Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone. Did you miss me last week?

Pardon my runny eye. That happens sometimes and I don’t like mom to clean it. I will get to it eventually.

I think my mom has lost her mind. She put up some Halloween decorations and had the girls bring costumes over today. She numbered some of the doors in the house 1-6 and her and dad handed out candy at each door. No treats for us kitties though, just candy and treats for The Great One and Typhoid Mary.  The Great One starts school ( 2nd grade) this week, but Typhoid Mary ( Kindergarten)doesn’t start until next week so she will be here again on Thursday.

Joanie dressed up as Elsa for “Halloween” to match Typhoid Mary then she switched to Snow White to match The Great One.

Typhoid Mary really likes Lola the artist so mom bought Lola some parents and some art.


Mom had some old skirts she was too fat to wear so she cut them into strips and sewed the strips together. Then she rolled it up like a ball of yarn and crocheted. She was trying to make a rag rug but ended up with a vase and some bowls.


Everyone has been behaving so I have no one to squeal on. Drat!


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. We think there was lots of fun and giggles happening att your house, Joanie! That is a pretty dress! Your Mom has great ideas to keep TGO and TM happy and active with their imaginations! And they are learning all kinds of good things, in the creativity department.

  2. We always miss you, Rosie, and wow, your mama crocheting with old clothes! WOW. That house is a bastion (whatever that is) of creativity. And the little girl-devils are such FUN.

  3. I always enjoy catching up with what is going on, Rosie. Sounds like everyone had a fun time.

  4. Never a dull moment is there Rosie! Sounds like Halloween came early at your house with costumes and candy behind every door… the girls liked that. Your Mom’s rag bowls are interesting but I just bet you cats would have had some fun on a rug made of rags.

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Dear Rosie, it’s great to see you and you’ve got lots of news to share. Love the crocheted vase. And here’s the thing, I think I’m going to turn the clock back 60 years and come to your house so I can have some fun playing. This sounded like an exciting day to me.

  6. I think I’ll follow Lynn and Precious’s lead and turn back MY time to join the girls. I hope there is some Reeses Peanut butter cups behind door number 4. I’ll follow my hunch and go there first!

  7. On our way home from the post office the other day we went by a home that was all decked out with Halloween stuff. I think it was 100 degrees out too. Made me smile.

    No treats for the kitties? Not right at all.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and a hug to mom. ♥

  8. You had a lot to share today, Rosie. We cna’t believe you celebrated Halloween already. But we bet the girls loved it.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Wee DID miss you last week Rosie!!! Efurryone beehaved??? Iss guud fore Aunty Ellen butt bad fore yore Gabfest….
    An meowin about Aunty Ellen shee iss so creeative makin a vase an bowlss from skirtss….how doess shee due it Rosie?? Iss like magick!
    An meowin about Magick……iss only end of August an youss’ have Halloweeny decko’ss up??? Mew mew mew Aunty iss so funny!!!
    Joanie iss such a guud Kitty to dress up fore THE LITTLESS….not many Kittiess wuud allow themselfss to bee dressed 😉
    Concats to THE Little’ss fore startin Grade Two an Kindygarten!
    ~~~~head rubss~~~~BellaDharma~~~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Glad you missed me. Mom thanks you for the compliment, but she is not magic because she wanted a rug and ended up with bowls and a vase. 🙂 XO

  10. Awwdorable Rosie, we think the Full Moon brings out the ghost in us…MOL…We love the little puppets, we have never seen them before…at least not as far the memory of Granny goes😸 How do you call them? Great craftswork of your talented mom😎Extra Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞

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