Thankful Phoebe

Hi everyone! Look what my Grammie brought me yesterday. I love her so very, very much. I saw her Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday! And I am going to see her today too. I am most thankful for that so I am joining PepiSmartDog’s blog hop.

DSCF2188Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

We figured out why Joanie didn’t want to model her tummy on Tuesday,  she thinks she is a big star now because they showed her tummy on Katzenworld.

I know you all want to know why Mom had photos of cats in traps for Wordless Wednesday. The secretary at the Dr.’s office where Mom gets her shots asked Mom to help her transport ferals to get fixed because the lady is at work for drop off and pick up times. There is a farm nearby that doesn’t take care of their cats ( she called SPCA and they were checked, but because they have some food and water they were considered safe). The lady borrowed 4 traps, on day one only 2 worked and those were the 2 in the photos. There are 2 more babies- Miney and Moe, but only one got captured on day 2. Mom will fill you in as this project continues, they are not being released, hopefully they can get used to people. DSCF2194 (2) This is Miney after surgery, Mom likes the W instead of an M.

We are also joining P.S.Annie’s Throwback Thursday. These kittens remind Mom of KaChoo1KaChoo ( 1994-2010). This is her kitten photo, Grammie kept the gray one and named her Sheba, she lived until 2011.

Throwback Thursday

And last, but definitely not least is my poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day featuring the letter I


Ice is nice
but I prefer mice.
Ice keeps your drink cold
and your food from getting mold.
It looks a lot like glass
and can make you fall on your *ss


Oops- one more thing, the fill-ins for Friday:

1. My nickname is _________________________.
2. The first thing I ever won was _________________________.
3. I have never been to __                  _ .

4. Next year ___________ .   


  1. Phoebe, I love posts like this, ones that are just full of fun and wonderful things. Visits from your grammie, your mom helping with those adorable kittens, your pawesome poem (that last line so purrfectly describes the better portion of my winters) – all such great things! We’ll be seeing you tomorrow for the fill-ins! Purrs!

  2. We’re glad those kitties are okay! We thought they were in jail for being bad – but they were in a safe place! Yeah for them. So glad your Grammie came to see you and try and share some of your treats with the others!!! Love you all.

    1. We hope the other one gets caught soon, poor thing. I don’t want to share 🙂 Love to you all too XO

  3. We sure hope Moe can be captured and fixed with his three kitty siblings….they are so adorable and sweet and deserve a wonderful forever instead of a farm where they aren’t looked after very well. Thanks for joining my poetry day – I love your poem about “ICE” !!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. We hope Moe and his Dad can be caught too. Glad you liked my poem, I wish I was a great poet like you Sammy. XO

  4. We prefer the M instead of W too, Phoebe. Miney is lovely. You have a lot to be thankful for, especially for your mom. She is an angel… for sure 🙂 Pawkisses for a wonderful day 🙂 <3

  5. So glad those two will be given a good chance to find a home. They are both so cute and probably will get used to people. Just takes patience as you well know.

  6. Hey Phoebe, great post and it’s fab that your mom helps all those kitties! *HIGH FIVE*

    Supurr poem too 😀


    Basil & Co xox

  7. We are so glad you got to see your Grammie so much. YAY! That’s a lot of treats. We’re also happy your Mom is helping out with the kitties. They are adorable.
    Your poem gave us icicles (hae hee).
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  8. Too bad that not all the traps worked, but perseverance will win out in the end. Yay for TNR! Or TNK…trap, neuter, KEEP! It was nice that you’ve seen your Grammie a lot, Phoebe!

  9. total lee awesum oh yur mom ta bee helpin out de wee catz guyz….way kewl…all sew way kewl iz yur ice poem !!! any thing that rhymez with mize izza hit in R book !!! ….well, may bee knot lice ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  10. That’s a whole bunch of cuteness.

    Oh the trapping. Better to make sure they are safe though. Good!

    I love the “I” poem. Too cute.

    Have a purrfect day. ☺

  11. Phoebe, we really like your comical poem this week. Four days in a row with your Grammie and a huge container of treats….you must be in heaven. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. MeOW Phoebe you really cleaned up gettin’ all those treats from your grammy. Ya’ll are so blest to have her. As fur da kittens, they are adorable. We do hope dat things go well fur them and they can find pawsum furevers. Sendin’ purrayers.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  13. Mew mew mew that iss sum Poe-em deer buttercup!!!!
    Wee luvved it!!!
    An Hurrah fur Lady Ellen helpin with TNA situashun! Our Mumma’ss are THEE BEST!!!
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you my sweet purrince, it means a lot to me to know you like my poem when you are an expert. XO and paw kisses

  14. Phoebe, your Grammie really does love you 🙂
    For Ellen
    We think Miney is cute. Good luck with the kittens.
    Nice that you were able to help.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  15. I love those good humans out there who are willing to help out lovely kitties like those adorable guys/gals! It’s great seeing those images too.

  16. 1. My nickname is Baby Girl or Sweet Cheeks or Smoke Gray Diva.
    2. The first thing I ever won was a prize from a dog during a #Pawpawty. There was some neat cat toys in the package. The first thing TW ever won was Bruce Springsteen tickets from a radio station.
    3. I have never been to China but I kinda like the food. (Remember that song I’ve Never Been to Spain but I Kinda Like the Music?)
    4. Next year will be cooler and my asthma won’t bother me. Next year TW hopes she’ll go to Blogpaws.

    1. Great answers CK. I hope the weather is better for your asthma next year too. And I hope to go to BlogPaws too and get to meet TW.

  17. Looks like Grammie got you a nice present. Most of the farm cats around here have more than enough to eat when it comes to barn mice. The babies in the Throwback Thursday picture are very cute, too. Good luck finding good homes for the farm kitties.

  18. How nice that your Mom could help out a bit with those kittens. Hope they all find good homes with loving peeps!

    Yummy treats!!

    Funny poetry!

    Grammie time, wow that was making up fur some lost time, MOL!

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