Selfie Sunday on a Monday

Hi everyone! Did you miss me yesterday?

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We are a day late with our Sunday Selfies , but I can assure you that the photos were taken on Sunday. I got to see my Grammie on Saturday, I love her so very much. I can’t wait to see her again this week. Here are our selfies for the week:

DSCF2342SammyDSCF2346MillieDSCF2341Prancie DSCF2349Penny

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop and Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays hop too.

I want to thank everyone that is participating in the Traveling Shades program, if you missed any here are the links to where they have been so far, don’t worry they will get to you if you signed up:

Lone Star Cats

Pipo and Minko of Meezer’s Mews & Freckles

Canadian Cats- Kali 

Canadian Cats- Shoko

Critters in the Cottage-part 1              part 2              part 3           part 4

Phoebe's Traveling Shades Tour has begun and we were the first stop



  1. These sure are some good-looking kitties! You are all such pros at selfies.

    Phoebe, I always love hearing that you got to see your grammie. We know you love her very much, and so knowing that you got to spend time with her is just wonderful!

    We were just thinking about the traveling shades the other day, so thank you for letting us know what they’ve been up to so far! Purrs to all of you, and happy Monday!

  2. We were wondering here the traveling shades have been! I hope they’ll be coming our way soon!!! Lovely selfies – especially of my ladycat-love Penny and bobbieSue appreciates seeing her mancat-love Millie. Love you!!

    1. There are 6 more places to go before they get to you- sorry. Penny and Millie thank you 🙂 XO and love from all of us to all of you.

  3. Grammies are the best. I (Emma) have been sleeping with my grammy lately and I kinda like the quiet in her room; Buster is off limits there 🙂 just because he tends to knock down everything in his path.

    1. That is sweet of you to spend time with your Grammie. When our Grammie was sick, she stayed with us and we tried to keep her company, but she said we bullied her off the bed 🙂

  4. Those are pawsum selfies Phoebe. You all look gawjus. Everykitty we’s seen in da shades have looked adorable. MOL Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  5. Phoebe, you new so extra pretty. I love to see you when you do a selfie. I love seeing everyone else too. I didn’t know you had a tortie sisfur till now! What a pretty girl! ALL of you are, but Torties are special tp my mommy since she had one. Love and smoochies to all of you.

    1. Penny has been with us since May of 2012, she just appeared 🙂 XO and love to you and your Mom.

  6. Mee sweet Purrincess mee was not her either……so mee missed you turribullee!! Yur Selfie iss purrfect; just like you!!!
    An Penny an Prancie an Millie are cute an Sammy iss hansum!! Grate selfiess!
    Wee are a bit spore…..spur…xcuse mee Phoebe…
    “LadyMum what iss thee werd mee wantss??”
    “SPORADIC iss thee werd you want Siddhartha Sir!” “Fankss LadyMum!”
    OK mee iss back Phoebe…mee an LadyMum iss goin to bee SPORADIC thius week due to end of month shoppin; Feral Kat busyness an a bunch of fone callss LadyMum must make to furamillee an sum furendss who are movin away….iss all topsy-turvy as you can emagin….
    An mee iss worried about Lexi doggie an mee deer furend Noodle thee Schnoodle her boyfurend an mee BFF…..
    Mee sendss you ALL mee LUV an ***paw kissesss***
    Yur Sporadic Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I will pray for Lexi and Noodle. I understand that your secretary, I mean your Mum is busy. I am sporadic too, but I always love you my sweet. XO

      1. An the busyness continues deerest Phoebe! Today shee has to rite sum cards an then shee an Mumma Mary-Ellen are goin out to do sum fingss fur thee Feral Group an sum shoppin an have coffee….
        Then tomorrow Lady Mary iss comin to get LadyMum an they are goin to thee Park an visit fur last time as it lookss like Lady Mary iss movin far away out West…..
        It will be Fursday befur LadyMum can even start to organize mee bloggie!!! Phooey!!! Mee iss purrty impayshunt…..shee told mee as a follower of Buudha Kat mee msut leern payshuntss an acceptance inn all fingsss…..dubbull Phooey!!!
        Guess mee needss to werk on those lessonss, mew mew mew…..
        All mee LUV an so many **paw kissesss** an a *tummy tickull*
        Yur impayshunt Purrince xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Tee-hee, I love tummy tickles. We are kitties, we can’t be patient. I am sorry your Mum’s friend is moving, that is sad. I hope she has a nice visit with her while you are home being inpatient. XO and paw kisses and lots of love.

