Hopping Saturday and a Challenge

Happy Saturday everyone- time to get  hopping. I am once again using the same photo for 2 hops.WrrOowtThe Lazy Pit Bull’s 52 Snapshots theme is “Nature”. My kitties are indoors so we don’t have any nature shots. I saw this rainbow on pho.to and decided to add a rainbow to Phoebe’s photo because her purrince calls her his rainbow purrincess. I am also joining Athena’s Caturday Blog Hop with this photo too.

52 Snapshots of Life

Our friends at Critters in the Cottage (http://crittercottageakaacacophonyofsounds.blogspot.com/2015/07/eightish-photos-of-happiness.html )

challenged us to find 8 photos that bring us happiness. I LOVE photos, some make me sad of kitties that have passed, but many photos make me happy. I would have included one with my Mom, but she doesn’t like her photo on Facebook or anywhere. Most of my photos are kitties, but there are some humans too.

wedpic26#1 My niece and her husband–they got married 9-7-2013 , they just  bought a home and are expecting their first child in October. I am happy that she is getting all she wants out of life and has a wonderful man to spend it with.

007#2 My hubby makes me happy and the fact that he loves the cats and our life with them.

#3 008My Silly Phoebe who is the real owner of the blog.

#4 003My Joanie cat ( named after my Mom). Here she is recreating The Nutcracker Ballet.

#5 houseOur House-My hubby lived here since 1980, it was built in 1947 for his Aunt and Uncle. I have been here since 1992 and we never plan to move. Just enough room for us and 15 cats.

#6 008My Sammy, a Mama’s Boy that sleeps on my pillows every night.

#7 002My Lucy, she lets me dress her up all the time and is usually right next to me or on my lap.

#8 001Prancie, she is one of several of our kitties that showed up at our door and I am happy she ( and the rest of them) did.

It was a challenge to limit to 8 photos when we have 15 kitties. Please join the fun and post 8 Happy photos on your blog too!

We are also joining The Pet Parade New Pet Parade button 200x200

Don’t forget to comment for a chance to win the book,  I Could Pee on This.  Phoebe will announce the winner tomorrow and of course we will add some catnip toys to the prize.



  1. What a wonderful group of photos. It’s always fun to look back and be reminded of all the happy things in life.

    1. You are very sweet and your being our friends makes me and all the kitties happy . XO and lots of love too.

  2. Photos #3 and #4 absolutely cracked us up. And #6 was totally precious. We have this challenge to do as well, and Mom is wondering how she will narrow it down to eight photos. Hope to see y’all for Sunday Selfies tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the photos, it was hard to narrow it down- I was tempted to make collages 🙂 We will be hopping with you :)Can’t wait to see your 8 photos.

    1. Thank you 🙂 It is a fun book, maybe you will win. Happy Caturday and Sammy says hi buddy, he can’t wait to visit you. We are expecting Flat Sam home today and he will ship out again Monday.

        1. Sammy just got home today and he will ship out again tomorrow after a good night’s sleep 🙂

    1. Thank you – I love that photo of Phoebe doing the RCA dog to the extreme. She says thanks for the compliment.

  3. What a lovely post today. WE enjoyed all the things in the photos that make you happy!

    Happy Caturday!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping and Mr Jinx

  4. I enjoyed seeing the photos that you bring you happiness and can definitely understand why. 🙂

    Phoebe is definitely a rainbow princess!

    1. I agree. Whenever I get photos developed there are usually only 2 people ones to about 20 kitty ones. 🙂

  5. Those were all so wonderful! And we are impressed that you were able to select eight and only eight! I know how difficult that is when you have a large family and we couldn’t quite do it…almost but no cigar! Your house is our Mama’s favourite colour 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. It was difficult- I almost made collages, but I thought that would be cheating 🙂 Blue is my favorite color too!

  6. I should talk my mom into this challenge… eight photos that make me happy, she will curse me for that… I have thousands photos of me… let the search begin..

  7. Love the photos! Some great ones with cat fashion, and any fashion is near and dear to my heart! LOL Love that you love your life, where you live and, of course, your 15, count ’em, 15! kitties. 🙂 The one’s you shared are beautiful. Love Phoebe’s pose and that fetching look on her face.

    1. Thank you 🙂 I love to dress my kitties. Thanks for visiting. I wish I could have showed all 15 for the challenge.

  8. Rainbow Purrincess Phoebe!!! Luv thiss foto!! mee saved it so mee can look at it all thee time!
    An well dun Lady Ellen on thee 8 fotoss of HAPPY…you did a grate job! Yur house iss so blue an cozy….mee wood LUV a house like that!!!
    Wishin all of youss’ a wunderfull week…
    ***paw kissess*** an <3 LUV <3 an ~~~head rubsss~~~
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Phoebe made the rainbow photo just for her purrince. She will have to make a photo for you and send it to you to add to your album. I am glad you like our 8 photos- it was hard to narrow down and I feel bad that some of the kitties got left out. XOXOXOX Phoebe sends her love and so do I .

  9. My kitties don’t go out either. If they needed a nature photo I would have to take a snap of them next to a house plant!

    1. That would be a good idea 🙂 I am glad you keep your kitties inside where it is safe.

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