Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone!

  Today is Q day for the A-Z Blogging Challenge, this is supposed to be a Queen’s crown. Does it look like one?

Today is Sammy’s Poetry Day featuring the letter S. Here is my poem:

Some people’s singing voices are nice to hear
Mom’s makes me want to drink a beer.
In college choir she was told to mouth the words
she should because her singing is for the birds.
Good thing she only sings Christmas songs
I have never heard so many wrongs.
Good thing Grammie bought me ear muffs
so I don’t have to stuff my ears with potato puffs.

We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. I am thankful that I got to have lunch with Grammie on Wednesday. I love her so very much!

And the winner of the Animal Hearted giveaway is Marg’s Animals. And Mom has even agreed to add in some crocheted toys too!

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two. Maybe someday Mom will let me come up with two.

1. The most interesting museum I have been to is __________________________.
2. The most interesting historical place I have been to is __________________________.
3.                            is back!

4. I was surprised                             .


  1. That crown makes you look furry regal!!

    And um…well, you sure let us all know what you think about your Mom’s singing…MOL!! Hope she doesn’t make a payback poem…

  2. Your poem made me MOL! My human sang in choir when she was a middle schooler and nobody wanted to stand next to her because she would throw them off key.

  3. You look gorgeous in your crown, Queen Phoebe! And what a fantastic poem, though certainly your mom’s singing isn’t all that bad? Well, regardless, you look just as gorgeous in your earmuffs as you do in your crown, Phoebe. And, as always, we look forward to filling in these full-ins!

  4. Oh I love your poem today! HAHAHA Your Mom just being allowed to mouth the words made us giggle…..and heaven forbid you would have to stuff your ears with potato puffs if not for your ear muffs! Thanks for your “S” poem because it MADE OUR DAY! We’ll see you for fill-ins tomorrow……..

    Love, Angel Sam and Teddy too

  5. Elllen, your poem made me laugh. Your kitties would definitely need potato puffs for their ears. That photo of the kitty wearing ear muffs is hilarious. It looks like he/she can’t figure out what happen to all the noise. Thanks for the smiles.

  6. This made me giggle. Nice crown!

    1. The most interesting museum I have been to is The American Sign Museum (lately).
    2. The most interesting historical place I have been to is Vienna.
    3. The vultures are back!
    4. I was surprised to find a call from my mom on my cell phone because my father has been holding a grudge over something stupid and she can no longer dial a phone on her own (he may be coming around if the last hissy fit’s pattern is any indication).

    1. Glad you like the poem and crown 🙂 Thank you for your answers. Ours vultures are still not back, I miss seeing them on the fence post. I am sorry your Mom is not well, I hope your father is coming around. Vienna would be a nice place to see.

  7. We’re glad Marg won–she has a lot of kitties and will surely find use for the prizes.

  8. Congratulations to Marg for winning. We’re so happy it went to her. We can’t think of a better place for it. Your mom and mine should get together and sing – somewhere far, far away where we can’t hear them. M sounds like a croaky frrog.

  9. Wait a minute, Phoebe! You have to wear earmuffs because of your human’s singing? What do you call your caterwauling? Huh? No one can listen to that!

  10. Phoebe you would not want to hear me sing! You look like royalty in your crown! Congratulation to Marg! How fun your Mom is going to add crocheted toys… very nice.
    Good Morning!

  11. Queen Phoebe, that’s a great crown and a great poem too! The lady laughed and we are glad you don’t have to stuff your ears with potato puffs. 🙂 I’m glad you got to see your grammie for lunch yesterday.

    Looking forward to the fill-ins!

  12. Loved the song on singing and I couldn’t agree more! We love our female human but her singing voice leaves much to be desired. I need to find some of those little headphones like you have there!
    Love, Purrs and Head Bonks

  13. Oh we are so excited to have won this prize. The Mom can’t wait to get a T-shirt. Thanks so much Ellen. That poem is just terrific. It made the Mom laugh too. You all have a great day.

  14. guyz…..awesum poem two day…de food servizz gurl canna carree a toon N could knot if her had a baskit ta put em in ! conga ratz two marg !!!! how awesum is that gift package ! 🙂 ♥♥

  15. You have my sympathy on the no singing voice thing. My way of helping the choir at church is not singing!

  16. Phoebe, that is definitely a crown fit for a queen. And we LOVE the color. Oh, we feel your pain with the singing. Our mom has an atrocious singing voice. Her experience was even worse. She tried out for the elementary school choir and was turned down. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy .

    1. Thank you. Sorry about your Mom, that is so mean that a teacher turned your Mom down in Elementary school, stuff like that is damaging emotionally. XO

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