          1. Let mee say thee visit with Lady Mary did not go well. Shee uppyset LadyMum ALOT an was meen to her. LadyMum said shee doess not care who moves away anymore. Shee iss reelly hert. Peeple are actin purrty weerd Phoebe….
            An mee was payshunt with LadyMum…well sort of. Butt when shee went to bed an started cryin, mee was a REEL GOOD kittyboy!!!!!
            ***sighsss*** yur worried Purrince

          2. I am sorry the visit didn’t go well, that is so sad. Your Mum is lucky to have you, my sweet purrince. XO paw kisses and head rubs too.

  7. guys…yur selfeez R total lee awesum….we iz still knot a loud ta play online on de week oh endz; ore rare lee… sew itz nice two see theeze !! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  8. Well it’s about time, ladies and gentlemen!n Look at this, keeping your fans waiting! Outrageous! Maybe you need a separate warm up crew while you stars are posing for your photos, so the crowd doesn’t get anxious,

    Hugs from all of us. And we want written proof those are Sunday pics. MOL.

  9. No werd frum Lady Mary so shee will not hear frum LadyMum again! One of mee Auntiess was meen last week to LadyMum so shee went an meowed with her an they sorted fingss out!! An today Aunty an Lady Mum are goin swimming after Aunty gets home frum werk. mee iss happy that Aunty an LadyMum are speekin again! Mee LUVSS mee Aunty!
    Fankss fur lissenin to mee sweet buttercup…..sumtimess mee just needs to unload thee ‘sadss’….
    ***paw kissesss*** xxxxxxxxxxxx an ~~tummy tickullsss~~ yur Purrince, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

    1. Your Mum is better off without her, she sounds mean. I am glad she is friends with your aunty again, sometimes humans have spats like us kitties too.
      I love you my sweet boy and I wish you never had to be sad. XO and paw kisses and tee-hee tummy tickles 🙂

  10. Wee not know why Lady Mary terned like this butt wee has an idea….
    LadyMum blessed her an sent her on her way!
    An fankfullee Aunty frum next door was nice to LadyMum an they sorted fingss out. Aunty getss over whelmed sumtimess (just like LadyMum) so they purromised each other to xplane what they are feelin better……
    An mee wishes mee was not sad….
    ‘Tween Unccle Ben an Pappaw ‘King’ George an now Lexi….***sighsss deeplee*** it has been a lot to deel with.
    Fank you fur yur sue-pport an Luv mee sweet buttercup gurl; mee wood bee lost without YOU!!!!
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~tee hee tummy tickulsss~~ an <3 LUV <3
    Yur row-mantick Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. You have been through a lot of sadness lately my sweet boy, I wish I was there to cuddle you. XO

      1. Fank you deer sweet buttercup…when mee sleepss mee dreemss of you rite beeside mee an it feelss so reel. Mee carriess you inn mee heart all wayss! An there has been too much ‘sadss’ fur so many of us….. *sighsss*
        Fank you fur stickin bye mee Purrincess Phoebe….mee luvss you with all mee heart!
        ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~ yur sad Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. And thank you for sticking by me, you are so young and handsome that you could have any girl and you chose little OLD me. XO

          1. ‘OLD”!!! Who you callin ‘OLD”?????? Oh wait yur meowin about yourself deerest Phoebe……
            Mee doess NOT fink yur old. you are just a few yearss older than mee; no big deel at all…
            Yur mee beeuteeuss an ray-deeant an sweet Purrincess an mee will LUV til thee end of time!!!!
            As fur thee other kitty gurlss…they wood not know how to handull mee or luv mee as mee iss…not like you do…..
            ~~~head rubsss~~~ an (so many) ***paw kissesss*** yur gratefull Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          2. A few years, MOL- I am 12 whole years older than you my sweet boy, that is like a million in cat years. I am such a lucky girl though to have such a sweet purrince. XO and paw kisses and hear=d rubs.

      1. You, mee Purrincess Phoebe are thee kittygurl of mee heart an Life!!! Yur mee sweet buttercup gurl an mee adoorss you…..
        All mee Luv an ****paw kissesss****
        Yur deevoted Purrince xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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