1. Brody, dear Brody, yer mommy took pictures of all of you whilst you were sleepin’. You look
    so snuggly and fluffy. I’m going out on my catio now while it is still dark. Precious

  2. Oh WOW! Cats sleeping on the furniture WITHOUT a black and white puppy harassing them! I wonder if that will ever happen here again! And if the black and white pest were NOT here, I am sure we could convince Mom to post more! Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi! Keep being awesome guys! Purrs Marvelous Marv and Mom Barb

  3. They are all adorable in sleepy mode! I am always ready for the Potato Heads!!

  4. Chaplin: “We’ve heard Sunday is a good day for catching up on sleep! Although you couldn’t tell that from watching our Dada …”
    Charlee: “Pffft. Every day is a good day for catching up on sleep.”

  5. We too have been very sleepy with all the heat and humidity. But we did perk up today with much nicer temps and very low humidity. We each had a great walk with Mom this morning. Hope the kitties nap well and wake up refreshed.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  6. Precious sleeping beauties. How I wish I could sleep nearly that well.

  7. I LOVE Rusty’s portrait he looks so peaceful and rested! The weather must be making you so sleepy.

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