Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day


Today is a special day, Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. Deborah Barnes ( The Chronicles of Zee  & Zoey)  founded Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day in 2015, in tribute to her beloved Mr. Jazz who went to The Rainbow Bridge in 2013. It is a day to honor all our furbabies that are no longer with us. They truly do leave pawprints on our hearts.

It seems like every year I have more to add to this list. My heart has been broken so many times, but all my current kitties help piece it back together.  Since last year’s post, Drake and Emmy have left us.

And I will never get over losing my sweet Sammy in 2022.





My first cat, KaChoo (1994-2010)
Brina was originally my sister’s cat, but I adopted her in 2004. (1994-2011)

Barney left us in 2013, she showed up in the barn around 2003. Katie was my father-in-law’s dog that we inherited in 1999, she went to The Bridge in 2011.

And I can’t forget my hubby’s cat, Patches ( 1980-1999). She got me started on loving cats. I still need to scan a photo of her.

Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays


  1. I’m so sorry about your losses, Ellen, and those of others. I am missing many myself and I know how hard it is. XO

  2. Ellen, I love how you used all your kitties’ angel badges. You are probably the only person who has loved and lost more kitties than we have. And I know every single one of them was special. Sending love and hugs today as you remember. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  3. You have been Mom to so many sweet cats and a few pups for so many years and sadly the more you have – the more losses you have too. We know though that those you have given homes to have had the most wonderful life they could have….and you have a whole host of Angels watching over you now and always!

    Love, Pam and Teddy too

  4. I see all these pictures of all these beautiful cats that are not living with you right now, but I think they had a wonderful home and where would they have gone if it had not been for you.

  5. I remember all the babies since I first met them and you. Today is a good day to remember them. XX

  6. The more there are, the more you open your heart to … the more you have to lose. Heart breaking. Yet one cannot forget that also means the more love there is to give, and to receive, heart warming, as it should be. Blessings to you Ellen for caring for so many, blessings to all your angels.

  7. A beautiful remembrance of all of the sweet angels that have left us. I’ve lost several kitties too and miss all of them. 💖

  8. Awww, sweet remembrance of so many kitties! My daughter who lives in Maine kitty crossed the rainbow bridge last month. It was really hard on her and harder on us since we couldn’t be there for her. It broke my heart. I know how much she loved her Copper. Thanks for the prayers for my daddy. He’s doing better every day and is truly a miracle! Have an awwwesome week, dear friend!

  9. Ellen you are a treasure with love and giving that love to so many kitties ~ you are blessed. ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. You have been blessed with so many lovely angels to fill your heart with beloved memories. They truly are missed. Love and purrs from Deb, the Zee/Zoey gang, and Purr Prints of the Heart.

  11. So many precious babies that have gone to the bridge. Beautiful post of remembrance.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around and a hug to mom. ♥

  12. Oh, Ms E, this was a teary blog for us and you are so kind to post the photos of such sweet furbabies who have moved on. We kitties are very appreciative of your kindness.

  13. Shame on our Mom for not remembering to honor our Angels on this day. So sad to see so many but so good to at least have the happy memories.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. You have had so many beautiful kitties, Ellen. Hugs and love to you as you remember all their precious souls. They were truly blessed to have you.

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