Selfie Sunday: Tocktober Edition Part 2

Hi everyone! This being the Queen stuff is exhausting.

  Phoebe told me that you like stories of dumb things mom does. Well, the other day, she sprayed her perfume on the bed to make it smell pretty. Then when Dad came in for bed, he said the bed smelled like mothballs and took the top blanket off the bed. Mom made him sniff her perfume bottle and asked if that was the smell and he said it was. I guess Dad doesn’t like her perfume. Too bad, it is the only one that doesn’t give her a headache.

She also made a grilled cheese and forgot to put the cheese inside. Well, enough about us, here are 4 more tocks. I will show you the last 4 next week. And on Thursday, I will have my very first giveaway for Halloween.

Joanie Sammy Millie KaTwo

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.


  1. OMC, I don’t think my human would ever forget the cheese on a grilled cheese sandwich! She might forget the bread, though…

  2. Epic Tocks guys! Grilled cheese with no cheese, has she been swapping cooking tips with the P.A.? MOL

    Happy Sunday all ❤️

    Basil & Co xox

  3. Hahah… I once made tuna noodle casserole and forgot the tuna! I didn’t even notice and CH didn’t say a word until later! Forgetting the cheese would be fine in our house because who doesn’t love buttered fried/grilled bread??? I must admit that I have been waiting to see Joanie’s little tocks… does that make me weird? they are as cute as I thought they would be… 🙂

    1. That is funny. I only put a little tuna in my tuna casserole because that is all I have left after giving every kitty a taste 🙂
      I love toast made in the frying pan, my Dad used to make me that a lot when I was a kid. You are not weird, Joanie does have cute little tocks 🙂 Phoebe did too 🙁 I used to always tell her she had a tiny hiney.

  4. HAHAHA on no cheese in the grilled cheese…..but her intentions were good! Thanks for sharing more tocks with us. Your house is FULL of tocks!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. You are all beautiful from tock to nose!

    As far as forgetting the cheese and the comment about the perfume, there are some days i think where you just can’t win.

    Hope you have a blessed and beautiful Sunday!

  6. Those are some mighty fine tocks you all have there. Well done. Our Mom is just as silly as yours. You all have a fine day.

  7. Did your mom eat her cheeseless grilled toast sandwich, Prancie? And we just love seeing all of your tocks! This here human is still struggling to find a cooperative furbaby around here to give a decent tock shot.

    1. She pried it open and added the cheese because she was too lazy to make another one 🙂 Glad you like our tocks- thank you.

  8. I’m suddenly feeling grateful that Purr and M don’t get too specific about the failings of their staff on their blog!!
    Hope you have a great week & don’t forget the cheese!

    1. I am surprised that Purrseidon doesn’t to get revenge for her lack of ocean time. 🙂

  9. Mom made a grilled cheese sandwich without the cheese? That must have been interesting.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your funny mom. ☺

  10. What you do in a case like this is smile and say that’s what you meant to do.
    Cat’s do it all the time…

    Noodle and crew

  11. That’s a shame about the perfume. I usually stick to musky scents (which this sounds like it might have been), though it’s been years since I’ve worn any fragrance. Even my lotion is unscented (I love Griffin Remedy brand shipped in industrial size containers from their operation San Francisco) because perfumes require alcohol to distribute the smell, defeating the purpose. The tock pictures are awesome! I keep forgetting to tell my partner about the idea. It’s so funny. And you forgetting the cheese is nothing. In my early twenties I thought a tiny bit of olive oil to top off the vegetable oil required for a brownie mix would be a good idea. Another time I pulled a lovely home made pizza out of the oven only to drop it upside down on the floor. I could go on. ~shakes head~ I’ve always considered myself a not so funny Lucille Ball. Hugs to you and yours, my dear!

