Silvervine Toast

Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww…Mondays, McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks and Mewsic Moves Me ( hosted by Curious as a Cathy, Xmas Dolly, JAmerican Spice and Stacy Uncorked.)

The theme for Mewsic Moves Me is Earth. My first choice is also my spark.

1. Vince Gill- Let There Be Peace on Earth

2. Earth Song-John Denver

3. Earth Angel ( played in the film, Back to The Future)- not about the earth, but has the word in it.

And for the A-Z Blogging Challenge, we are already at the letter T. I made a slice of toast, but there was no place to stuff it with nip so I rubbed silvervine on it , like cinnamon toast 🙂

Joanie broke the modeling rule and started playing with it.

I am skipping the reading hop today because I haven’t had much time to read lately.



    1. Silvervine is like the cocaine of the cat world. It is grown in Japan and is gaining in popularity in the USA. A lot of Etsy stores and pet stores carry it now. It seems to be popular with all cats, even those that don’t like nip. I haven’t tasted it, but it looks like cinnamon so that is why I called it cin. toast. 🙂 XO

  1. Peace on Earth — if we would all choose peace, it could happen.

    Cinnamon toast, that’s a great one!

    Just saw your post about Trouble as well, thank you for helping, i hope your shelter is able to spay and find a home for her.

    1. Peace on Earth would be nice. Glad you like the toast. I think we are going to keep her, my hubby isn’t on board yet though.

  2. Ellen,

    HA, great cat toy! It really looks like a piece of toast. 🙂 Joanie just couldn’t resist, eh?

    Wouldn’t it be grand if there was peace on earth? But, as Christians, we know that’s not truly meant to be. All we can do is find peace within until Jesus comes again. Vince Gill’s song is so beautiful, though. I do not recall this John Denver song, but it has a bit of an Island flavor to it in parts, doesn’t it? It puts me in a happy mood. 😀 ‘Back to the Future’ is an excellent series of movies. The first one is my favorite, too. Thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gang. Have a sparkletastic day, my friend!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketch ‘T’ Turtle Couple

  3. Oh WOW! Love the cinnamon toast…obviously Joanie does too and we can’t blame her. You picked some good music for your EARTH theme too. Hope you have a fabulous week! How is TROUBLE doing?

    Love, Teddy

    1. Thank you 🙂 Joanie likes the toast. Trouble is actually no trouble at all. XO and love to you and your mom

  4. Silverine toast is a great idea, and it looks like Joanie approves! This makes me think I should have some cinnamon toast for breakfast. Great song choices too 🙂

  5. Great songs. We enjoyed them a lot. Oh yummy, cinnamon toast and looks like fun to play with too. You all have a great day.

  6. It was fun listening to the song in ‘Back to the future’. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched that movie! It never gets old 🙂 Happy Monday! xo

  7. Love your song choices, as usual! 😉 And that ‘cinnamon toast’? Genius! I love your kitty couldn’t resist playing with it when she was supposed to be in ‘model mode’. 😉 Thanks for the dance – have a great week! 🙂

    1. It is the cocaine of the cat world. It is grown in Japan, not sure where else.Some Etsy stores and pet stores carry it now.

  8. Oh, we just love the silvervine-cinnamon toast! We really can’t blame you for breaking that modeling rule, Joanie, because that toast surely must be irresistible. Purrs to you all!

  9. That Vince Gill Christmas album is a good one. And Joanie, how can your mom expect you to ignore silver vine!

  10. Love the videos.

    Love the toast too. It’s okay if you play with it. It’s Awww Monday and you’re allowed to have fun.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ♥

  11. joanie….we iz crackin UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! yur toast iz awesum……noe joke….total lee awesum… all ya knead izza cheeze slice anda chunk oh perch ~~~~ 🙂 ♥♥♥

  12. Love the back to the future clip! Now I gotta go watch the whole movie! ~hehehe~ Great stuff! WOW, your toast looks like my potholders.. hehehehe I’m making a shawl right now for my sister-in-law & then I have to go back to doing my nephews bed-apron for their wedding shower. Ahhhh Woman’s work is never done, huh? Well, thanks for the boogie.. I’m sooooooooooo running late today! SORRY! BIG HUGS! OH & thanks for the dance!!! Love the tunes you picked. First one was just heavenly and the others were great Earth tunes!!!! Very cool!

  13. Joanie Joanie!!! You are heelareeus!! Did you mee-you “Silvervine” Aunty Ellen???? MMMMMM mee wood luv sum Silvervine powdur…just a littul bit…..or a lot, mew mew mew….
    LadyMum said shee wood pay!
    ***nose kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx

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