Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! I am joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop because I am so thankful that Grammie kitty sat us for 4 hours on Wednesday. I love her so very much.

I am still tuckered from The Great One’s visit. She calls me  Fee, she seems to like my name. Do you remember my car that was Mom’s niece’s? If not, click here. Well, now The Great One plays with it and I think she is sending me a message- look what she put in the trunk!
  One of our toy rats.

Here is my W poem for Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day.

Us kitties always want to know when
When is breakfast ? I am getting thin.
When can we have lunch?
I need something to munch.
When can we have a snack?
Feed me or I will give you a whack.
When are you serving supper?
Please try to hurry upper.
When can I have my bedtime treat?
I could go for a sweet.

We are also joining #PMTphotohunt @tonkstail , this week’s word is Kindle.

Mom is finally reading a cat book on her Kindle-Catnapped by Patricia Fry, she will review it Monday.

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two. Please ask your friends to join in the fun.
1. I have googled _________________________.
2. I have________________________ on Ebay.
3. I think                                .

4.                         thinks                              .



  1. That’s a super special poem, Phoebe (or should we say, “Fee”?). 🙂

    How exciting that Grammie came over for four whole hours. We know you love her so much, so that is wonderful!

  2. Nice that you got some Grammie time! I think it’s cute that The Great One put a rat in the trunk of the car….tee hee….We will be ready with our Fill-Ins tomorrow for sure.

    Love, Teddy and Mom

    1. Yes, I had fun with Grammie. Ilook forward to your fill-in answers.. Love from all of us to you and your Mom too!

  3. LOL with the rat in the trunk. You need to double up on cat naps today Phoebe, you know from all that Great One sitting!
    That is a good poem for W and even me, a peep, can understand and identify with the “When” poem… very well done! Well, I am not getting thin, just the opposite but we won’t go there… 🙂

  4. What a purrfect poem! The kitties around here ask those very same “when” questions all the time. I’ve had a Kindle for a few years now, and until just a few months ago I primarily used it for quick email checks, internet searches, or a fun game or two. It was just recently that I finally gave in and started reading ebooks on it. I’m actually quite enjoying it, though I still much prefer having a real book in my hands. I’m off to go work on the fantastic fill-ins!

    1. I prefer real books too, but when there are free offers on Kindle I am wiling to read that version. We look forward to your fill-in answers.

  5. Very nice post. I enjoyed the pictures and poetry very much. Nice questions, too. Let’s see…

    1. I have googled how to tie a hanged man’s noose for a Halloween prop.
    2. I have bought many quirky Marilyn Manson shirts and collectibles on Ebay.
    3. I think writing is the best thing in the world.
    4. My father thinks I should go visit him and Mom in Florida. Ugh… I hate traveling there.

    1. Thank you 🙂 And thank you for these great answers- that is something we have never googled 🙂 Ebay is a great place for collectibles. Writing is great, right after cats 🙂 Travel stinks, especially to FLorida where it is hot, but they are your folks.

  6. We all know you love your Grammie. Yes we do.

    I love your poem. I always look forward to your poems.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

    1. I sure do 🙂 I am glad you like my poems, I already have my X one done for next week. My Mom sends her best. XO

  7. Mew mew mew what a grate littul poe-em Phoebe!!! LadyMum sayss it soundss JUST like MEE!!!! 😉 Yur foto iss beeuteefull…an you are wunderfull…..
    An HURRAH fur grammie comin to visit youss’!
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~ an all mee LUV, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you. I don’t eat a lot at once, but when I get the munchies at 2 am I wake Mom up. I have her trained to get right up and feed me 🙂 XO and paw kisses

          1. Mee finkss LadyMum WOOD get uppy if mee hollered anytime butt mee iss quiet thru thee nite bee cause mee keeps her so busy inn thee daytime an evenin! Mew mew mew….
            LadyMum says mee iss a ‘goin concern’ whatefurr THAT iss? Do you know deerest?

          2. I don’t know what that means- I hope you are OK my love. My heart can’t take anymore breaks. XO

  8. That was a terrific poem sweet Phoebe and we know you love that special Grammie! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. That is so cute that the Great One put one of your toys in the car. 🙂 My kitties would agree with your poem 100%–feed me! feed me!

  10. guys…we iz crackin up at de rat in de trunk foto…yur neece haz been reedin de codd father !!!! yur W poemz rite spot on N we hope bye now yur momz given everee one sum foodz ~ 🙂 ♥♥

  11. We enjoyed your poem! Glad your Grammie stayed with you for awhile too! We’re thankful for a whole lotta toys today thanks to you! 🙂

  12. That’s beautiful that The Great One likes you so much.

    My cats approve your poem!

    1. Thank you 🙂 She likes me because none of the other kitties here let her near them, they run. 🙂

  13. That rat looks like it was done in, MOL!

    Cute poem, it made us MOL!

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