It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?

Hi everyone! Today is International Cat Day. So be sure to spoil your cat(s) today. Of course, you should do that every day.

Our friend, Stunning Keisha is the official spokescat for today:



We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?

I just finished Rosa Silva’s latest book, Single with Cat. I always enjoy her books, and this one was no exception.

*Disclaimer: I received a free e-copy of Single with Cat in exchange for a fair review. All opinions are my own.


Olivia is approaching 40, and single, with a cat named Chili. She gives up her job to move from Lisbon, Portugal back to her small hometown where her mother is always trying to keep her thin and help her find a man. She runs into problems when she plans to reopen her beloved grandmother’s bookstore, but finds out a lot of money is owed to the bank.

Other problems include getting off to a bad start with her very handsome neighbor and being disliked by a lady who didn’t like her grandmother. I enjoyed reading how she found solutions to these problems. This was a fun, feel good read I recommend to all cat lovers. It is available in paperback or kindle on Amazon- click here


Rosie hopes she is awww..worthy now that she got Gremmie to move.




  1. Rosie, you are Awww… worthy
    I’m getting ready to start a new book called Rescue Mission by Lynette Eason in Large Print.

  2. The book does sound good, Ellen. I really enjoyed another book by this author, The Black Cat Who Only Wanted to be Loved. I love Stunning Keisha’s photo montage too. Rosie is a cutie pie! XO

  3. Rosie is always aww worthy. That sounds like a nice book to read.

  4. Just bought it, or rather, didn’t, as it was free! Will read. Couldn’t comment on the Keisha website…so complicated. I clicked the button to comment and nothing happened. All sorts of messages such as check your blogger status, etc and it was just too difficult to comment. Want to, however! Am on last Poirot book, then will take a look at your suggestion.

  5. Rosie nailed the Awww today. All your kitties are awww worthy.

    Great book review and it’s great that Keisha is the spokescat for today. What an honor.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. xoxo ♥

  6. I have heard of that book. I have a fondness for books about bookstores so I may just put it on my to-read list! Thank you.

  7. Mostly what I’m reading today are blog posts but for much of the summer I’ve weeded through duplicate files on my computer. I’m making great progress but still many miles to go before I can say the job is done. 🙂

  8. OH NO!
    I didn’t read your post, because I want to read Rosa Silva’s book without any spoilers.
    I just finished a 24-book series written by Anne Perry, and have launched onto another series written by Gytha Lodge, which is really good!

  9. Deerest Rosie girl you are ALLWAYSS AWWWW-WERTHY!!!
    Aunty Ellen that does sound like a fun an innterestin book!
    BellaSita iss reedin “THE Third Grave” bye Miss Lisa Jackson…iss a who-dun-it!
    It has alot of twistss an ternss an thanxfullee NO Zombeess’!!!
    Mew mew mew…
    Happy reedin Aunty Ellen!!!
    **nose rubss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Sistur…

  10. This book sounds like a lot of fun, and it’s now on my to-read list. Thank you for sharing it with us! And happy International Cat Day to all of you precious kitties!

  11. Charlee: “Our Dada is now reading something called ‘Redemption Ark’, which is the sequel to something he read a while back called ‘Revelation Space’. He says that unfortunately he doesn’t really remember what happened in ‘Revelation Space’ at this point, but he’s hoping it’ll come back to him …”

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