It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?


Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?

Joanie is posing with the 2 books that I am currently reading.

These 2 books are oldies from 1971 and 1990. They are both about Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet. I had not heard of him until two weeks ago. When my hubby and I delivered some pussy willows to a woman we know who is in her 90’s, she mentioned using castor oil on her hands to help with arthritis. She referred to it as Edgar Cayce’s cure and how he was known as the sleeping prophet. My mom has arthritis in her hands so I thought I would delve further into it.

Edgar Cayce ( 1877-1945) was a mix of psychic, medium, healer and much more. Edgar Cayce: Modern Prophet: Edgar Cayce on Prophecy; Religion and Psychic Experience; Mysteries of the Mind; Reincarnation by Mary Ellen Carter and Edgar Evans Cayce is actually 4 books in one dealing with different aspects of his gifts. He was Christian and refers to that often which makes me more interested and apt to believe he had all these gifts.

I am just starting Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet by Jess Stearn so I don’t have much to say about it yet, but I am eager to read more about his talents like going into a trance to figure out a person’s physical ailments. He also predicted both World Wars, global warming and so much more. I can’t believe I had not heard of him before. Did any of you know about him?


There is a website, Edgar Cayce’s Association, where you can read about holistic treatments and anything else you want to know about him. Click here. 


  1. Oh yes I know of Mr. Cayce…..many years ago when I first got interested in “all things psychic” I read about him and his considerable gifts. Bet those are good books – or at least super interesting books. How very nice of you and David to deliver pussywillow bouquets to people – they are so CHEERY I know they bring a smile to those who are lucky enough to get those from you!

    Hugs, Pam

  2. I have not heard of this person that this interest me very much. I will be looking to see if I can find anything at the library about him or by him. Thanks a lot.

  3. Yupper. I read about him somewhere in my early years, Very early. Sure enough did,

  4. Joanie looks very seriously about the books! I heard of Edgar Cayce many years ago. I think I still have a couple of his books. It’s been a long time since I read anything from him. xo

  5. Joanie ~ sweet photo of you dear fur person and such intriguing reads ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Oh yes, Edgar Cayce…what a phenomenon! Fascinating stuff.
    I finished “The Drifty” by C. J. Tudor this weekend; not for the faint of heart, yet a carefully crafted, well-written story. I’ve enjoyed everything this author has written.

  7. Charlee: “Our Dada is reading something called ‘The Nothing Within’ which he says appears to be about a nanotech and biotech apocalypse. Or something cheerful like that. He says he has heard of Edgar Cayce many years ago but can’t remember where from. Maybe from reading ‘Ripley’s Believe It Or Not’.”
    Chaplin: “Ripley wrote books? I thought she just fought aliens.”
    Oona: “I’ll fight aliens!”
    Chaplin: “No you won’t.”

  8. You’re most adorable, Joanie.

    Books are so wonderful. We can visit people and places and never leave our comfortable chair.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to mom. ♥

  9. Lookin mitey cute there Joanie!!
    Aunty Ellen ternss out BellaSita Mum nose all ’bout Mistur edgar an shee red all hiss bookss inn her teenss an used alot of what hee meowed as a guide….
    Discovurrin a new purrson iss purrty kewl rite>
    AS fore bookss: BellaSita furinally finished “THE Last Trial” bye Mistur Scott Turow….it was furry tecknical an yet innterestin an deetailed 550 page story….
    Bella Sita iss now reedin “Inn Zanesville” set inn THE 70’ss an told bye a 14 yeer old girl…..iss sorta quirky an funny an sad an much easier to reed 😉
    Bookss are so kewl aren’t they?
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. Very cool that Bella Sita knows all about Mr. .Cayce. I wish he had some cures for her pains. Those books sound interesting.XO

  10. I hadn’t heard of Edgar Cayce, but I have heard about the castor oil.
    Emu oil…pure oil, not in a cream, works too.(Healthfood stores)
    The best castor oil is Jamaica Black, apparently its the most potent.

    I have both, but I do better with celadrin cream, (Healthfood stores), and another called penetrex…(Walmart), as well as CBD Balm, (Healthfood stores), in a roll on applicator.

    I use those on my toes as well, and sometimes my neck and shoulders and elbow… I have a lot of ouch places sometimes.
    Not eating nightshade family foods helps too…a lot! (Tomatoes, Potatoes, bell peppers, egg plant, etc). Consumption of a lot of commercial vegetable oils is bad and inflammatory as well. (Extra virgin olive oil, Avocado oil, are the best, cold pressed.) Coconut oil, is good too. Those are the only oils we consume.

    Sorry for the blabbing…LOL!

    1. Thank you for all this information. I will look for the Jamaica Black for my mom. XO

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