Penny’s Tips Volume 105

Hi everyone! Back in January, I offered to read your fortunes with playing cards so I thought I would do that again. I was surprised that some of you didn’t have any in your home. Mom said The Dollar Tree has some cute kitty ones and they also have giant sized ones for kids like Vampirina and Frozen.

In case you forgot how to do it, I will refresh your memories.

First, you think of a question you have. Don’t tell me, it is not my business. Next shuffle the cards and break them into 4 piles. Then put them back together.

I am posting the same photo from January to show you how to place the cards and what they represent.

I am just showing how to place them 1-4.

  1. Ace-represents where you are now,

2. represents what is influencing you right now.

3. represents your past.

4. represents the future.

If you want to play, you just need to tell me the cards you pulled in the right order.  And I will respond to every one of you in the comments within 24 hours ( probably sooner).

Make you you stop by to see my friend Marv today, he offers weekly horoscopes for Cats.  Click here.

We are joining  Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop

The Great One invited Joanie to come over to her house for a play date today- better her than me. 🙂

I am working on a post of Freebies for Father’s Day.


      1. 2 of spades is where you are now- this is a minor card, wistfullness and comes up when there is a minor problem.
        Queen of diamonds- represents what is influencing you-a brown haired green-eyed woman-someone fun and interesting.
        10 hearts is your immediate past- wonderful rewards- prosperity, romance and love.
        Ace of clubs-future-Major transformation about to take place, usually a goal you are pursuing.
        Hope it all makes sense. Thanks for playing along. XO

  1. How fun! We don’t have playing cards here right now. (But we will – more will be revealed!) So it will be interesting to see what everyone else comes up with.

  2. My cards are:
    1, 3 of Spades
    2, 8 of Diamonds
    3, 10 of Diamonds
    4, 3 of clubs

    1. 3 spades represents where you are now- a harsh card that indicates stubborness.
      8 diamonds, represents what is influencing you right now- Any dream is possible- a yes to any dream or project.
      10 diamonds- the immediate past- great fortune and great luck.
      3 clubs- the future- major responsibility with little or no reward.
      Thank you for playing. I hope you can make sense of this. I know you are not stubborn. XO

      1. Thanks for my reading. I have to admit I can be stubborn sometimes. Not obstinately stubborn though.
        We have been dreaming of the end of this pandemic like everyone else. I have taken the plunge and booked two short cruises for fully vaccinated UK only passengers. Hopefully with all the precautions it will be safe. So that is a dream to return to cruising even though there will be no port stops.
        II don’t know what the 10 Diamonds or 3 clubs refers too. The 3 of clubs makes me apprehensive.

        1. I am glad you booked some trips. It is nice to have something to look forward to. Don’t worry about the 3 of clubs. XO

  3. What fun that you’re a part-time fortune teller Penny. I’ll have to dig out my Mom’s cards from wherever they are and send you my four.

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. What with one thing and another I still didn’t get over there to buy any, but I will.

    1. 7 diamonds- where you are now- a new look. Now is a good time for something like a tattoo.
      2 spades-represents what is influencing you right now. this is a minor card, wistfullness and comes up when there is a minor problem.
      Jack hearts- immediate past -a light haired young person.
      2 diamonds- represents the future- a turn toward the better. This card comes up when when everything starts to go smoothly.
      Hope it all makes sense. Thanks for playing. XO

  5. Have fun with your fortune telling, Penny. And we hope the visit with the Great One and Joanie is extra special.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. How fun. I don’t have a deck of cards anywhere so I’d have to pull cards out of the air. What a fun exercise to go along with Marv’s pet horoscopes.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

    1. No, this is not like black jack, you can play. Nice to see you, I missed you. XO

  7. Wee hope Joanie an THE Grate One have a fun play date Miss Ellen!!
    Penny mee had LadyMew shovel….umm, no wait, shuffel THE cardss REELLY guud an ask her question. Then shee did 4 piless an did layout like Miss Ellen showed us….
    This iss fore reel an NO joke:
    card #1/where LadyMew iss now is Ace of Clubss
    card #2/what iss innfluence rite now iss Jack of Spadess
    card #3 card/THE past iss Ace of Diamondss
    card#4/THE future iss Ace of Spadess!
    LadyMew even tooked a foto if youss’ want to see it……shee sayss this iss THE weerdest layout efurr shee has had…..
    Wee await yore explanation with anty-cipayshun Penny an Miss Ellen/ Many thanx!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} LadyMew

    1. That is a lot of aces. I emailed you the answers when I saw the photo you sent. XO

  8. Penny I think you’re a magician, next to all your gifts 😉 Granny used these cards when she started to read cards, about 40 years ago, but she fell in love with Tarot cards very soon after and never used these cards anymore. Ever since she can’t play these normal cards anymore just to play, because she always reads something else than that it’s just a game…MOL…Magical Pawkisses to all of you🐾😽✨

  9. You are so talented Penny! All our playing cards have kitty tooth holes in them – MOL!

    1. We have one deck like that from our Angel Phoebe- we accused her of marking the cards. 🙂

  10. How fun! I didn’t even have to move – we have a few decks on the kitchen table. I can’t imagine not having cards! Here we go —
    10 Spades
    8 Clubs
    3 Hearts
    7 Hearts

    Thanks for the reading!

    1. The 10 of spades is where you are now- life has been difficult for a long time, but now things are improving.
      8 clubs is what is influencing you right now- don’t stop what you are doing- keep going.
      3 hearts is the immediate past- represents people outside your immediate circle, not close friends.
      7 hearts- your future- represents people from your past- possibly an old love.

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