Thankful Thursday



Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Rosie is thankful that Joanie is sharing her new blankie with her. And I am thankful Joanie’s blood work was good the other day. She will stay on her current dose of thyroid meds and get rechecked in 3 months.


Don’t tell Rosie, but Grammie already bought a blankie for her Gotcha Day next month.

We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day.  And here is the photo prompt provided:


Yesterday I was playing blackjack
now I am back at work staring at this stack.
I am feeling sick,it may be the flu
I guess I better bid this place adieu.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. I no longer feel the need to ______________________.
2. My October list of things to do includes ____________ and _______________.
3. I’m proud of myself for _________.
4. I plan to _________ in order to improve _________.
And one more thing, our friend, Leah, blogger at Catwoods Porch Party, has been ill. Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover all her expenses. To read more, click here. 
She is hoping to get some sales on her book, Catwoods Volume 1 through her publisher, Borgo, click here. 
To read my review from May of 2020, click here.


  1. Ellen, first, thank you so much! I appreciate your kindness and the kitties do, too! And I’m so glad Joanie is sharing with Rosie and that Joanie’s blood work is good! And ha! Cute poem for that photo, for sure! XO

  2. Love the poem. Do you win at Blackjack? Sharing a blankie is good for the soul. Bought the book, can’t wait to read it!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I have only played on a slot machine and did not do well. I am not big on gambling. Thank you for buying the book. That was very kind of you. XO

  3. How nice Joanie is sharing her blankie with Rosie and just wait until Rosie gets her very OWN blankie…..everyone will be happy to have their very own spot to snuggle down. Love the poem – everybody would rather play blackjack than tackle that huge pile of paperwork!!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Good news for Joanie’s check up. And good news for Rosie when she gets that new blanket. So sorry to hear about the blogging friend and hope that things go well for her. Thank you for sharing that.

  5. Great about Joanie’s check up.  And I won’t purr a word to Rosie!  I read about Leah and glad I have her book!  I’m running around cleaning up Katie hork or I’d say more.  *sigh*

  6. Charlee: “Yay, we are glad to hear about Joanie’s good results!”
    Chaplin: “And we will totally keep your secret!”
    Oona: “What secret?”
    Chaplin: “About Joanie’s blan—”
    Charlee: “SHHHHH!!!”

  7. That is so sweet of Joanie to share her blanket with Rosie. You two are too cute! We won’t tell Rosie the secret Grammie has for her. And yet another fun poem you’ve created! Purrs!

  8. Good news about Joanie’s results. It is good of her to share her blanket with Rosie.

  9. Those are both wonderful thankfuls! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and thank you for the well wishes for our sweet Brian.

  10. Sweet kitties sharing a blanket and glad Joanie is okay ~ Xo

    As much as I enjoy your blog ~ you and other WPressors are making it difficult to comment ~ not fun ~ sigh ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

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