Hi everyone! Sorry I am a day late. Before I get started, Mom wants to thank you all for the words of encouragement and tips you shared to help Spooky. We appreciate all your comments, purrs and prayers. So far Spooky is responding to fluids and eating- not as well as he used to, but he is eating. We pray that he will improve more daily. He will get retested in 2 weeks. His numbers were very bad: Amylase was 2195 ( normal range is 100-1200), Creatinine was 7 (0.6-2.4 is normal) and Phosphorous was 12.3 ( normal is 2.4-8.2).
Spooky got to go outside yesterday. He was very happy and headed straight to the catnip. He was a neighborhood cat, always outside until we brought him in 2 and a half years ago.
Sammy and I were pretty jealous.
I saw my Grammie on Wednesday and she didn’t give us treats- phooey! I still love her very much though.
My Purrince wrote me another poem, I am a lucky purrincess:
Mee will laff WITH you!
No matter what you do…..
An guess what mee got?
No not a spot or a dot…..
but mee Kat inn thee HAT hat
an mee bookmark so flat!
Yur card iss so nice
Yur mee sugar an spice….
***paw kissesss*** an all mee <3 LUV <3
Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love my sweet purrince.
Today is The Lazy Pit Bull’s Pet Blooger Blooper Round-up
and her is our blooper: Nice foot shot, but we were going for the whole package.
See you Sunday when I will be starting my Easter Giveaway.
I hope Spooky will improve and feel better soon! That is a lovely poem and a very sweet one. I laughed at your blooper–your paw is beautiful!
Thank you, you are very sweet.
Headed straight for the nip plants, huh? A mancat with great taste, for sure. Purrs, Seville.
I guess he thought it was medicinal
No treats from Grammy? What da meow?
I know- phooey!
Our purrs for you, Spooky (cool name!).
And that was SUCH a romantical poem from Henry…
Thank you, I wish I could take credit for the name, but our neighbors gave it to him
We had a good pause at your paws, MOL!
Nice poem you got from your purrince!
And we sure do hope Spooky will show much improvement.
Thank you, you are very sweet. XO
WHAT? No treats for you AND no nip…but a good poem to rely on, right
Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend
Good thing my purrince came through for me.
What a purrfect poem. Get well soon, Spooky. Lots of love, Toffee.
Thank you Toffee. XO
Glad to hear Spooky is perking up……the fluids are doing him good! Once he feels more “normal” his appetite will get better I just bet! Nice he got to enjoy some fresh air too. The past few days have been real GIFTS for this time of year! I love the foot shot – our feets are never getting the attention they deserve!!!!
Hugs, Sammy
Spooky went outside again today and he was hard to keep up with. The weather has been nice. XO
That is terrific to read!!!
We hope your Grammy will remember that she forgot to send you birthday treats.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Thank you XO
I am continuing to purrs lots for Spooky.
Thank you sweet Summer.
We have just caught up with all your news and are so sorry that Spooky is not doing so well. We send purrs and prayers for sure! If he heads for the nip, that will cheer him up and especially being outside, which is what I love to do too.
Phoebe no pic of you is a blooper! Just saying xoxoxo
Thank you Austin, you are a sweetie XO
Thank you for the update on Spooky, Phoebe. If your mom doesn’t mind me asking, did his vet prescribe him a phosphate binder (aluminum hydroxide is a common one for cats) to help treat the elevated phosphorus? Also, I forgot to mention to your mom, in case she doesn’t already know or use this trick, that baby food was a godsend when I had to give my Rosie all of her kidney meds. Meat-based baby food (chicken, turkey, ham, beef) with no other ingredients (no onion, garlic, etc.) is safe for cats and dogs, and can be a great way to sneak meds to your kitty.
I love the poem your purrince wrote for you, Phoebe. It sounds like he really likes his Dr. Seuss goodies, just like we love ours!
And, great blooper! Purrs!
I welcome any and all pointers so I don’t min you asking at all. She did not recommend one and I will ask her about it. I know she said she didn’t want to use all the tricks at once. I do think that should be used right away. And thank you for the baby food tip. I tried one with no luck, but I bought 3 meat ones so we have 2 choices left. He is leaning toward dry food and at this time I just want him to eat so I let him have what he wants. XO
Wait, what??? No treats! Silly Grammie.
I am a little mad at her, but I still love her very much.
Purring and praying for Spooky. We lost our precious little baby girl Mika this week She was17.
Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis
I am so sorry about Mika. XO
We like that Spooky got a little treat to go outdoors. We purr-ray he will remain stable.
Thank you for the purrayers.
