Penny’s Tips Volume 121

Hi everyone! I’m back.

I wasn’t just slacking off during my vacation time. I was doing lots of research for upcoming posts. I try to give helpful information, unlike Rosie who jut blabs everyone’s business.

Happy Chinese New Year!!! This is going to be a good year- the year of the Tiger. My folks are going to have Chinese food to celebrate. Maybe I will score a taste.

You probably all know which animal you are, but if not, The Chinese  has a chart. click here. 

They also have a list of things to do to bring luck in the new year. Don’t use scissors or knives -you don’t want to cut your luck. If looking to attract fortune this year-move 22 objects in your house. They can be small, just move them. To learn more- click here.

My Mom is a rooster, Dad and Grammie are snakes. Once you know you sign, you can go to to find out predictions for the year. They also tell you your lucky colors and gemstones. Click here. 

See you next week with a Valentine’s Day giveaway.


We are joining Comedy  Comedy  Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop



  1. I’ll bet you’ll really like Chinese food. It’s nommy. The peeps will have it Friday since they get it after TW’s treatment. She likes to get the egg drop soup for the hydration and protein.

  2. Well, those tips were GREAT to read. Mama is a dragon, but I can’t figure out for the life of me why she is moving all sorts of things around in our house! She had better keep away from my KIBBLE.

  3. I was born in the year of the Rabbit, but prefer the Vietnamese calendar where it is the year of the Cat.

  4. Welcome bacccccck! You’re such a busy girl…..thanks for all the Chinese New Year’s info. My parents celebrated at their favorite Chinese restaurant but did not bring back a THING for me to eat! Imagine that!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. I am the year of the horse! Move 22 items? Does that include food ?? I can move 22 cookies pretty quick!

  6. It’s good to have you back. I’m a rabbit. I’ll have to check out my year. Thank you for the links.

    Now I want Chinese food.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and my best to your mom. 💞

  7. You are always doing such fun and interesting things…I’m the year of the Ox…which might be kinda right I can be stubborn. But the colors are wrong you know why?
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Happy Chinese New Year. I think I’m year of the Dog but don’t know since all we know about me is I’m going on 16 this year. No year of the Cat? What’s up with that? Anyhow, Mom Crystal is the year of the Sheep.

  9. I’m glad you are back with tips about Chinese New Year, Penny! Since it’s the year of the Tiger, I imagine this is going to be MY year!

  10. Mee-yow mee showed this too BellaSita Mum ’bout knifess an scissorss Penny! Shee stabbed herself inn Jannyary REEL guud! Wound ISS healin well….shee has been furry carefull since then!
    Mee checked THE chart an BellaStia iss a Sheep (shee wanted to bee a Horse butt that was yeer beefore shee was born). If shee was born on time shee wuud have been a Monkey (mee not meowin nothin, mew mew mew…)
    An mee iss Yeer of THE DRAGON!!! RAWWWR!!!!!!
    An Penny you look wunderfull today 🙂
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

  11. penny theez bee sum grate tipz….happee yeer oh de tiger two everee one !!! we hope itza grate yeer for all oh ewe N de peepulz az well……mackerull izza roozter ~~~ and cuzin daiz izza goat !!! 🙂 ♥♥

  12. Uh oh. Our mom used a knife when she was making dinner–we had no idea. At least she didn’t sweep away our fortune like she did one year, but the area around the cat box is pretty messy. 🙂 Happy New Year! Hope you all got some Lucky Nip!

  13. Nice tips, Penny! We loved looking at all the links to interesting information about this special holiday. Happy Chinese New Year!

  14. Charlee: “Ooh, did you hear that, Chaplin? Year of the Tiger!”
    Chaplin: “Oh yeah! It’s our year!”
    Lulu: “What are you talking about? You’re not tigers.”
    Charlee: “Sure we are. Just little ones.”
    Lulu: “EXTREMELY little ones. And you’re not orange. You’re not striped.”
    Chaplin: “We’re tigers on the inside.”
    Charlee: “Yep. Rawr.”

  15. Mine Mommy was in a tither yesterday and forgot about this special day, not good as Tigers are her favorite animal … now she must hurry to these sites you’ve linked to check everything out! Thank you!

  16. Happy Year of the Tiger and hope you got some Chinese food from Mom or not ~ may not be good for you ~ Great post ~ Xo

    Wishing you love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

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