Phoebe’s Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! I want to thank Mary in Ohio for solving the mystery yesterday of why they only use a certain part of the mole.004

Apparently that is the only part that is left when they get done playing whack-a-mole. Poor things.

Now I have another mystery. Mom said she was going to church last night with her niece and the baby ( you know the one Grammie likes better than me) . Well, she came home with ashes on her forehead- do you think she snuck out to start smoking? I know she gave up chocolate for Lent,but I hope she isn’t going to smoke instead.

I got to see my Grammie on Monday which was nice, I love her so very much. I wish she would visit more often though, but she has a cold ( she didn’t catch it from me- can you guess who she got it from?)

I discovered something very nice this week. Daddy hurt his hip and was using a heating pad so I shared it with him. phoebeheatingpad Then when he got up, I took it over. 001

Penny got a package from Toby today: 003 Mom says I have to let her show you what she got on Sunday. And I will show you the beautiful card my purrince sent me.

I am thankful for my purrince and my Grammie and my Mom and Dad and all my brothers and sisters too. That is why I am joining Pepi Smart Dog’s Thankful Thursday blog hop.

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

See you Sunday and be sure to stop by Saturday when Mom is starting a big giveaway worth $100.


    1. Why did you stay away from it? Heating pads are great. I do need to get my Grammie back- any suggestions.

  1. Your Grammie got that cold from the new baby?? Sheesh. Hope your Daddy’s hip heals up and feels better soon.
    Ashes?? Maybe she went out and was cleaning a chimney…

    Smoking leaves ashes evfurry where, so I wouldn’t worry about that:)

    1. Yes, the baby had her first cold and Grammie got it from her and so did Mom. My Dad feels better. Mom claims she got the ashes from church, but that doesn’t sound right.

  2. Well phooey – apparently Feedly hasn’t been giving me your blog posts since the beginning of February. Then I got a whole bunch of them today! So I think I am caught up with what is going on with you now!

  3. I’m glad Penny’s package arrived safely!!! Here’s a hint as to what’s inside: don’t put it next to the heater!!! I hope dad is feeling better soon, but I would sneak that heating pad sway from him as often as you can! And I’m sure your Grammie loves you just as much as the baby!!! Pawkisses!! Toby

    1. Mom was very happy to get chocolate and she will save it for Easter because she gave up chocolate for Lent. Penny couldn’t wait any longer so she opened her gift and loves it- and the card with her handsome Toby on it. She says Yes, she will be your Valentine. XO

  4. I hope your daddy’s hip is soon better. You look very comfy sharing his heating pad.
    Feedly has decided to give me all the notifications for your posts today. I will still keep getting them by email as well though because it will probably happen again.

  5. Well thanks for sharing the answer to the question about moles! I was curious about that too! As for discovering the wonderfulness of a heating pad – I KNOW!!!! Aren’t they fabulous? I see it’s snowing on your blog – I hope it stays THERE and doesn’t come HERE!

    Love and Hugs, Sammy

    1. We are sick of snow, Mom should turn this one off. That is interesting about the moles- I have never tried any moleasses-have you? Mom needs it for her bread recipe. XO

  6. I’m sorry your dad’s hip isn’t feeling great. But, at least you got to enjoy the warm comforts of the heating pad, Phoebe! This is a lovely Thankful Thursday post. Purrs!

  7. Glad I have a warming pad (like…your dad’s heating pad, only for outside only) for Sweetie and Patty in The Cat Hotel during this very cold weather, but then the temps go way up again after…yippee!

    1. I am glad your temps are up again, ours are going to be bitter cold for a few days and we worry about all the ferals and strays.

  8. Oh bast! Those heating pads are the best. Hope your Daddy’s hip is better soon. Grammie needs to spend more time with you away from that sticky bean.
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  9. guys…tell grammie ta wrap sum perch round her head, knot onlee will her feel WAY total lee better, but her will be veree stylish, smell grate AND haza tastee snax close bye….yur dad could put a perch on de heatin pad but thatz kinda like a fish fry sew no go on that but we hope hiz hip getz ta feelin WAY better two 🙂


    1. Grammie just got her hair done today, she will never do that. And I don’t think Dad will either, but he did have haddock for dinner.

