Ten Things of Thankful

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop, #PMT photohunt @tonkstail and Ten Things of Thankful.

Β  Phoebe is exploring the prickly pear cactus.I used ribbet to add a polaroid frame. Her Dad is holding her back so she won’t get pickers. It amazes me that these survive New England winters. The PMT photohunt word of the week is prickly.

Here are my ten thankfuls-

  1. I am beyond thankful for the change in Phoebe from last week to this week.
  2. Thankful for everyone’s purrs and prayers for Phoebe
  3. For no trips to the vet this week.
  4. For cooler weather- I am actually chilly and it feels wonderful.
  5. No plans for the weekend so I will have more time to read.
  6. Joanne’s fabric, so many great fabrics and good prices.
  7. Thankful I got to go out for the day with my Mom .
  8. Thankful my hubby takes good care of the kitties when I go out and gives me an update when I call at noon.
  9. Another successful batch of blueberry ice cream-it is so good.
  10. Thankful for everyone who reads my posts. I appreciate all of you.




  1. I am thankful for your posts. I enjoy reading them. Phoebe looks so cute in her new halter. I can’t believe she would go near the prickly. I can’t believe the prickly even grows in the northeast. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thank you for the prayers, they are greatly appreciated. Life is all about the little things. XO

    1. Thank you. We are in Massachusetts so our winters are not quite as harsh as Maine, but still harsh for these.

  2. Hooray, Phoebe! We just love knowing that you are feeling better. We’re keeping up those purrs and prayers! And I must say that you’ve inspired me to keep a journal of all of my thankfuls. I hope to fill it up with all the lovely things in my life. Oh, and your blueberry ice cream sounds delicious!

  3. I’m sure Phoebe is loving her outside time – I sure love mine! BLUEBERRY ICE CREAM – My Mom says that just HAS to be the very bestest thing EVER!

    Happy Caturday!
    Love, Teddy

    1. Phoebe definitely loves her outside time and can’t get enough of it πŸ™‚ XO and love to you both.

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I have never seen blueberry ice cream for sale so I decided to make some .

  4. So glad to hear that Phoebe is doing better. Dad is very attentive to keep her from exploring that prickly pear too closely. I am amazed they will even survive where you are.
    Yael from Playing In Catnip

  5. I always enjoy reading your thankful items, and I too am so happy to hear this news about Phoebe. She looks so pretty outside with the cactus.

  6. We’re so happy to hear Phoebe is doing better. We’ve had some health issues here this week too (all seems OK now) so know just how stressful they can be! We hope Phoebe continues to do better. β™₯

  7. We’re glad to hear about Phoebe! Good for her!

    Mmmmm, blueberries! This year, our mom has been on a real blueberry kick–she got to thinking about how years and years ago she used to make cobbler, and that was all it took! So easy, and oh so good (she’s made three so far)–well worth heating up the kitchen with the oven, despite the heat!

    1. Thank you. Blueberry cobbler sounds good. I froze a lot of them so maybe I will make one.

  8. So happy that Phoebe is doing better. We had some worries with Nicky, our diabetic, when he had to have an emergency dental last week. But things went well and he’s feeling so much better. We’re loving his new vet. She does both regular and alternative medicine and she is sooo knowledgeable and caring! πŸ˜€

  9. good health in the four-legged contingency is always a good thing!
    gotta dissent from Item 4 (lol) While it is getting cooler up here in southern New England, it will end up in hypogratitude* column for me. I will be comfortably warm again, sometime next June… late June.

