Hopping Saturday

Its Saturday and we are hopping.

Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. When I feel ___ I like to ____
  2. ____ is my favorite ____
  3. If I could add one thing to my house it would be ____
  4. I would plant ___ in my garden but not ___

My Answers:

1. When I feel SAD I like to SNUGGLE WITH A KITTY

2. NICOLAS CAGE in my favorite ACTOR

3. If I could add one thing to my house it would be A CATWALK(for the kitties, not the model kind)

4. I would plant LOTS OF SQUASH in my garden but not JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES OR FENNEL



https://i0.wp.com/www.thelazypitbull.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/52-Snapshots-of-Life-blog.jpg?w=800This week is teach and as you all know, you can’t actually teach a cat anything-they are smart enough πŸ™‚

019Phoebe keeps trying to teach Snowball to take a bath, but she ends up having to give her a bath instead. I think Snowball is a little lazy.


And last, but not least is Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. I went to Photofunia again because I find it the easiest, but first I had to go to Pizap to rotate my photo. This is a Warhol of a Warhol. Several years ago I purchased this blue cat purse at a tag sale for $1, it is a Warhol. My family refuses to be seen with me if I use it so it just sits in the closet and I came across it when I was getting out a purse to go to a wedding a couple of weeks ago. Someday I am going to use it in public.

Please visit Phoebe tomorrow she has something new and fun planned and hopes you will join.




  1. You put so much into your Saturday hops! It shows, too!
    I love squash, too.
    Poor Snowball. We have had some like that, who just let everyone else do the work. ❀

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I do love to hop almost as much as I love squash πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you . That is funny how some cats are lazy about cleaning up πŸ™‚

  2. Whoa! I didn’t know that Warhol painted cats but I should since TW went to the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh ten years ago.

    1. It sure is πŸ™‚ I have loved Nic Cage since 1985 in Peggy Sue Got Married.

  3. Wow! lots of hopping fun! And those was good questions…mes should borrow them for the finish the sentence game..
    I think Snowball LIKES being bathed and mes LOVES your Warhol of a Warhol! My Mommy would LOVES to gets her hand on one of those purses.

    1. That is a great idea- Hilary has been doing the fill-ins for years so if you check her site, you can find lots of them πŸ™‚ I looked on Amazon and your Mom could get a purse like that on Amazon, the price wasn’t too bad- about $15.

  4. When I feel _FAT__ I like to __EAT MORE__~ IZA
    BLOO____ is my favorite ___TOWEL COLOR ~ AYLA_
    If I could add one thing to my house it would be __MICE ~ MARLEY__
    I would plant _CATNIP__ in my garden but not __DOGNIP! ~ TBT_

    1. Good answers πŸ™‚ I like how you all took turns- you should post them on your blog and link up.

  5. I think Snowball is pretty smart – why do it yourself when there’s somebody who will do it for you?

  6. When I feel stressed I like to eat all the wrong (and yummy) things. LOL!
    Blue is my favorite color.
    If I could add one thing to my house it would be a heated greenhouse/sunporch.
    I would plant perennials (like catnip) in my garden but not many veggies, (cause the bugs get in there and the critters, too.)

    1. Great answers πŸ™‚ Blue is my favorite color too πŸ™‚ I have a blue house.

  7. Actually, some cats like my cat bro Bert can be taught. He comes on command, understands no, and sometimes even does down or stay. He thinks he is a dog. It is better for cats to teach each other though, like in your photo.

  8. This is a FULL Hop indeed! Love your “fill in the blanks” and the photo of Phoebe giving Snowball a bath……they both look quite happy with the arrangement so I suppose “whatever works” ??!! As for the blue purse – GO FOR IT!

    Hugs, sammy

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Right now Phoebe gets a break because Snowball had her summer cut. I should go for it with the bag.

  9. Well we all think your Warhol is the “cat’s meow”! Always love stopping by for your Caturday multi-hop, it is great!!!!
    Marty and the Gang

    1. I think you are right about Snowball Flynn. πŸ™‚ Glad you like the art- thank you.

  10. This is your Purrime Ministerettes of Planet Purrth serving all anipals except snakies.

    We thanking you for coming to PM Office and reading our bloggie so we here to saying thank you!

    You is very bootiful, Phoebe and Snowball. We salutes you.

    1. Thank you for visiting us, we plan to visit you daily πŸ™‚ It is nice to find more friends. Phoebe and Snowball say thank you.

  11. OMCs I would so love a cat walk toooooooooo. Geez that would be so cool to walk around the ceiling!
    Madi your bffffff

      1. Mee-you sweet Phoebe mee can see why all thee fur sibss adore an <3 LUV <3 you so-o much!!!
        ***paw kissess***
        Yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. Your art is exceptional this week. Mom has a purse with a cat from the Warhol Museum. We don’t mind if she uses it. It is back with a pink cat. We think Snowball knows she has a good thing going. Please join us tomorrow for Mother’s Day Sunday Selfies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Thank you for the selfie reminder. Glad you like our art and how cool your Mom has a Warhol purse too- hers sounds very nice.

  13. Hooray for squash! I don’t think I’d plant the others, either. But then, I don’t really have a garden… πŸ˜‰

    Good answers! Hope you’re having a fantastic weekend! πŸ™‚

  14. Looks like Snowball had better learn to bathe, or it’s another lion trim!
    Our Ivy got a couple of those. A wee fierce tuxedo lion she was.

    1. She has her lion trip now, but they went way too short with it. Thanks for visiting.

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