It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?


Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?

I should call it Owww Monday. I picked up Tuffy yesterday and he is safely here, but currently hiding. It took me almost an hour to catch him and I got scratched and bit. Luckily, I am still on antibiotics from Drake’s bite from over 2 months ago. Tuffy is sweet, he is just truly feral and afraid. I hope to get photos soon. Right now, he is under the futon in the room his mother and aunts live. I hope he comes downstairs to the living room tonight when they do. I will keep the camera in the hall to try to get some photos when I get up during the night.

When I found out Neal Wooten had a book about to be published, I immediately pre ordered the kindle version on Amazon. Neal Wooten owns Mirror Publishing, the company that published my two children’s picture books. He made my dreams come true as well as countless others, so I was thrilled that one of his dreams has come true.

His book, With the Devil’s Help: A True Story of Poverty, Mental Illness and Murder is part memoir and part true crime. From the first chapter I was pulled in to learn more about his family. He grew up in a poor family in Alabama and suffered abuse at the hands of his father. Despite that he managed to become successful and remain kind instead of continuing the abuse into another generation.

The murder in the story gives this memoir extra interest as well as a surprise twist at the end. I only wish the book was longer and told more of how Neal managed to succeed in life. He tells some in the epilogue, but I would love a second memoir. I highly recommend this to anyone that likes memoirs, true crime or just an overcoming the odds story.  For ordering info, click here

I am also reading Passed and Present: Keeping Memories of Loved Ones Alive by Allsion Gilbert. I have decided to make it my mission the The Great One and Typhoid Mary never forget their Grammie Ness. One thing I plan to do is have a throw made for each of them with some of her clothes. This book has many other ideas to preserve memories of loved ones that are no longer with us.

Sorry, this was wordier than most of my posts. Thank you for reading it.  Rosie will be here tomorrow- maybe she will get a photo of Tuffy.



  1. Yikes, I’m sorry you were bitten and scratched, Ellen. Ferals can be challenging kitties. That Neil Wooten book sounds really interesting and I’m surprised I hadn’t heard of it before. I usually hear about everything written in this state. XO

  2. I’m sure Tuffy will feel home soon an that the bitey and scratchy will be over in time and that you heal purroperly🙏Sounds like a good plan about the remembrance💗Double Pawkisses from us to you🐾😽💞

  3. I hope the bite and scratches heal well. I am glad you have Tuffy safely home now and he realises he has a good home with his family.

  4. So glad Tuffy is there with you – it just will take some time adjusting to and TRUSTING the new home but it will happen! Sounds like a really wonderful idea to make throws for the girls from their Grandma’s clothing – a REAL memory to snuggle with and love forever.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  5. All lovely ideas and yes, do keep memories alive for the darlings and others. There used to be a quilting group in my grandmother’s day who would put together quilts for a small donation to their church,,,gone are the days, but I had one of the amazing hand-quilted jewels from my mama and I gave it to Don’s ex! Whom I love as a dear friend. You are never wordy…

  6. I know you have lots of patience and Tuffy will be ok and so will the scratches. (hugs) I like the idea of the memory throw. The book also sounds interesting 😻

  7. I’m glad you got Tuffy, but sorry that you got scratched and bitten. He’ll come around because he has a wonderful mom that knows what to do.

    You read sounds good. I’m currently reading Overkill by Sandra Brown. Hard to put it down it’s so good.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all your precious kitties. ♥

  8. Charlee: “I hide under the sofa too sometimes when people are over. I hope Tuffy gets brave and comes out soon!”
    Chaplin: “That sounds like quite a memoir! Our Dada almost never reads nonfiction including memoirs, although he did read the biography of Steve Jobs. Right now he’s reading something called ‘Robopocalypse’ which is about how the robots try to destroy all humans after becoming sentient.”
    Lulu: “Oh that sounds like a nice relaxing story … NOT!”

    1. I rarely read fiction and when I do it must have a cat in it. 🙂 My husband fears that will happen someday. Like Terminator.

  9. We are purring that Tuffy learns to be less bitey, although Sweetie still bites after all of these years, but she’s only got four teeth so I am not in danger.
    Four authors that I follow came out with new books: 2 last week, 2 this week…I’m reading as fast as I can!
    Stupid 9 to 5 job…gets in the way of my books!

