Thanksgiving Giveaway!

Happy Thursday everyone! I am having a nice week. I got to see my Grammie for a long time on Tuesday. I love her so very much.

Mom did force me to wear the Indian headband-phooey!015I wouldn’t lift my head or open my eyes though. At least now I can relax until she starts with the Christmas photos.

Thank you for all the input on the heated throws/electric blankets. Mom has agreed to get them out for us today.


I am having a big giveaway for Thanksgiving! It starts today, I will announce the winner on Sunday. You can comment once a day from now through Saturday.Β  It includes a turkey print catnip mat, a crocheted turkey leg and a pumpkin and for your human there is a wishbone ornament and a book called The Cat Who Talked TurkeyΒ by Lillian Jackson Braun.Β  The book is from a book sale, but Mom thought it would go well with the theme of the giveaway. There is also a crocheted pilgrim hat and a feather headband for you to be torturedΒ wear.

031 Crap on a cracker, I gotta go- I am not dressing up as a turkey. See you Sunday!


  1. Phoebe, regardless of how much you hate your headdress, you look pretty cute. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. You do look like a sleepy Indian Kitty, Phoebe, MOL!
    Pipo would do the same as you did, hide his head…or try to, OMC!
    Well, we just won that neato Snoopy mat, so dare we enter this giveaway??
    Here is a thought…if we would be that lucky we would say, have another ‘drawing’ to let the items that we already have from the other giveaway go to another kitty…how’s that!
    We’d enjoy (Meowmy made us mew that…), the pilgrim hat and the feather headband,and meowmy would like that ornament:)

    Well, we are sort of back in bloggerland, We are all behind and meowmy has a ton of chores to get done, both inside and outdoors…so we may still be behind the scenes as it were.


    1. Of course you can enter again , make sure you comment Friday and Saturday too for more chances. πŸ™‚ Maybe Mr. Jack Freckles could model the hats if you win.

      1. Thanks!
        Yup! MJF! Great idea!

        So now our comment will be, where will we hide that head gear so that dog-guy won’t chew it up afur he gets to model it??

        And we still say you’d look good as a Thanksgiving turkey-kitty; no one would think you were a turkey…or would they?? Gotta run now afur you hiss at us, MOL!

        1. I wouldn’t hiss at you πŸ™‚ I will hiss at Mom if she makes me wear the turkey – Joanie wore it so maybe Mom will leave me alone πŸ™‚

          1. There should be a law against making kitties look like critters they are not…and if the peeps do, only if those kitties need t be incognito fur some reason…that would be purrfeect! Let all the doogies be other critters! MOL!

            Mewomy is making our ‘Sunday comment’ from her work so that we won’t miss our, OMC!!

            We think Joanie must have made a nice turkey, (despite what we just said ahead of this)…so now you shouod be off the hook, Phoebe!

          2. That was nice of your Mom to help you make comments from work. πŸ™‚ Phoebe agrees that dogs should do the dressing up πŸ™‚

    1. Make sure you enter Friday and Saturday too for more chances. πŸ™‚ The turkey legs are popular.

  3. Well, I don’t blame you not wanting to dress up like a turkey. I’m currently suffering the indignity of wearing a virtual turkey suit as my profile pic at Scouts! Mom has no mercy. What a nice Thanksgiving giveaway you’re having!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  4. I think your mom is horrible, let you wear all these things. If I was you I should ship your mom to the North Pole, let her (torture) dress up there some poor animals.
    Mom always love your give aways.


    Billy The Time Cat

  5. You always have such nice giveaways. Since I don’t get here faithfully, it would not be fair for me to enter or win. So do not add my name. I would love the turkey leg. Who wouldm’t? Love your headband.

    1. Mario, it isn’t your fault that your secretary doesn’t do her job properly. You can be in the giveaway πŸ™‚

  6. That headband is really far out Phoebe. Our Mommy had one in her hippie days but it didn’t have feathers. She did have a feather barrette she bought in San Francisco from the Mother Plucker Feather Company. We love The Cat Who books and would love to re-read The Cat Who Talked Turkey. And, of course, the turkey leg. A fantastic giveaway for sure.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

    1. That name for the feather company is a hoot πŸ™‚ Make sure you comment tomorrow and Saturday for more chances too.

  7. But you look so cute in da fevvers Phoebe. We bet you wuld look just as cute as a turkey. Glad y’all be gettin’ to use da letwic throws. We wish mommy wuld hook up da lectwic blanky. But she sez it’s still too warm and she don’t wanna be sweatin’. MOL Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. Mew mew mew Purrincess Phoebe mee LadyMum sayss ‘Cwap on a Cwacker’ a lot here also.
    Mee wood like to enter yur contest pleeze…..
    An mee finkss you L00K deevine in yur feathered head dress….yur mee wonderful sweet beeutefull buttercup gurl!!!
    An LadyMum said to tell you an Lady Ellen shee reeded thee entire series of “Thee Kat Who….” bookss an that book was grate fun!
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ an **tummy tickullsss**
    Yur funny Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you my sweet purrince, you always say the right thing. That is funny that your Mum uses crap on a cracker- MOL! My Mom just read this one book, but she will get more from the library. Love, Phoebes XOXOX tummy tickles- tee hee hee.

        1. WOW- I did not know that- thank you and your Mum for that information. I will get these from the library. I have one more Christmas one that I bought at the book sale too. Love, Ellen XOXOXO

  9. You do look good in the Indian Head dress. We are not sure we would allow that. Two Two Might though.
    That is one big great bunch of goodies in the Giveaway. We love those crocheted toys. So we would love to win as would every one else. You all have a great day.

    1. Thank you for the compliments on the head dress and the toys. Be sure to comment tomorrow and Saturday too for more chances. We hope you have a great day too!

  10. phoebe; ewe & yur mom make total lee awesum toyz & mattz & thiz give a way iz way kewl….but we a gree com pleet lee….noe burd wood be on uz either !!!


    1. Glad you got a chuckle πŸ™‚ You are entered into the giveaway, be sure to comment again tomorrow and Saturday too.

  11. Darling girl! You look adorable in your headdress! No matter you sweet head is down. A turkey leg and a pumpkin? Fabulous!!! XXOO

  12. I’m sorry you had to wear the hat. At least the colors look good on you and you didn’t have to suffer beneath it for long. You’re very lucky that your Grammie visits so often.

  13. Oh my! Neither of us allows any costumes here, none whatsoever! we put our collective 8 paws DOWN of costumes. You give away is totally PAWSOME! We have one of your nip mats and we bunny kick it almost every day. The drumstiks are still being tossed in the air as well.

  14. Thee last book titulled “Thee at Who Smelled Smoke” was not published after her death by Putnam Publishers’ as it was not finished! That iss berry sad….fur lady Lillian an fur all her loyal reederss…..
    LadyMum says it iss best to read them inn order because there iss a purr-gresshun of thee characterss an thee katss’ purronalitiess….
    They are GRATE bookss Lady Ellen an not all gory an scary! πŸ˜‰
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~ an bookworm LadyMum πŸ™‚

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