Shopping Around the World

Hi everyone! Today we are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop andΒ  Bacon’s Shopping Around the World which is being hosted by our friends Kali and Shoko.

This month they asked for a seafood dish. Mom doesn’t eat seafood except for solid white albacore tuna and even that she has a love/hate relationship with.

Big mistake sending Joanie and Sammy to the store for the ingredients.

Tuna Macaroni Salad


Box of small shell pasta $1.00

mayonnaise $2.99 for Hellman’s 30 oz.

5 oz. can of solid white albacore tuna in water -drained and flakedΒ  store brand free this week with purchase of Hellman’s.

1 cucumber-peeled and chopped $1

salt and pepper


Cook pasta according to directions on box, drain then add cucumber, tuna, salt and pepper and mayonnaise, stir together and chill in refrigerator.

Sorry, that is the best we could do for seafood. Mom usually shares the tuna with us too so there is less in the salad.

I got to see Grammie on Saturday. I love her so very much. I am going to see her on Monday too.

The A-Z Blogging Challenge ends tomorrow- any guesses on what Mom made for Z? She is very proud of it, there was no pattern so she made it up as she went along. Sometime this week we will be having a giveaway for 2 lucky winners to split all the A-Z loot.




  1. My human says that recipe sounds tasty! She’s usually not a big tuna fan (she prefers sushi, fish and chips, and scallops… not all at once!), but anything with macaroni salad is a hit with her.

  2. WE love the shopping Joanie and Sammy did πŸ˜‰ MOL!
    The recipe sounds good too.
    WE have enjoyed your A-Z challenge and went back to see all the amazing things
    that you crocheted..
    For about a zero? Maybe a zebra zero πŸ˜‰
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

    1. Thank you and thanks for taking the time to look back at all our creations. πŸ™‚ Good guesses, I almost did a zero.

  3. Oh we think the selfie is grand AND the recipe is “grander” (oops Mom says that’s not a real word….oh well). Tuna is a biggie here – and Mom’s fave is albacore too. She makes a tuna/mac/cheese casserole too AND whenever that can is open, I come a running!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. We all love tuna around here. That does sound like a great recipe. We just might have to try that. We think you all did a great job of shopping. Have a great day.

  5. We think you did a great job with the shopping, Sammy and Joanie. Our Mom refuses to send us to the store. We don’t know what she’s afraid of. Bon Appetit to all!

  6. For years my mom was the same way about seafood… is the odor thingie and when she was a wee girl her Daddy would pick all the bones out of the fish for her.
    Hugs madi your bffff

    1. I used to make my hubby cook his fish outside on the grill, but I actually cook it for him inside now so I have adjusted to the smell :)XO

  7. I’m also not a huge fan of seafood. When I do eat it, it’s usually something with tuna. That being said, this sounds pretty tasty! The furbabies here can’t be trusted to go to the store either, as all we’d have to eat for weeks would be Party Mix.

  8. We’re big seafood eaters here. We have salmon at least once a week and we love it. Not everyone likes seafood though.

    I’ve never had this kind of salad before. I’m not thinking I’ll try it either. Just saying.

    Have a purrfect day and enjoy your visit with Grammie. My best to your mom. ☺

  9. Joanie, Sammy…what’s the problem with efurrybuddy? That’s the best shopping basket I have seen! You two know how to git ‘er done!

  10. Ooh I do like the main items in your basket. Alas over here peep comes back mostly with things I don’t like, such as pizza and chilli. Personally I like my food at body temperature. MOL Have a lovely visit with Grammie
    Purrs, ERin

  11. MMMMMM tuna an noodless an cheese an mmmmmmm, mew mew mew…..sounds tastey to mee!!
    An Purrincess Poebe yur lookin beeuteeuss as efurr…did you see mee did a spesehll selfie foto of you today on mee bloggie??? An mee framed our merry-go-round foto an posted it all so. Wee sure had fun didn’t wee???
    Hurrah fur seein Grammie; tell her mee LUVSS her lotss an lotss!!
    All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** yur Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I loved your selfie my sweet boy and I love the photo of us on the merry go round, I am going to have MOm get me a copy for my photo album. I will tell Grammie you love her lots. She wants to make a vision board like your Mum has, she reads your bloggie, but she is shy so she doesn’t comment. XO and paw kisses

  12. We don’t eat fish either. Well, mommy says unfurtunately, there’s some in our noms, but not much. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  13. Canned tuna and salmon are about it for me as far as seafood too. It’s not that I don’t like it…I just don’t *trust* it. My dad had a horrifying food poisoning experience with scallops once that kind of turned me off for good. That salad sounds really good though!

  14. Joanie and Sammy shopping for the ingredients!… giggling. It sounds good, I never thought of putting cucumber in it. I used to be able to eat white albacore right our of the can when it was packed in oil but I can’t do it anymore… ick. But we love tuna noodle casserole and tuna salad. Glad you got to see your Grammie, Phoebe!

    1. I like tuna casserole too, but I only put a little tuna in and give most to the cats πŸ™‚

    1. Yes, it is my great niece’s, but I had some fun before I gave it to her for Easter πŸ™‚

  15. Pawppy is a seafood fan, petcretary, not so much…she does like fresh salmon and cod though. Canned tuna and salmon are OK too…

    Joanie and Sammy are furry smart shoppers indeed!

  16. You did a purrfect job on the shopping, Joanie and Sammy. We also like your pink shopping car and the food looks delicious
    Too. Well done kitties? Pawkisses for a Happy Day☺❀

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I gave the shopping cart to my great niece for Easter, but I had fun with it first πŸ™‚

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