Selfies with Billy the Time Cat’s Scarf

Hi everyone! We are joining The Cat on my Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop with some special selfies. We are participating in our friend Billy the Time Cat’s Traveling Scarf. Mom got 8 of us to try it, but first a couple things…..

My Grammie brought me us a bag of treats on Thursday and I got to see her Saturday too. I love her so very much.

Joanie and Sammy want to thank Pipo and Minko for their beautiful birthday cards.

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And the question for P.S. Annie’s 19-Somethin is : If you could go back in time to your childhood, would you? Mom says no way, she wouldn’t want to mess up the timeline because she is very happy where she is now. ( She watches too much sci-fi).

And now for those selfies:

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So who wore it best?




  1. Who wore the scarf best?? Well, now to us it seems you all did a good job! Its quite large, OMC!
    We think Penny looks sweet all wrapped up:) But then you all do, MOL!

    I think of my childhood days quite often but somehow I think if I did ‘go back’ I would not find it too much fun anymore. I will just keep the sweet memories close in my heart.

  2. TBT says that if he could repeat life with what he knows today, he would be very different. Not any smarter, just different career path. How does “Archeologist Mark” sound?

  3. Happy Sunday! Great group of selfies today – I must admit, I think Brody wore that scarf the best……you’re all adorable of course but Brody has something special in that face of his……plus he’s always smiling even when he’s asleep!

    Hugs, Sammy

  4. Those are all great selfies! So many willing participants! And I love all their smiles – especially Penny’s! BobbieSue says its time she and Millie go off on an adventure so she’s planning something special for them next Saturday. You’d better keep an eye on him – I have a feeling he’ll be sneaking out to come see her!! Kisses from me to Penny!!

    1. Penny sends you a kiss and Millie is allowed to go see BobbieSue as long as he is a purrfect gentleman. XO

  5. You all wore the scarf very well, but Brody looks very content wearing it in his selfie. Those are lovely cards from Pipo and Minko.

  6. We love the selfies. All of you look so adorable. My kitties would never let me wrap them up in a scarf without permanent damage (lol).
    Happy Sunday!
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  7. Yeah… you already know we are gonna go with Brody, yes? πŸ™‚ PS: We really can’t repeat the words mom used to say she would NOT ever want to return to childhood.

  8. I loved all the selfies. Too cute.

    I wouldn’t want to go back to a time in my childhood either. I’m loving right where I am today.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your peeps. ☺

  9. Happy Birthday Sammy and Joanie!
    We love all the kitties in scarves and think Penny looks most blissful πŸ˜‰
    Must be a Tortie thing πŸ˜‰
    You all look great in Billy’s scarf!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  10. All of the kitties seemed to ‘own’ the scarf and did a great job. Love their expressions, each one different ?
    In many ways I see things through the eyes of my childhood, it would be nice to go back just for fun. But bring me back very quickly, I don’ want to get stuck in a time warp!

  11. Those are great selfies. Glad you got to see your grammaw and dat you all got treats. Mommy sometimes says she wishes she could go back to a time befur she was a glint in her fathers eye, whatever dat means. But then she says, she wouldn’t change a thing, cuz she wouldn’t wanna miss out on havin’ us in her life. Hope ya’ll have a blest day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  12. Aww all of the selfies are cute. I couldn’t choose a best one. πŸ™‚

    I can understand being afraid that one would mess up the timeline. It could happen, but it could also make current things even better. Maybe. I guess we’ll never know. πŸ™‚

    Have a blessed day and thanks for joining our 19-Somethin’ challenge!

  13. Thank you for the lovely blog post with my scarf. Mom and I think everyone did very well. Brody looks handsome with it. I think he loves the scarf.

    Thank you Miss Ellen for the awesomeness


    Billy The Time Cat

  14. You are all so good looking that there is no best, at least not to me. You all look marvelous, darling!

  15. It is hard to decide who looks best, because you all look great. We do have soft spots for Sammy and Brody though. πŸ™‚

  16. We absolutely loved seeing so many of you for the hop. You know we cannot choose who wore it best. You all are adorable. Your cards are so nice. Pipo and Minko make the best cards. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  17. Your mom’s answer to the time machine question cracks me up. I always think about that stuff, too! I blame all of the Twilight Zone episodes I watched as a kid. Okay, I still watch them. Lucy seems to like the theme song πŸ™‚

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  18. Mee-you what a grate scarf an youss’ ALL look pawsum inn it!! Purrincess Phoebe yur speshelly gorgeeuss mee sweet buttercup!!!
    LadyMum sayss shee wood luv to bee a littul gurl again fur a few yearss butt not when shee was 10 an over…..shee says her earlee childhood was GRATE!
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

    1. Thank you, you can try the scarf too, just ask Billy- he has a US one and a rest of the world one πŸ™‚ You would look so handsome in it. XO

  19. Mee-you mee wood ask Billy butt thee cammyra iss broken so wee can not uppyload fotoss’ to Pee Cee at all. LadyMum needs to take cammyra to bee fixed….. **sighss**….at leest mee not brake it this time!

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