    1. I relate to Lucy too 🙂 I don’t usually go for musks, most perfumes give me headaches, this is Philosophy’s Amazing Grace. I don’t think it smells like mothballs-silly husband. XO

  12. Mew mew mew Prancie!! Our Mumma’ss MUST bee Sisfurss!!! LadyMum just did that this morning, rofwm……
    Too funny!!!
    An yur doin just fine as new Queen of 15anMeowin… just takes a wee bit of time to adjust. Can mee help you with anyfing?
    Sinseerlee, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

    1. That is too funny 🙂 Thank you for the complement, I know I will never write as well as Phoebe, but I try my best. You are a sweet boy, I can see why Phoebe loved you so much. Paw pats my friend.

      1. Mew mew mew mee laffed about thee ‘no-cheeze’ grilled cheeze Prancie!!
        An yur doin pawtastick with thee bloggie. Bee gentull on yourself. Yur a *star* all so….

  13. I love grilled cheese without the cheese! Made mommy laugh and I loved Greg-in-ashingtons comment too.

  14. Grilled cheese without the cheese….that’s a good one.
    The ghost under KaTwo’s ‘tocks looks worried!

  15. That would make our Mama feel confused if our Dad thought her perfume smelled like mothballs….men’s sense of smell is not a woman’s, that much she knows! ;p

    Your Mama is almost as silly as ours…ours keeps locking herself out of the house. Is she trying to tell us something?!!

    Sending your Mama lots of love.

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. It just made my mom mad. My folks have locked themselves out a lot too. XO and love to you all.

  16. Tee! Hee! Your Mommy is funny. My Mommy does funny things too. But Purrsonally, I, Marvelous think she should have put the grilled cheese in the bed to make it feel better. I think, purrhaps we should take some pictures of my tocs! I think your are the best!

  17. Thanks for reminding us to get our tocks ready! Our mom also has to be careful about perfumes as they can give her headaches. Oops about the cheeseless grilled bread! Still, that is not as bad as accidentally locking Sarabi is her walk-in closet the whole day while she went to work. Lovies from the Chirpies.

    1. Poor Sarabi. The longest any of us have been locked in a closet is Brody for a few hours.

    1. Philosophy’s Amazing Grace doesn’t give me a headache, but apparently my hubby thinks I smell like mothballs 🙂

  18. Nice tocks, gang! 🙂

    The story about Mom making a cheese-free grilled cheese sandwich made us MOL. We bet that grilled bread was still tasty!

  19. I totally understand, dearie. Being a Queen is a hard work! lol Your dad and mom are funny. Mothballs. Seriously, your dad thought your mom’s perfume smelled like mothballs? Well…at least your mom won’t have to worry about moths. 😀 A grilled cheeseless cheese sandwich sounds like a novel idea for anyone trying to cut calories. Oh, this is some good stuff you can’t make up! Thanks for making me smile. 😀

  20. Mom almost blew Diet Coke out of her nose reading about the “cheeseless” grilled cheese. You all are very good about having your tocks photographed. We aren’t as cooperative. Enjoy your time with Pam and David. Mom says they are terrific. Thanks for being hopping good friends. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. We are looking forward to meeting Pam and her hubby. I hope yo meet you to someday. XO

  21. Humans are funny, aren’t they?

    My mum does funny, silly things too. Lately, she has been away with the fairies and very forgetful 🙂

  22. Ya’ll look adorable. So sorry your daddy doesn’t like your mommy’s purrfume. Tell her she oughtta try a purrfume called Destiny by Marilyn Miglin. Here’s da linky fur da real purrfume, but it also comes in EDP.
    And no, it wasn’t names after me. 🙁 Nor vice versa, It has no top notes, so most peeps can tolerate it without any purroblem. And it smells divine. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  23. Another great set of tocks!

    And Petcretary about giggled off her chair when she read about the no-cheese grilled sandwich, OMC!!! Eons ago, my Oma made a cake and forgot to put in the eggs…it tasted ok, but the texture was um…well nevfurmind. Petcretary and her siblings always teased Oma about that!

    And Petcretary likely could write a book about the dumb things she has done…and likely will continue to do, MOL!

  24. There is nothing better than the smell of perfumed type mothballs in the morning. A get up and get going reason in the morning.
    Now, grilled cheese without the cheese is an ideal vegan sandwich.

    Tocks are an important part of one’s day to day activities.


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