Sunday Selfies: The Pirate Edition

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

Ahoy mates! We only have one pirate costume so we are doing a Who Wore It Best contest- let us know in the comments who you think wore it best.

Joanie added her tutu for a Pirates of Penzance look
Rosie would only agree to the hat if her Dad held her

Sorry , Lucy2, Ethel and Bridget did not wish to participate.


  1. Okay, seriously, we cannot choose a winner because you all rocked it! Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day, pals. Arggh!

  2. Tough choice but Joanie and her tutu added a little feminine touch to the pirate outfit so we vote for her! Happy Pirate Day to all the scaliwags in your household!!

    Hugs, Terrible Ted the Pirate

  3. So so hard to chose a winner as everyone has a different role toplay. In fact aship full of pirates like these and you could rule the waves. All utterly adorable too! As to an outright winner, well, Drake floats my boat with his smooth debonair looks 😉

  4. Drake, I sorta don’ t like to vote because everybuddy looked wonderful, but you…wowzers. I think you win the prize and Joanie adding her tutu just cracked my mom up. Now why she got tickled…I don’t know. Pay no attention to her.
    Katie Isabella

  5. I like the photo of Brody but Emmy looks like she’s in an action shot …. so …. I’m torn!
    I really do like them ALL!

  6. Gremmie, cracking me up! You all wear your pirate costumes very well. I think I do have to give a little nod to Joanie for her creative ingenuity and flair with her red tutu!!!! Well done Meowing Crew and a thank to your Dad for his help with Rosie!

  7. Ahoy mateys! Ye are all prime pirates today, hard to make a choice – but I choose Emmy with that hook so prominently displayed!

  8. Charlee: “Hmm, this is a tough one!”
    Chaplin: “Gremlin seems to be the one who’s happiest to be wearing the hat, but Drake seems like the most swashbuckly.”
    Charlee: “So we think we have to give the nod to Drake this year!”

  9. Awwwwwww! They all wore it best, but since I can only pick one, I have to go with the black cats 🙂
    Drake and Troubls arepawsome.
    However you all looked great!
    Purrs, Julie

  10. How does anyone choose? That said, Drake, i want to know how you got one eye one color and the other eye a different color? At least, it tooks that way to me, and it makes you look most piratical. Those eyes win with me.

    1. I think it was a camera trick as both eyes are the same. My Angel Millie had one green eye and one blue eye. XO

  11. They all made me smile. Thanks for that. 🙂 And I don’t blame the nonparticipants for meowing out. lol Forcing it would be just mean and you’re anything but that, Ellen. Be well!

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