It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?

Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?

I have been reading quite a few good books lately so I thought I would tell you about them. 

Two are by Dr. Edith Eger. One is her memoir titled , The Choice: Embrace the Possible and the other, a self-help book is titled. The Gift 12 Lessons to Save Your Life. The author survived a concentration camp, lost many family members, but went on to have a productive life by getting a Doctorate of Psychology at the age of 50. She has helped many deal with PTSD and other issues. A lot of her advice is common sense, but a good reminder , especially  that we can choose to not be victims despite anything we go through. 
I also enjoyed Lilyville: Mother, Daughter and Other Roles I have Played by Tovah Feldshuh. I saw the book in Barnes and Noble under new non-fiction and it looked good so I got it from the library. Once I started reading it , I realized who the author is. she played Bubbe in one of my favorite films, A Walk on the Moon.  
And one I could not finish reading was Julianna Margulies memoir, Sunshine Girl. She wrote how  her mom moved when she and her sisters were visiting their father- and she left their cat to fend for himself. I could not get past that. I immediately hated her mother and every time I see the book it makes me think of her poor cat so I can’t finish it. 


  1. I don’t like anyone who would put pets out on the street. That happened here when a lady with 14 cats died and put the cats out on the street. I’m ready All Creatures Great and Small. It is a famous book but I never knew what it was about until now. It is an interesting account of a veteranary surgeon’s early days working in rural England in the late thirties.

  2. Well you found 2 good books anyhow sorry about 3rd. Mom Crystal is reading an author she’s never read before and her book is called dream Wide awake by CJ Zahner.
    Happy reading
    Daisy Mae

  3. We don’t read much here ourselfs. Though we collect on the table when TBT reads his newspaper. Sometimes we see the comics an unnerstand the pictures, but it helps when he esplains them to us. We like the ones with cats best.

  4. Oh, mama loves it that you publish books you have read. She is reading The Magician, about Thomas Mann’s life and family by Colum Toibin, a wonderful book, but she also loved the new Louise Penny Inspector Gamache book, The Madness of Crowds. Another one recently read (mama reads like a madwoman) is the Paris Library and she loved Sally Rooney’s Normal People, now a series. But for fun and an uplifting read, Backman’s Anxious People, who are a bit more fun than Normal People, haha. Please list more books or contact mama at her gmail to send your list. Hers is pretty long….

  5. Yep, I would have been done with that book too. I have cut off relationships with people who have not respected and valued the life of cats and horses. I have not known anyone personally that was cruel to a dog but I would have to sever a relationship where someone was cruel to an animal. I am reading your blog and a few others daily. Nice to see Sammy helping with your reading reviews!

    1. I could not be friends with anyone that treated an animal badly either. Sammy is always by my side. XO

  6. Good reads except that last one. What a mean mom.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  7. Mee-yow wow THE Lady gotted a Deegree at 50 Miss Ellen?? Shee sure iss an innspiration…if anyone suffered so much it was Hu’manss relativess during WW11 inn THE Campss.

    BellaSita iss back innto her supernatural mysteriess~~THE Author iss a Miss Cheryl Bradshaw. BellSita just finished “Grayson Manor Haunting” an iss now reedin “Rosecliff Manor Haunting” an then will reed “Blackthorn Manor Haunting”.
    (Aunty Melinda orderss these bookss online an shee reedss them an letss BellaSita reed them!)
    Sp00ky storeiss mee can meow to you!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{hugss}} BellaSita

  8. Sad to admit I’m not currently reading anything because of my schedule! I’m hoping to remedy that in a week or so while on vacay. Thanks for the recommendations.

  9. The first two books sound good; it would upset me to read about the poor cat being abandoned too.
    I’m reading slowly these days; a mystery without a cat right now, but I have a cat mystery and a cat narrative book ready to read afterwards. XO

  10. Claire is actually reading very serious books for her work and the training she is taking : we can tell you, she doesn’t laugh much… Purrs

  11. I found a book in which each author wrote stories about them and cats.
    Some were unhappy or cruel, and I threw that book away!
    Just because it was a story with a cat in it, didn’t make it worthwhile to include in a book!

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