Sunday Selfies -Boredom Busters

Hi everyone! We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop and the Pet Parade.

The kitties thought they would show you how they are spending time during the quarantine.

Trouble is catching up on her celebrity gossip.


Emmy went virtual mouse hunting.

Joanie is spending time with Gremmie and missing The Great One- she did talk to her on the phone though.

Sammy and Joanie played some Operation.

Jinx, Rosie and Trouble watched some tv.

I have been crocheting- 21 mini vases

A bunch of catnip toys

Some sickly looking baby chickens

Some masks

And I made some catnip mats. I am doing a giveaway with the one below- I will also add in some of the crocheted toys. There is also a boredom buster for humans- a bead art kit. Sorry I can only afford to ship in the US. To enter, just leave a comment on this post by Tuesday 9 PM (EST).

I am working on a latch hook kit now and some crocheted masks. What are you doing for amusement?


  1. Wow, you are all doing a great job of keeping busy during the shelter in place!

    We did some coloring, exercising, reading, and cooking today. The weather was lousy, so we did not go for our daily walk. You are so nice to have such a great giveaway. Thank you for all you do for so many, Ellen. 🙂

  2. Wow, you kitties and Miss Ellen have been really industrious and busy!

    Those masks look like so that we got given to us at my work…but we can’t wear them in there, so I wear mine when I go shopping, etc.

  3. It looks like every one, especially you has been keeping well occupied.

  4. Looks like you’ve all been finding ways to stay busy. Those catnip toys look amazing!

    1. I agree. ~nods~ You are so sweet, Ellen. ~hugs~ And you’re multi talented, for sure.

      PS Please leave me out of the giveaway since I’ve won before. 🙂 I still cannot believe how bouncy your toys are. Amazing.

  5. You’ve found great ways to keep busy. I’ve been spending lots of time on the computer, gardening and I brought out the jigsaw puzzles. Also spending time playing with Teddy.

  6. How industrious and talented and artistic you are! Our Human has so far made use of her time learning to make bread, fix the audio problems on her computer and slightly (VERY slightly) declutter the study.

  7. Busy bees! I love how everyone is keeping occupied. The baby chicks are adorable Ellen – they don’t look sickly they look SWEET! Love your homemade masks too. Not surprise you’re creating them – I bet you have some adorable fabric with kitties on it. Happy Sunday to everyone whether they’re BUSY there or NAPPING!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  8. Mom has been busy! I love all of them, and those ARE NOT sickly looking chicks, they are darling! Kitties, you sure have been having some fun activities and you look so cute doing them! Best to all for a wonderful week ahead.

  9. Dad sure wishes he knew how to crochet. His Mom was great at it and could knock a project out in no time. Then she would make another one slower and dictate to Sister what she was doing. Mom sold lots and lots of patterns to those crochet books that used to be in the supermarkets. Ah the good old days. Dad is trying to keep from being nuts by cleaning (a little) and keeping us happy with play (a lot, Yay) Purrs dear friends

    1. That is so cool that she used to sell patterns to crochet magazines. I should do more cleaning 🙂

  10. Mee-yow wow yore pawss are furry busy Miss Ellen! Yore so tallented!! Yore maskss are lovelee an THE croyshaed vasess are amazin…
    Joanie an Gremmie look so cute together. Trouble iss so cute reedin her maggyzine!!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma

  11. Well Ellen one thing for sure your hands are busy busy busy creating such lovely things.
    I really like the vases!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Glad everyone is keeping busy. I love your catnip mats and the masks too. I should try and make catnip mats.

  13. We’re glad you all have something to do and it seems that you enjoying it too🐤We like the crochet, miss Ellen😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday. Stay Safe Heathy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞

  14. It looks like all of you are doing something to try to stay busy, that’s a good thing.

  15. All the kitties have great activities keeping busy!
    I realized today I haven’t gotten your blog emails in the last month. Don’t know what I did. Please add me to your mailing list. I enjoy your blog and kitties. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you haven’t been getting emails about posts. I need to figure out why they stopped when I changed blog themes.

  16. EveryBODY is busy at your house, Enjoyed the kitties boredom buster photos. The mini vases are lovely and colorful. I still cherish mine! The chicks aren’t sickly looking, they are as cute as can be! I’m not getting emails about your posts either. I tried re-following you but that didn’t help. I have you on my favorites blog folder and I know in my head you post every day but I have a simple system for commenting by just going through my emails and going to each blog. I don’t use the reader. I think I will click on mailing list thing this morning.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Sorry my post isn’t getting to your email, I need to change to a different plug-in or something. XO

  17. You sure have been busy! Kudos to you. I’ve been working out backyard projects (planting grass seed, removing a small dead tree, pruning shrubs), I started a 1,000 piece puzzle, reading more books, and daily walks around the neighborhood.

  18. It’s so fun seeing how you’re all staying busy during this quarantine. It never ceases to amaze how creative and talented you are, Ellen. I’ve always wished I could crochet, but I simply don’t have the patience or talent for that. At least I have your adorable creations to look at! Purrs to all of you!

  19. Charlee: “Hey Emmy, if you catch a virtual mouse, can you leave it on your Mama’s webpage? Asking for a friend.”

  20. Ellen,

    It looks like you’ve been busy. I see you even made some masks – cool! Thankfully, we have some 3M dust masks that we can use when we need to be out. I’m so glad we have several of these to spare right now. I guess I’ll have to replace them as soon as they are available again.

    1. You are lucky to have some. If you hang them in the sun, they will get sterilized for reuse

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