    1. He only bit because I was trying to stuff him into a crate and he was scared. Sorry work is cutting into your reading time. 🙂 XO

  10. Dog bites are one of the most painful things. But cat bites? Sinister. They can get infected a week or two after the bite. As you are experiencing, they last forever! I hope you heal soon. Bless you for caring for them. And I am fascinating by Wooten and will be getting the book Friday.

  11. Yikes ~ so sorry about your scratches and bites ~ Tuffy will settle in ~ in time hopefully ~ healings hugs to all ~ Xo ~ The mystery/memoir book sounds like a great read ~ and ‘playing it forward’ is always wonderful ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Ellen,

    I’m sorry I failed to mention our trip. It sort of slipped my mind in the midst of things falling apart and making travel plans. Perhaps, we won’t stay away from Maine so long next time and we’ll have an opportunity to meet face to face. 🙂

    Thanks for telling your readers about Neal. I saw where his book was up for preorder but forgot all about it with things being so crazy on this end. He’s a gifted story teller. The Amazon snippet sounds intriguing.

    Another new kitty?! How exciting and dangerous, too. lol Have a marvelous week, dearie!

  13. Mee-yow aunty Ellen you are so furry tallented!! THE quilt idea soundss amazin!!
    Yore amazin!!!!
    Mistur Neal’ss book soundss so innterestin…THE sort of book BellaSita wuud reed.
    Wee JUST reeceived THE 7th book inn “Riverss Of London” seeriess!
    It iss called “Liess Sleeping”…BellaSita has red ferst 2 chapturss to mee an it iss furabuluss!
    Mee has mee pawss crossed that Tuffy will clam down an ree-alize hee iss now safe with all of youss’…..
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  14. Passed and Present sounds great, I made a quilt about my mother to pass on to her grandchildren and hopefully keep her alive in their hearts.

  15. I always have lots of words at my blog. So I love hearing others with lots of words too! So many good things and sweet meowing too. Roger, our son-in-law came home yesterday from the hospital. They made a HUGE error in diagnosis and nearly …well I just have lost so much faith in medicine since 2020. I worked with doctors over 32 years and they are simply human, no perfect people, but when making a grave error on a loved one, it sends a chill down my spine. Grateful he was in God’s hands for it all. Glad he is recuperating nicely at home, as well as he is able with the original diagnosis. Thanks for the prayers. Love & Hugs across the miles.

  16. I am so sorry you were scratched and bitten but I do understand how much you love caring for all the kitties. I hope you heal nicely. The book sounds terrific. We love your kids books over here so thank you always for those! I always like a new read. Take care and hope you all have a wonderful new week. HUGS & PRAYERS

  17. This post is just right! I do hope Tuffy settles down and begins to enjoy being your cat very soon.

    Working to keep your sister’s memory alive to her two grandchildren is a wonderful way to celebrate her legacy. While i never met my Sweetie’s mother (she died 6 years before i met him), i’ve heard a lot about her. During her final illness, she took all of her dresses except the one she wanted to be buried in and cut them into patches and sewed 3 quilt tops, one for each child. Sweetie’s sister took the tops to a professional quilter to be finished and his quilt is one of Sweetie’s most treasured possessions.

  18. Glad you have Tuffy. Hope he realizes he’s in a safe place and settles in soon. I like your idea of the throw made out of the clothing.

  19. Poor Tuffy! he is scared! Mom says that I, Marvelous am still feral. I do appreciate the finer things that civilization has to offer and I can be affectionate and I still love to bite Mom. I don’t bite as hard as I used too (most of the time). Mom is reading 3 books right now. One is an Alternative Universe Fantasy book, a Who Dunnit Mystery book and a non-fiction James Geary book, Wit’s end – it is about what wit is, how it works and why we need it. And she is also listening th the Wheel of Time series Audio Books, she is on book 11 of 14, she says it helps when she is painting and canning. Keep being awesome Ellen! Barb

  20. Thanks Ellen. Great blog. More in line with this blog, let me mention I also have recently taken in three stray dogs, have two feral cats that live here (they don’t act feral around me), and I feed a lot of possums. I recently raised a little possum that had fallen off its mother and its back legs didn’t work. I wrote a kid’s book about her called “The Adventures of Blossom: the Handicapped Opossum.”

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