  10. Oh colds are the worst and there are a lot of our friends suffering with them.
    WE hope grammie feels better and Dad’s hip is soon well.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  11. Woo Hoo iss aturlee Fankfull Fursday here because yur card an springss arrived an thee mailman gave thee package rite to LadyMum!!!Mee gotted LadyMum to take sum fotoss n wee wil do a bloggie at sum point thiss weekend!!! Fank you so much mee darling sweet buttercup Purrincess!!!
    Mee all ready got thee red spring stuck under thee stove an mee put a green spring inn LadyMum’ss bed!!!!
    An yur foto card iss brath takin…yur so-o beeuteefull an mee adoress you so-omuch!!!
    Sendin you all mee <3 LUV <3 an ****paw kissesss***
    Siddhartha Henry yur springy littul Purrince xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. That was so sweet of you to give your Mum a spring in bed. I want to know if you like valerian or silvervine? XO and lots of love my sweet.

      1. Mee not even bother with thee Valerian Purrincess….LadyMum sayss shee will try thee Silverine over thee weekend….it seemss me iss e-mmune to fancy calmin kat plantss, mew mew mew…..
        Me wanted LadyMum to ‘share’ the j’oy of the spring’ 😉
        Mee luvss those apple green springs!! Berry kewl color!!!!
        ***pawkisesss*** an all mee <3 LUV <3
        Yur 'springin' Purrince, Siddhartha Henry
        Pee S: Mee iss happy yur Pappaw iss better butt sad Lady Ellen iss now sick…guess yur on Purramedic duty fur thee weekend all so…. GET WELL SOON!
        Xtra ***paw kissesss*** xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Immune to the valerian- wow! We love it, but Mom can’t stand that stinky feet smell. Silvervine is the best, I know you will like it. Your Uncle Sammy likes it and he doesn’t respond to nip. XO and love to you my sweet.

          1. Mee stoled thee Valerian bag out of thee cupberd last nite an mee rolled on it fur a while. LadyMum left it out so meecan roll on it sum more. Mee not seen the Silvervine yet….
            LadyMum doess not know what to do with it 😉
            An thee Valerian smells good to us….maybe mee has Sinustis like mee LadyMum???? Mew mew mew..
            ***paw kissesss** xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. Sounds like a lot of pawsumness is goin’ on gawjus. Hope yous gwammaw and daddy feel better soon. Enjoy dat heatin’ pad. We luv da lectric blanky.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  13. Heating pads are the best. Our mom uses one sometimes, and we always try to take it over. Phoebe, did you know that some humans provide heating pads just for their cats? We wonder how to convince our humans to do that. That sounds like a pawsome giveaway. We’ll be certain to check it out. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo p.s. Hope your Grammie is well soon so she can come and see you.

  14. We like heating pads too! We even have one set up in one of our baskets. Our humans are very well trained here. We hope your Dad’s hip feels better after all that nice heat and kitty love 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. My Dad’s hip is better -thank you. Penny and mIllie have a heating pad in the kitchen and we have 2 heated blankets, but I like Dad’s best. Mom can’t wait to find out what breed of puppy you have.

  15. We need to have the mom get the heating pad out for us. It’s gonna be so cold this weekend.

    Pee ess…we just realized we haven’t been getting your blog in our reader anymore for some reason…until today…when we got like a week’s worth of posts all at once…very strange.

    1. I guess Feedly is acting up. I am sorry, I wish I knew how to fix it. I hope your Mom gets the heating pad out for you.

  16. Phoebe, that’s a lovely post! You’re so cute on the heating pad! We hope your daddy’s hip is feeling better. Penny looks cute too.

    Pierrot was so happy to receive his Valentine’s package from Snowball. Thank you! We will also post on Sunday.

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