Penny’s Tips Volume 40

Hi everyone! I am still looking through pennies for some worth more than one cent.

Did you know that an 1856 Flying Eagle penny is worth $ 12,850 ? I think one has a better chance of winning the lottery than finding one though. There were only 2000 were made as a pattern coin as it wasn’t supposed to be distributed until 1857. Several of these were in circulation though.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. Oh boy! Wouldn’t it be amazing to find one of those! Good luck Penny……keep an eye on that piggy bank.

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. Penny can you imagine finding such a thing? My goodness…what fun. Around here mom would shout and call everyone in the family no matter what time of day or night By the way, you are looking mighty pretty! Mommy said she loves Torties and Tuxies. I wonder what’s up with that when she gushes over Tabbies and Gingers too.

  3. pleez note β™«β™« thiz iz prob ablee de ONLEE time ewe will ever heer uz say…. now heerz a BURD thatz a good thing πŸ˜‰ β™₯β™₯

  4. I didn’t know this. Very interesting. If you had all 2,000 you’d have a lot of money.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. β™₯

  5. That’s a nice tip, Penny! I gotta check my pennies which I have a lot. Probably I won’t find a special one but it’s still fun πŸ™‚

  6. Our meowmy inherited a bazillion coins from her grandpa. Many are considered collectible, however she will never know cuz they sit in a box hidden under stuff, waiting for her to take an interest. Hm. Maybe if we dig it out, we could spend it on catnip and treats and … them smackabout mylar balls that Dori loves.

  7. Penny Dad used to collect coins when he was a lad and still has some of those very old coin books with the slots half full. He pops all change in a box so we are going to knock it down when he is at the store and see if we have this one. MOL

  8. WOW! That 1 cent is worth way more than 1 cent ! MOL!
    Canada does not make pennies anymore, but mum has a jar full of them.
    Maybe she should be checking them πŸ˜‰
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  9. Charlee: “Wow, that’s an expensive penny! Maybe that’s what inspired the old saying ‘Find a penny, pick it up, all the day you’ll have good luck; find a penny, let it lie, you’ll be sorry by and by’.”
    Chaplin: “Did you write that one, Charlee?”
    Charlee: “No, like I said, it’s an old saying.”
    Chaplin: “So you’re not old?”
    Charlee: “I’m the same age as you. We’re from the same litter. Remember?”
    Chaplin: “Oh, right.”
    Lulu: “If I find a penny, I’ll pick it up! And maybe I’ll eat it. I don’t mind!”

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