1. I love your tip, Penny! We eat a lot of tuna fish around here and it seems all the vegetable and soup cans come with that tab thingie and it hurts the old finger. Using a penny is one of your best tips… thank you! Hugs and Scritches!

  2. That’s a great tip, Penny. Always have to watch the nails when I’m opening cans and cat food is about the only can I open it seems.

  3. penny; wavez two ewe gorgeouz N manee thanx for thiz tip…..catz werld wide
    noe longer knead ta wait on ther peepulz ta open de canned goodz… HOORAY and YAY !!!!!!!! now we just knead ta figurez out how ta get sum change πŸ˜‰ β™₯β™₯

  4. That is a good tip, but there are some other good things in cans, like tuna or sardines!

  5. Thanks for the tip. When it’s dinner time, there will always be a way to open that can. Sometimes you see the human talking to themselves if they can’t get the can open. So your tip will help out. Have a great day.

  6. A stubborn pop top might need the extra leverage, i agree, and what about canned tuna? Isn’t it important, too?

    We had a pure white Turkish Angora cat once named Takanumi, and he loved canned tamales.

    1. Tuna is important too πŸ™‚ A tamale loving cat- never heard of that before πŸ™‚

  7. That’s a great one! I can’t always get one of my fat fingers under the pop tops. I use the long part of the spoon – but a penny is just as easy for the job!

  8. TBT can still open our cans with his fingers, but some of HIS foods have really tight pull tops. Fortnately, he attached a few simple tools on the inside of the pantry door and a screwdriver werks good!

  9. That’s a pawsum tip Penny. We’ve never really thought ’bout that. Bet, we’re all fur anythin’ that can get our noms to us faster. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

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