
Hi everyone! We are joining McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks and Comedy Plus’ Awww…. Mondays Blog Hops.

For my Sparks this month, I have been writing about nice things to do for those that might be forgotten at the holidays. This week, I will remind you to remember those closest to you. Sometimes, they are not given all the love they deserve. I know when we are having a party, I get tense with preparations and my poor hubby has to bear the brunt of my moods. This year, I am going to try very hard not to be grumpy toward him.

Millie really loves his Dad.

One more thing for my Spark, a fun Christmas song, one of my favorites.



  1. Holidays at our house are for doing things we want to do or catch up on. We don’t get into any hysterical preparations or decorate. We like to hang out at home. We have projects–my husband is building a plane. Having or being company is just too stressful.

  2. Paying extra attention to our family and treating them as sweetly as we treat others is a great idea for the holidays and any time.

    That is a fun song!

  3. Love your fun song – made me smile this morning even though I wasn’t QUITE awake yet…..we also love your SPARK – holidays are not “all about us” – we must be conscious of those around us and make THEIR holiday happy even if we aren’t quite there yet! LOL

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Ellen,

    It looks Millie has her pop’s back. lol I saw a funny meme where a cat is sitting on a woman’s back kinda like this while she’s bent over the toliet throwing up. I thought that was hilarious. “Dominic the Donkey” is a Christmas song I don’t recall ever hearing before today. It’s a very cheerful little tune and certainly puts me in a good mood. Whenever you can put a little ray of sunshine (spark) in someone heart then you’ve done a good thing, my friend. Have a joyful and blessed week. Santa is coming! 😉

  5. Of course, we LOVE Dominic the donkey. We are going to send everyone here to see it. It is important to think of others at Christmas time. Great post Ellen. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thank you for sending people here to listen to the song 🙂 I hope you had a great day too! XO

  6. Knowing what we do and then making sure we don’t do whatever we want to change is a good thing. I think you’ll pull this off. Good for you.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  7. This is a wonderful tip. I’ll admit to sometimes getting a bit overwhelmed and cranky during the rush of the holiday season. Sadly, it really is those closest to us who get the brunt of that. I will definitely work on that! Happy Monday to all of you!

    P.S. I always sing along to Dominic the Donkey when it starts playing! I feel bad for all those around me when that happens.

  8. Millie, we didn’t even realize at first that you were on your dad’s shoulders. So cute. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  9. In keeping with your wonderful advice, I’ve left “surprises” for our trash collectors and the mailman. Today I dropped off a tin of homemade candy to the vet’s office. All were met with much appreciation and smiles. I completely understand about saving our (not) best for those closest to us. I suppose in the back of our mind, we think our loved ones will always overlook our faults!

  10. The perfect reminder… for our Mom who has been stressed upon stressed lately. Time to slow down a bit and listen to Dominic, we’ll tell her.

  11. We have never heard that song…a song about a donkey . . .what’s not to love?!
    Our Mama used to get stressed during the holiday season but now she does what she can and leaves it at that! 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

  12. What a precious picture of Millie and Dad. I agree, we do usually get crabby with those closest to us because we can. But, if we make ourselves aware of it, we can prevent it.
    I had not heard of that video! I remember Nestor, the Long-Eared Donkey!
    Thanks for being part of Sparks! HUGS.

  13. OMC! What a sweet pic of Millie and her dad! We’ll remember your advice and take it to heart too. The holidays should be relaxing and fun!

  14. For years because of where we lived Christmas was just me and my beloved, but now we live near family so spend it with his brother and sister and family. After years of being just the two of us I can find it a bit overwhelming at times, but my beloved makes sure that I’m okay. A walk to clear the head is always great.

  15. Mee-you Aunty Ellen LadyMum gave thee ree-mainin Chinese lamp to a young cup-pull with a baby inn our buildin. Sum peepull say meen fingss about them butt they are nice an poe-lite an do not bother anyone. Thee cup-pull are so happy to have thee lamp an it now has a home where mee not knock it over, mew mew mew…,,,
    LadyMum iss so sweet an so are you!
    **nose kissesss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Did you say they have a baby? The lamp was safer with you Siddhartha, kids ruin everything. That sure was sweet of your mum to do.

      1. Iss onlee a teeny baby an mee wood onlee wreck thee lamp…iss good that thee nice cup-pull have it….they said they wood treasure it….An LadyMum sayss shee reememburrss what it was like startin out with nuthin….

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