Penny’s Tips Volume 108

Thank you all for the kind words and condolences for Ethel’s kittens. I am hoping to get her and Carol fixed today. I don’t know if it is too soon for Ethel ,but I want to bring her so she can be checked as I have heard when a mother cat loses kittens she can get a breast infection from not nursing. They are so afraid. I will be glad when the fixing part is over with so I can hopefully build their trust.

And now for Penny-

Hi everyone! Sorry you had to put up with Nosey Rosie the past two weeks.  My tip today is about Amazon Prime Day. I don’t know why they call it day when it is actually two days long, June 21-22. So you still have time to get some deals.

If you don’t have Amazon Prime, you can get a free month long trial so why not start today so you can get those deals. Mom signed up yesterday. She ordered a fit-bit like watch for under $30, excuse me for a second while I laugh. I am curious to see if she even takes 100 steps a day- MOL!

She is also excited that she can access the Amazon Prime videos because the new season of Mad About You that Spectrum ran last year is finally available on there so she can binge watch it. Dad is not so excited about that, he was never a fan of that show.

There are a lot of pet supplies on sale, on the left hand side of the deals page, you can click on what you are looking for and pet supplies are on there.

Did you already score some deals?

We are joining  Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop

We are not an affiliate- they rejected us, but I like to keep my fans in the know when it comes to saving money.




  1. Hoping Ethel checks out okay and the spays go well. Thank you Penny for the tips, you are looking pretty today! We did get some deals on cat food, which works out really well as I like to keep a good supply around. XO

  2. My human already has Amazon Prime and she loves it. She is a fan of the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and that is really the only show she ever watches. And she loves being able to order something on a whim and not have to worry about shipping. She did get something during Amazon Prime, but it is for me. Anyone who follows her (not me) on Facebook will know what it is.

  3. I finally went to Prime a few months ago and the worst part is, I never remember I have that now! I need to go over and see about pet supplies!

  4. Thanks for your tips Penny. You know Penny, you really need to be nice to Rosie, your human Mom and everyone else. You never know when they’re going to give you help, food, treats and toys.
    Please be Kind to all Penny. That’s our tip for you.
    We think your Mom will pass 100 steps with her fit bit.

  5. Thanks for the tips, Penny! And I’m sure mom will do just fine with her steps. Just running around and caring for all of you is plenty of exercise! xo

  6. The mom has looked but hasn’t bought anything yet on Prime Days. But she still has today! Good luck with Carol and Ethyl…I’m purring for them.

  7. Thanks for the tips, Penny. I’ve had Amazon Prime for a few years and love it. Sending hugs and support for Ethyl and Carol.

  8. We are crossing our fingers that things turn out ok for Ethel and Carol. We didn’t find any Prime deals yet, but you never know, something could pop up today.

  9. I hope all goes well with the kitties. Thanks for the tip Penny. I’m on the 30 day free trial right now on Amazon Canada.

  10. Hope all works out with Ethel and Carol. I am sure all will be good. Penny, we have Amazon Prime and have watched Mad About You. I’m a little foggy about it, I think I was sleepy. I liked Mad About you when it was new and fresh back in the day. Not sure about the revival. We shop Amazon Prime every month for what we call maintenance items. But Target has been getting our attention lately. Shop online pick it up in less than 4 hours and they are five minutes away. I don’t think we would give up on Amazon though.

  11. We’ve had Amazon Prime for years. For what it costs you get so much back. Free shipping and lots of movies. We love Amazon Prime. Great tip for those that was to try this service out.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Penny. I’m glad you’re back. Scritches all around and a hug to mom. ♥

  12. I don’t have Amazon Pwime, mostly cuz I don’t have good cwedit. I offered to pay chawge cawd wif Temptations, but I was told I’m a bad cwedit wisk. So sad. Love, Dori

  13. Guud Luck to Carol an Ethel today…Hopeully Ethel can bee fixed an then not get innfection! Poor Ethel; shee bin thru far too much hasn’t shee?? Wee hope efurrything goess smoothly fore all of youss’ Miss Ellen!
    Penny you give such guud tipss….LadyMew has nevurr shopped Ammyzon…long story butt maybe eone day 😉
    **purrss** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} LadyMew

  14. Hope the mother and babies will be ok soon!
    so far we are NOT enamored with Amazon Prime- it’s video site sucks big time : it’s not intuitive and where are the instructions on use? Cannot find the search button and when you call for help no one speaks English very well. We are new to streaming as we’d only used Netflix and it was easy compared to this. We fired Netflix as after awhile they stopped having the movies/series we enjoyed.

    1. The kittens did not survive, but the mama is fine. Sorry you are having trouble with the video. I have only watched Mrs. Maisel on there and now Mad About You> XO

  15. Will admit to ordering more things online in the past year than I ever have, but am not in the market for much from Amazon.
    I did get a really cool folding scythe from there a few years ago; I can cut down plants in the garden with ease!

  16. I hope all goes well with Ethel and Carol. I used to love Mad About You. I need to check out the new season. I’ve been browsing the Amazon Prime sales. I don’t really need anything, but I’m looking 🙂 Have a great day!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 We watched the first one last night and enjoyed it. Hope you had a great day. XO

  17. We hope everything goes smoothly for Carol and Ethel.

    We need to get Mom looking for something to buy. She has credit with Amazon Prime to use at this sale.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. Oh I am so sad about the kittens. I pray for Ethel and hope you can get the girls fixed soon. Ethel will need to heal but I would be careful watching her for any sign of infection. amazon prime is a favorite for me. There were lots of goodies but I found a sheet set. I know, I am boring! Their warehouse is so close we get packages really quickly. I know they are everywhere, like Wal-Mart but more convenient. ALways love the helpful tips. What a blessing all your helpers are to you. Have a ownderful evening.

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