him when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He is young and healthy again, and enjoying the endless sunshine and the nip fields. He will wait for you patiently and lovingly until the day when you are reunited.
    Fly free, Angel Jinx, safe in the paws of the Great Cat in the Sky. We love you.

    Shimona and the J-Cats

  30. So so sorry to hear this Ellen. You are so good to all your sweet fur babies and each is different and unique. I see Jinx was not immune to your hat try-ons….what a good sport he was. Thinking of you today.

  31. I am sorry to read about Jinx’s passing, but I am glad he was able to leave from home, with familiar sights and sounds and smells about him. The last thing he sensed of this world was his beloved home and family. Godspeed, Jinx.

  32. Fly free now, sweet Jinx. My thoughts and prayers are with you and David, Ellen. May you find peace and comfort in the many beautiful memories you share with your angel Jinx.

  33. We’re so sorry for your loss. We send you comforting purrs and gentle headbonks. Purrs

  34. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know you were hoping that Jinx would be with you for the holidays. But he will forever be in your hearts. Jinx and I will share some butter OTRB.

  35. We are so sad to learn this. We know Jinx is now in the company of family and friends over the Bridge but also know what a loss we will feel here with his absence. Purrs to you all.

  36. Oh I’m so sorry your sweet Jinx left for the rainbow bridge. I was really hoping he would be with you for Christmas and beyond.But he will be in your heart.. Thank you for sharing his photos and memories. Sending warm hugs your way.

  37. We’re so sorry, Ellen. We do take comfort in knowing Jinx is not suffering, but so sad that you had to say goodbye to your special boy. Thank you for loving him so very much. Purrs and prayers to you, your hubby, and the whole clowder. XO

  38. So very sorry to hear about Jinx. Our kitty fur baby is 15 and has been battling a nasty UTI for a few weeks. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this time. xoxo

  39. Dear Ellen and David, It breaks all our hearts that another of your precious angels has left for the Rainbow Bridge. Eighteen years is a wonderfully long life, but the longer they are with us, the harder it is to say good-bye. We are happy Jinx left on his own terms with you holding him. Sending lots of prayers and warm hugs. We will honor Jinx on Sunday’s selfie post. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Mom Janet and Dad Tom.

  40. Charlee: “We are very sorry to hear that Jinx had to go away.”
    Chaplin: “Run free over the Rainbow Bridge, Jinx, and have fun chasing all those butterflies and grasshoppers in the green fields there!”
    Lulu: “I send lots of fluffy tail wags at this difficult time.”
    Charlee: “And we Hipsters send purrs!”

  41. We’re so sorry we’re late in sending condolences for your loss of Jinx. We missed the news earlier but wanted to let you know you’re in our thoughts and purrs. Sending love to you too.

  42. Oh Miss Ellen, you and your family have gone through so much loss this year and last and we know you carry a heavy heart that is breaking. We send virtual hug after hug after hug.

  43. I am so sorry for your loss. As much as it hurts to lose any of our furry kids, the ones who have been around the longest always hurt the worst. Our previous 2 cats lived for 19 and 21 years. There was definitely a hole in our routines when they were gone. Take care.

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