Selfie Sunday-Letters to Santa Part Two

Hi everyone! We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.

Jinx wrote: Dear Santa, I would like a coke. Mom always says Jinx, you owe me a coke so I want to straighten that out. Love, Jinx

Emmy wrote: Dear Santa, I would like  real mousie. It is embarrassing to have to leave toy ones for mom every morning.  Love, Emmy

Millie wrote:Dear Santa,I would like a manly collar so everyone stops calling me a she – I am a boy. Love, Millie


KaTwo wrote: Dear Santa, I want a party size bag of Smart Food. Mom is stingy and only gives me one piece. Love, KaTwo

Tallulah wrote: Dear Santa, I want some dentures. Last year, I had most of my teeth removed and it is hard to eat. Love, Tallulah

Next week, we will have the rest of our letters.

We also want to join Dezi’s World’s Blessings Train.

I am truly blessed. My blessings include my hubby, my mom, my niece and her family and all my kitties. I am also blessed with all my blogging friends and readers.


  1. Ooh, I would like a real mousie, ok, more real mousies for my birthday. Alas I don’t think the Big S leaves those as a rule. If I do get any, Emmy, I will send you one, post haste! 😉
    PS the top end is way nicer than the butt end 😉

    1. Speaking from experience, real mice are the best. You can actually chase them. The toy ones just lay there. Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty

  2. Poor Tallulah! I wonder if it would be better to have all the teeth removed and a changed diet. I read something like that a few years ago, I think. Best wishes and Happy Holidays!

  3. Oh I can’t imagine that Santa could ignore these great WISH LISTS! I bet you get everything you want……the dentures might be a bit of a challenge but if Santa can’t do it – who could???

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Oh you dearest kitties. Momma was smiling big through all of these letters you wrote and I understand the denture request. We should take up a collection so you may have them, sweet Tallulah! That is IF Santa doesn’t;t bring them or they don;t fit quite right. Ka Two, are you feeling alright today?

  5. Awww, these are the sweetest letters! I just want to hug these kitties… even though I know they would hate it! Hmmm. how could Santa not fulfill Tallulah’s request??? Or any of them really?!!! I love the pictures as much as the letters to Santa!

  6. Fanks fur joinin’ the Blessing Train awnty Ellen. We are so blest to call you furiends. And those letters are adorable. Me ‘members sis Lexi didn’t have any teethies either, but she luvved her wet food. That girl could put away the groceries, me tells ya’. MOL We purray you all get your every wish. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  7. Dear Millie, I can sympathize. Even when I wear a collar, humans tend to think I’m a girl. Maybe it’s ’cause of our names? I don’t mind so much, though. Say, a lil’ elf is asking what your neck size is and what is your fav color? Winks.

  8. I just love when you post the kitties’ letter to Santa. They are too cute, and they help me get even more in the Christmas spirit. Millie, my girl Eddy knows how you feel. I gave her a boyish name, and now everyone calls her a he. Purrs to all of you!

  9. Excellent blessings. Sawyer also would like a real, live mousie from Santa. Thanks for hopping with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

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