Phoebe’s Sunday

Hi everyone! I am glad there is no A-Z challenge today so I could have a turn. I have a lot to tell you. First off, I am in the May/June edition of Catster magazine. You will need a magnifying glass to see me, but I am on page 18, Mom sent my photo in playing my favorite game- cribbage. We were also featured on The Cats of the Blogosphere calendar this week:DSCF0949DSCF0950

My Grammie was here on Wednesday and I wasn’t! She came to watch us and I had to go get my mouth checked from my dental. Phooey! I love my Grammie so very much. My mouth is fine though. And Spooky had his red blood cells checked again. They went down a tiny bit, but the vet said it could be the difference of in-house testing vs.sending it out. He will get tested again next Friday and if it goes down more then he will need a special shot to tell his red blood cells to make more.

In other news, Brody came downstairs and touched noses with Prancie- then he ran right back up. Here are some selfies for Toby and family:

DSCF0953for BobbieSue DSCF0961for Toby DSCF0963for Simon

We are joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfie’s Blog Hop: Cat4-001


  1. Hi, Phoebe! That is so cool that your picture is in Catster. 🙂 I am so glad your mouth is doing well and hope the healing continues. And I hope Spooky will be OK.

  2. Phoebe! Yous looks marvelous darling. Mes so sorry yous did not see your Grammie but mes sure yous will see her next visit and thanks for all the wonderful news!!!
    And Brody came downstairs! Progress!!!

  3. What lovely pictures!
    But what a shame you missed Grammie!
    Still, good news about your mouth.
    Good luck to Spooky.
    And well done, Brody.
    Love to you all.

  4. YAY for being in Catster – YAY for Brody being brave enough to come downstairs…..he will get more and more comfortable in time……..and YAY for it being REST UP Sunday! Way too busy with Cat Scouts stuff and I want more of my Mom’s attention today OR ELSE!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Thank you from Phoebe and Brody. Scouts did take a lot of time this weekend and we were not even online as much as your Mom was. XO

  5. What wonderful news about Brody. Time will work magic, we are sure of that. And concats on being published. Happy Sunday to all of you.

  6. It’s so cool you are on the Catster magazine!
    I hope Spooky will get a good test result next time.
    Happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you– Phoebe would love to give you a pawtograph. Glad you like the selfies- we all love you too!

  7. what a great bit of info on what is going on there at your house
    We are thrilled the dental went well

    Ohhh thank you for thinking about me for Mayor….
    I was the first female and first feline mayor before Murphy and Stanley’s term
    I am not eligible to run again.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. Phoebe, you’re famous! How exciting! And we’re also excited to hear of Brody’s little excursion. Although it was brief, that was such a big step for him. He’s getting there! We just love all of your selfies. And, of course, we’re sending many purrs and prayers to Spooky!

  9. Phoebe, so glad you are doing well. Good for you to be a celebrity.. Sending you and the rest lots of purrs etc.

  10. Congratulations, Phoebe. That must be so exciting, being a Cat…star 😀 We’re glad your teeth are good again. Hope Spooky will be allright too! Good news about Brody, first step has been settled 😀 Love all your Selfies, they are very cute 🙂 Pawkisses for a Happy Week 🙂 <3

  11. Oh Phoebe, you are a celebrity! Very sorry you missed Grammy!! I am sure she will come again soon! Super selfies! Sending purrs still for Spooky xox

  12. Sorry you missed your grammie, Phoebe. Congrats on being in Catster! We hope Spooky’s red blood cells will look better on the next test.

    Yay for Brody!

    Those are all great selfies. If you hear howling, it’s Pierrot lamenting that he didn’t get to see his Snowball. By the way, he says he’ll push his toys out of his box to make room for his sweetheart.

    1. Snowball will pose for a photo soon. She wishes she were there to cuddle with Pierrot. XO

  13. Grate newss Purrincess Phoebe!!! Conkatss to you!
    An HURRAH that yur reecovurred frum thee dental surgery! An hopefullee Grammie can come bye this comin week an visit you!
    An thee selfiess are furabuluss….
    An Brody kissed Prancie??? Berry good newss 😉
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you my sweet purrrince. Brody and Prancie touched noses, but I wouldn’t call it a kiss. Glad you like the selfies. XO and love my sweet.

      1. Touchin noses iss so-o row-mantick mee sweet gurl…. Maybee they will become good furendss; pawss crossed!!!
        Mee all wayss luvss yur sweet selfiess!!!
        ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~
        Yur ‘sassypantss’ Purince,
        Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Prancie hissed at him last night and I hissed at him today- I guess we are bullies. I would never hiss at you though my sweet boy. XO and paw kisses.

          1. Mew mew mew Phoebe yur not a bullie; just letting rody know hee iss inn yur place 😉
            An mee knowss you wood nevurr hiss at mee!!!
            ***paw kissesss*** an ~~tummy tickullss~~
            Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. Phoebe, it’s so cool you’re in Catster magazine. We’re gonna ask the mom right now to get her copy of it and show us your picture. We hope Spooky gets a good report from the vet. Nice selfies, too.

  15. We don’t get Catster magazine here, but it is at our vet, so meowmy will look fur you next time somefur has to go there…concats on your new fame, Phoebe!

    Brody must have been truly curious to venture downstairs…and then to have a sniff of a kitty even; a small step to a larger more secure and loving life!

    We hope Spooky will have better labs…and Phoebe we hope your mouth is almost all better now:)

    1. Brody is getting braver and keeps coming down until he takes a fright then retreats.

  16. That is so great that Brody came down and touched noses with Prancie! 🙂 Phoebe we are glad your mouth is good! 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

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