    *no! really! there is such a thing! (long story but not a bad thing)

  10. Hurrah for Phoebe ! Since she can be a bit prickly herself I’m glad she didn’t give that cactus a Paw Whap !

  11. You GO GURL!!! Check out them Cactuss’ss an fingss an enjoy yourself! An Lady Ellen you an mee both! Fankfull toe-tallee that mee sweet buttercup iss doin better. mee wantss Phoebe here with us fur a long time!!!
    Phoebe mee sendss you all mee LUV an tripull ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~tummy tickullsss~~~ yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry~~~

    1. Thank you my sweet purrince! I love you very much. And tee-hee, I am ticklish. Paw kisses and nose rubs

  12. I am delighted to read that Phoebe is feeling better this week, and no vet appointments were required. We worry so much about our senior furrygirls! It looks like she was having a lovely time checking out the outdoors. Cactus stickers can be so painful, and I wish they didn’t have them! I am really enjoying a couple days of cooler weather here too, even 80’s feels good compared to the triple digits of a few weeks back. I will be so happy for Autumn to be here to stay! It is wonderful that you can take a day to go out with your mom and your hubby will take care of the furkids just like mine does, that is such a gift when you know they are in good hands (and I think they kind of enjoy being able to show off their parenting skills in our absence πŸ™‚

    The older I get the more I enjoy restful, relaxing weekends and I know Papa Bear does because he is so tired after six days of work. Time to read and write and watch a movie or two on TV, and maybe some crochet. I love JoAnn’s Fabrics, and my mind comes up with a dozen more projects I’d like to start (and probably never get around to finishing. I am the same way about yarn and embroidery thread too… the colors and patterns and textures delight me! Are you working on a project at the present time? I have a lap afghan for Papa Bear in the works, I need to get it moving or it won’t be ready for him by winter!

    I wish I did live close enough to try your blueberry icecream, I know it must be delicious! I am so thankful for your friendship and participation in TToT, blogging is all about the wonderful people we meet! XOXO

    1. Thank you, I am glad Phoebe is doing better too. I am the same way in any craft store, I get overwhelmed with ideas. I got fabric to make catnip mats for giveaways on the blog. I bet the lap quilt will be beautiful, I hope you show a photo of it. I wish I could give you some of the ice cream. Thank you for your friendship too. XO

  13. I am just hearing about Phoebe but so glad she is doing better- and that strong arms are keeping her safe from a cactus! I wouldn’t have imagined a cactus in Massachusetts! I, too ,am grateful that JoAnn Fabrics is still in business. I do remember there were a multitude of fabric stores at one time, but so few people sew anymore. Wish you could pass that ice cream through the internet and into my waiting hands!

    1. Thank you, I am glad too. Yes, JoAnn fabrics is about it for fabric stores except for Hobby Lobby and Walmart carry a small amount.I wish I could give you some ice cream πŸ™‚

  14. We’re so glad to hear Phoebe is feelin’ better. She looks so acirable outside lookin’ things over. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Thank you. Phoebe is loving the great outdoors and would like to be out even more than we take her. XO

  15. Does the cactus produce fruit? I was amazed to find out, years ago, that the fruit of a prickly pear cactus is quite easy to bite into!

  16. hello 15 and meowing its dennis the vizsla dog hay those all ar verry gud things to be thankful for!!! i wil send lots of vizsla tail wags that phoebe kontinyooz to feel wel and the hipster kitties wil send purrs!!! ok bye

  17. Phoebe looks like a beautiful kitty πŸ™‚ My kitty, called Charlie, would certainly be curious about the pricklys but would steer well clear. He’s too old to be taking on such things. Has Phoebe been unwell? Sending her positive vibes πŸ™‚

  18. I think I need to do some reading about the prickly pear cactus. Perhaps it would grow in the the northwest too. I think I need to eat the fruit first to see if I like it.
    I like exploring fabric stores, although I haven’t done a lot of sewing in recent years. It is interesting to see how the designs on fabrics resurface through the years, as well as the patterns, with just slight variations.

    1. The cactus doesn’t get fruit on it, but it is edible. I have never tried to cook with it though.

  19. I have never heard of a prickly pear cactus. I am no fan of those prickly devils. A great unpleasant surprise to anyone who can’t see one in my presence.

    Glad you could have a quiet weekend to catch up on your reading. Sometimes, those can be the best kinds of weekends to have.

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