Hey Ellen, 7 for creatinine isn’t good, but I’ve definitely seen worse, too. The fluids should help lower it some. For the high phosphorus, did the vet give you any phosphorus binder like Epakitin? You can find it on Amazon cheaper than the vet sells it usually. The phosphorus binder should help, too.
You got a very nice poem, Phoebe!
Purrs and hugs to you all <3
Thank you, you are the 2nd person to mention the phosphorous binder, I will call Monday and ask about that. XO
Hope Spooky’s number get fixed up nicely soon! He’s in the bestest place for helping him now!
Thank you.
Spooky looks good outside!! Don’t be jealous he got to go outside, Phoebe. You can still enjoy the warm breezes from the window. Maybe your grammie had other things on her mind that she forgot the treats. I’m sure she’ll have them next time!! And – love the poem and the foot shot!! Very cool!!
Thank you, Grammie was worried about Spooky too. She best give me some next time- double. XO
I’m sorry to hear about Spookey, but glad he is eating now. I hope he gets better xoxo
Thank you. XO
What a great blooper. Healing purrz and purrayers for Spooky.
Thank you CK. XO
Sending purrs that Spooky improves!
Sorry we have been MIA, we all blame Mom!
Moms are not the best secretaries- I understand.
phoebe….de dood rited a total lee awesum poem for ewe !!! high paws siddarth ~~
& spooky; we iz glad yur feelin good enuff ta get out side & N joy sum fresh airz… just keep eatin dood…& if ya drinkz waterz on yur own…..de less fluid ya hafta hav………prettee kewl huh….give it a think over…oh kay
heerz two a crevice kelpfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
Spooky does drink lots of water so that is good. We hope you have a nice weekend too!
Happy Happy Friday to you all.
Healing hugs continue to come
Madi and mom
Thank you Madi- we hope you had a nice birthday!
I love that foot shot and tell Spooky that mom and I have not nor will be forget him at all! WE send love to efurrybuddy.
Spooky sends Katie his love, he is trying very hard to get well. XO
Mee-you mee iss **blushin** now mee sweet Purrincess!!! Mee not good at Docktur Seuss poe-emss butt mee wanted you to know how much wee liked mee card an giftss!
An wee iss glad Spooky iss holdin his own an gotted to go outside an enjoy himself. Mee went out inn condo today butt it iss still BERRY chilley an not nice even tho’ thee Sun iss shinin……
An you an Sammy look so cute inn thee window together!
***paw kissess*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ yur poe-etic Purrince, Siddhartha Henry~~~
Sorry it is so chilly there, we have had some warm weather. You wrote a great Dr. Seuss poem my sweet and talented purrince. XO and paw kisses
Anyfing fur mee sweet buttercup Purrincess!!!
***paw kissesss*** an all mee <3 LUV <3
Yur rappin rhyming Purrince xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
XO and love to my purrince
Great blooper ! We keep purring for Spooky. Purrs
Thank you for the purrs. XO
Prayers for Spooky – keep fighting, sweet kitty – let your Mama take good care of you !
Thank you, he is trying.
I will keep purring for Spooky. Good idea to head for the nip. It nearly always helps me feel better.
That is a fun blooper!
Phoebe, I like your poem from your Purrince.
Medicinal nip
Glad you like the poem and blooper. XO
How fun Spooky
A nice adventure outdoors. Your blooper looks like she is holding her paw up to say “no photos, please!”
Thank you, it does look like she is saying no photos.
We am purring fur Spooky and me am jealous too dat him gots to go out – Keep getting better big boy!
And whats a really supurrific poem! Henry am a good poet!
And your foot blooper am cutes.
Purrz, Katie Kitty Too
P.S. next blooper times, we show you how silly mom filmed a video sideways!
Thank you, Spooky is trying to get well. XO
Those numbers are definitely scary but we’re purring that Spooky feels better very soon!
Thank you for the purrs. XO
MOL! That’s a great blooper! We continue to purr for Spooky.
Thank you XO
We are all sending purrs and prayer to sweet Spooky and how cool he got to go nipping in the yard. Oh my, that blooper sure is cute!!!
Thank you sweet Brian. XO
Funny Blooper! I bet Spooky will fell much better now that he ate some and got to go outside.
We are purring for him.
Thank you for the purrs. Going outside does perk him up
We hope Spooky will continue to improve. We are purring for him. Merlin also thanks you for the purrs for him.
Thank you for the purrs. XO
Crossing our paws that Spooky keeps improving… And that blooper sure did show lovely pink jellybean toesies!
Thank you