Selfie Sunday with Phoebe

Hi everyone!Β  I know I look a little funny, but these earmuffs really do help block out the sound of Mom’s caterwauling singing Christmas music. 100_9919

Speaking of Christmas, I got my first card already and it is from my Purrince.

100_9921 Sorry, I blocked his photo, I was kissing him.

My shades made it to Cat Scout Charles and we thank his Mom for this photo. charles

They still have a lot more places to go so don’t worry if you signed up, they will get to you- someday.

I haven’t seen my Grammie since Wednesday. I love her so very much, I hope I see her soon.

Have any of you ever heard of Festivus? It was started on Seinfeld, my Mom loves to watch that show even though she has seen every episode a bazillion times. 100_9922

I am thinking of having a Festivus party. We would get to air our grievances about our folks and then have a feats of strength contest with a pole. Is anyone interested? It would be on December 23rd.

And the winner of our my Thanksgiving giveaway for a catnip mat, crocheted turkey leg and pilgrim hat is It’s All About the Cats!Β  Congratulations!

We are joining The Cat on my Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.



    1. That is a great idea, but I need them until January 6th when Mom finally shuts up. You looked great in Basil’s hat, I can’t wait to try it too.

  1. Love your earmuffs Phoebe! We got card from Siddhartha and his Mom yesterday too….the first card of the season. My Mom was a HUGE fan of Seinfeld and LOVED the idea of Festivus (for the rest of us)….HAHAHA We would be happy to attend a Festivus party. Feats of strength with a pole? Sounds scary. Happy Sunday!

    Love, Sammy

  2. MOL! I could do with some ear muffs to for when my mum sings. I need to get on to her, she hasn’t even ordered my cards yet.

  3. Oh, the earmuffs!!! Too funny, but I know exactly what you mean. I love Christmas music, but it comes too early every year…and let’s face it, some people should NOT be singing it (I know because I am one of them).

  4. Boy, mom said and I can attest that her voice sure isn’t as it was. I know she broke out in some song at the Park yesterday were she was walking. It was a John Fogarty album she was listening to on the phone as she trotted around in the park. It was awful the park goers had to have been saying, but she sure had a great time caterwauling!

  5. The furbabies around here are wondering if they can borrow your earmuffs, Phoebe. This human around here is starting to get too vocally festive for their taste. At least a card from your purrince can help make up for those Christmas carols, Phoebe! Also, although we don’t watch much Seinfeld, we think Festivus sounds like a grand time. Purrs!

    1. They can borrow them after January 6th, but I need them until then- sorry. My mom caterwauls until then. I am glad you want to join in the party. πŸ™‚

  6. I’m not singing Christmas songs and I won’t either. I can’t sing.

    I hope you get to see your Grammie soon.

    Congratulations to the winner.

    Have a purrfect Selfie Sunday. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  7. Mee-you Phoebe what a luvley Selfie an you were *kissin* mee!!
    ^^blushie earsss^^
    Yur thee LUV of mee Life (beesidess LadyMum butt that iss diffyrent!)
    An HURRAH to “It’ss All About Thee Katss”….what a grate name fur a bloggie!
    An this Festivus sounds innterestin….mee wood like to pawticipate…
    As long as Tessa Pee Cee iss back. Shee iss goin to Pee Cee Docktur Tuesday….so mee will bee outta touch fur thee week.
    Mee will miss you so-o much sweet buttercup!!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ an ***paw kissesss*** an all mee LUV, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I will miss you so much while Tessa is away. I love it when you have blushie ears my sweet boy. I will have details of the party soon. XO and paw kisses

      1. Mee-you sweet Phoebe gurl mee iss just checkin inn….mee misses you so-o much! Mee bee back bye end of week….pawss crossed!!
        All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** yur pouty Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. Oh Phoebe our gawjus furiend, we’re not so sure ’bout those ear muffs. We’re not furmiliar with this velebration or da show you refurred to, but we’re up fur anythin’. Altho’, we don’t really have any grievances against anypawdy/kitty. And Concats to da winners, They’re gonna luv their new made with luv goodies. Big hugs to all. Have a blest day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. This would be fun grievances like not getting enough treats and stuff like that πŸ™‚ XO and love to you all.

  9. We aren’t quite ready for Christmas songs yet, if they start too soon i get tired of them.

    Festivus was an actual family celebration of one of the writers of the show, you can look up the history, it’s quite funny.

  10. Ha singing moms the worst nightmare for every cat. When mom starts singing she picks me up and dance with me, double horror.

    Love those ear muffs, you look a bit like Princess Leia.

    Billy The Time Cat

  11. That is such a cute photo of you in the pink earmuffs. Too cute. πŸ™‚ And what a sweet photo of you kissing your Purrince’s picture.

    I hope that you will get to see your Grammie very soon. She is probably very busy this time of year.

    Have a blessed day and a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I hope to see her tomorrow. We hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving too!

  12. Cool ear muff…mes could borrows mommy was singing while she was cleaning today. And Christmas cards already! Mes has not even thinked about cards!!!

    1. I wish I could loan the, to you, but I need them until January 6th when Mom officially stops Christmas- sorry. XO

  13. Christmas cards…Oopsie! We have to get them out of the closet and then get one of us to put in them…sigh…work and hobbies and so on nevfur end, do they! Festivus…OMC!! Tee-hee…no, petcretary has to be working; its her W/E to be there since she is off Thanksgiving.

    Those are cute ear muffs…it looked to us like you were humming and swinging along to the radio with your earphones, MOL!

    1. Plenty of time for Christmas cards. That will be nice for your mom to be home on Thanksgiving. I couldn’t survive here without these ear muffs- MOL!

  14. Hi Phoebe, may we say you look scrrrrumptuous in those cool shades. You probably do need them to block out the intense holiday activity, MOL. We remember the wonderful Christmas decorations at your house. It IS your house, isn’t it?

  15. Mee will miss you all so sweet gurl……Mistur Ron meowed with LadyMum an Tessa iss goin tomorrow at lunch time!
    An mee getss ^^blushie earsss^^ around you….a lot….
    All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** till mee reeternss Phoebe gurl….
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. Lisbeth was so excited to see her handsome Charles here, especially in those shades. We are still waiting for them. Maybe they’ll make it by next spring. We got a card from Siddhartha and LadyMum already as well. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Charles did look extra handsome in the shades. Those shades move slower than a turtle πŸ™‚ XO

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