Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest

Hi everyone! I am here again with all the latest news from my house.

As you can see, I have Mardi Gras beads. I did not do anything to earn them. I am a good girl and I let mom put them on me. Actually, she caught me half asleep so I couldn’t run. I was plum tuckered after a day of hiding from the Great One and Typhoid Mary. They didn’t even get a glimpse of me. I did manage to spy on them and get some photos of their fairy gardens before they took them home.

The Great One made a clay snail for hers, but he is larger than the fairies so he is kind of scary.


Typhoid Mary ‘s had a lot going on including a door with a marble handle.
And Mom made a little snail and mushroom out of clay.


And I know a secret. The kids were only supposed to have one sweet each, but I know they had more than that because they were indoor camping and mom made s’mores. And she said, ” what happens when you’re camping stays camping.”

So today is a day to eat lots of bad stuff and wear beads. I want to know when I get to eat some yummy treats now that I have the beads.

Joanie and Gremmie

They also want to know where their treats are.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop


  1. Wow Rosey! Fairy gardens, Mardi Gras beads, s’mores, treats; sounds like y’all took “Laissez Les bon temps rouler” seriously! XO

  2. Rosie! You are so lucky that you got Mardi Gras Beads! The Great One, Typhoid Mary and Your Mom sure made some sweet fairy gardens. I LIVE the snails. We had snails in the garden in Vancouve, I’m glad you put them in your gardens. Keep being awesoime! Purrs Marvelous Marv and Mom

  3. OH, those creative kids, lordy, lordy, and their amazing teacher….Ms E, you are giving those kids a lifetime of knowledge and creativity. Lucky kids, mama says, and she wishes more kids could grow up with someone like you.

  4. Those Fairy gardens are pretty. I hope you all got your treats for wearing the beads.

  5. You’re all so creative. We ould like to have a Fairy garden too, we love Fairies💗Joanie and Gremmie made us MOL…sure they want to know that…MOL…The mardi gras looks great on all of you😺Double Pawkisses for a Great Day to all of you🐾😽💞

  6. There’s always something FUN going on with The Great One and Typhoid Mary are visiting! Everyone did a great job on their fairy gardens and I suppose since they were so busy you all got more rest than usual when they visit. Nothing bad about that!

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. Rosie, you look so purrfectly beautiful in your colored Mardi Gras beads. Thanks for showing us the fairy gardens, Lynn says that would be a great project during the winter because it’s so yucky otherwise. Precious

  8. What a fun day your mom had with the little ones. You’re good at hiding too.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to all the kitties an a hug to mom. ♥

  9. Charlee: “Hiding from visitors is definitely exhausting. I had to do it a lot over the last year while Mama and Dada’s shower was getting fixed. There’s not much of a view from under the sofa.”
    Chaplin: “Hey, I wonder if our friend Producer Smurf would want to buy one of those fairy gardens and move in. They’re a lot fancier than his mushroom house and he’s always looking to be more upscale!”

  10. Love the fairy gardens – very interesting and colorful – big smiles for the artists who created them.
    All the kitties look beautiful in their beads! <3

  11. Mew mew mew Joanie you have Aunty ‘banged two ritess’ there!! Time to give out treetss Aunty Ellen 😉
    Rosie you look lovelee inn THE beedss! An so due you Friday!!!
    Efurryone’ss Fairy Garden iss lovely….wee ADOOR THE marble door handell….
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

  12. Looks like a festive day for human and cat alike! Hope you all enjoy the fun and get lots of your favorite treats 😺

  13. Rosie, great work on the photos of the fairy houses… they are all super cute! Your Mom loves having them there and of course she would make s’mores if they were playing indoor camping… hahaha, and who can eat just one? Friday, Joanie, AND Gremmie all festive with their beads!!! Hang in there Rosie, maybe Grammie is gonna dispense the treats!

  14. Happy Mardi Gras, Rosie! Your beads are so pretty.

    We love those fairy gardens. How fun they must have been to make. We would for sure be scared of the giant snail if we were those fairies. MOL

    As for those smores … just by default, you can’t even keep count of them, since they are like the nachos of the world of sweets. They are all stuck together, so they count as ONE. Just saying.

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