Sunday Selfies- Cats’ Letters to Santa Part 3


We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.

Dear Santa,

I just want my mom to stay home 24/7.

Love, Sammy



Dear Santa,

I would like more days off from my column Penny’s Tips.

Love, Penny

Dear Santa,

I would like a pillow of my very own.

Love, Lucy

Dear Santa,

We would like a castle of our own like we had over the summer. Right now, we are living on the kitchen counter, and we have seen bad things happen to other potatoes. They have been baked, peeler, stabbed and mashed.

Love. The Potato Heads.





  1. Sammy, I feel just like that about my mom and dad, too. Do you think Santa will bring us what we want? – Ava

  2. You sure love your mom, Sammy! Thats OK, its good!!
    Penny…you will have to hire an assistant!
    Lucy, yes a pillow just for you, that would be sweet!

    I had to giggle at the Potato head family letter…but yes, its torture and traumatizing to see fellow helpless potatoes be sacrificed. Hope they do not get PSTD…

  3. Those are very nice wishes again, kitties, and the patatoe head wish is just fabulous. *whispurrs* I was thinking of a Mashed patatoe dance when I read it, don’t ask me why…MOL…Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  4. Cute letters. The Potato Heads definitely need their castle back. They are living in a nightmare in their current position.

  5. Oh dear…..we’re concerned about the destruction the potato head family has had to endure in the kitchen…..I’d say move them to the bathroom but that could be traumatic too! Tee Hee

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Everyone! Your letters to Santa make my DAY!!! Now, the Potato Heads…that is sheer total trauma. I recommend moving them today!!!

  7. HILARIOUS, those potato heads! And were they latkes at hannukuh? I find potatoes very appeeling….
    We checked the save my name box but nothing happened. We still fill in. No worries.

  8. We think we would love it if Mom were here 24/7 too. And we hope the potato heads get that fancy new castle. Sure beats being in a pot:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Mew mew mew Sammy mee reelatess to yore lettur fore sure! With Omicron vareeant here inn town, BellaSita Mum iss only goin out one more time til Mew Yeer!
    An Penny mee betss Rosie will help you inn Mew Yeer!
    An Lucy wee hope you get a mew pillow! Mee has a nice pillow!
    An Poe-tatoe Head Furamillee mee iss purrayin to Sky Cat to bring you a mew Home…beein on THE Counter seemss sketchy at best!!!
    Meowy Catmess Efurryonne!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. They all thank you. I don’t think the potatoes are getting a castle, but I might move them to the living room. 🙂 XO

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